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Last Updated on October 31, 2023
Are there new trends in SEO for marketers? Why is SEO important for business? What artificial intelligence impacts will we see now and in the future? What SEO tips and best practices can be followed to stay ahead of the game. In today’s interview with SEO guru and Ubersuggest creator Neil Patel, we cover all these questions and more so that you can be fully equipped to utilize this powerful tool in your business.
Table of Contents
Anyone who follows my work will know that I am a bit of an SEO fan – I ditched social media, invested more time into SEO and have had amazing success driving organic traffic to my site and building a business with SEO. So if you think that SEO is just for traditional bloggers, think again.
Top experts themselves, including today’s guest, talk about the vital role that SEO plays in building an online presence. And while SEO principles and trends don’t change as quickly and often as social media algorithms, there are trends in 2023 to be aware of (especially when it comes to talking about how artificial intelligence impacts the industry).
As an SEO nerd, it’s no surprise that I was thrilled to chat with one of the top SEO gurus of our time: Neil Patel! In our conversation, Neil confirmed that SEO is for everyone who has a website, podcast, Youtube channel, even an Airbnb house to rent! And if you utilize it well, it will prove to be the most powerful tool you can invest in.
Neil is the creator of one of my favorite SEO tools, Ubersuggest, as well as the founder of several businesses like NP Digital.
You know his work has influenced the world greatly because his accolades are numerous: the Wall Street Journal calls him a top influencer on the web. Forbes says he’s one of the top 10 marketers in the world. Entrepreneur Magazine says he created one of the 100 most brilliant companies. He’s a New York Times best selling author and was recognized as a top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 30 by President Obama and a top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 35 by the United Nations.
Despite his numerous accomplishments and recognition, Neil is a down-to-earth guy, telling me he lives a “pretty normal, plain life.” It’s obvious that his family and two toddlers are the center of his world. It isn’t everyday that successful serial entrepreneurs are so easy to connect with on a personal level, so I was even more intrigued to learn more from Neil about his perspective on the future of SEO considering artificial intelligence impacts, plus get some SEO tips from the expert himself.
If you don’t know about Ubersuggest yet, you need to bookmark this powerful tool. It’s an SEO keyword search engine with many other functions.
Think of any word that has to do with your business or passion, and type it into the search bar. Ubersuggest will tell you how high that keyword ranks, how many people search for it every month, and gives you some ideas for modified or alternative keywords that might work better for you.
On top of keyword search, you can check your website’s domain and ranking, plus get tips on keywords to develop content for, where you get traffic from, what pages are most popular, and more. And it’ll even tell you all the things that are wrong with your page from your code to your load speed.
Plus, you can even check out similar stats on competitor sites, finding out who links to them, what pages are popular, where they get traffic from, etc.
Needless to say, Ubersuggest is a must-use for any business owner.
Taking into account that there are businesses and corporations with millions of dollars budgeted for advertising, whether through Google or social media, how do smaller companies and businesses even compete?
That is where SEO comes in, Neil says. It allows “the little gal” to compete with the big corporations without the same firing power ($$$). SEO can continually get you organic traffic to your website. You don’t have to be Forbes or Oprah to have your page rank on page 1 or 2 of Google results – you just have to know how to utilize SEO.
Recently, Neil founded NP Digital, which was named the 21st fastest growing company. He attributes much of that growth and revenue income from implementing SEO practices that generated traffic to his website. We’re talking about a 9-figure earning business!
Knowing stories like that, instead of asking “why is SEO important for business”, I find myself asking, “Why aren’t more people utilizing SEO?”
When I asked Neil if SEO is just as powerful as social media, he said it is MORE powerful. Much like I have talked about, social media algorithms make it so that you might get hits to your content in the first 24 or so hours, but then you have to keep putting in effort to drive results and traffic. And it is becoming increasingly more difficult to compete with paid advertising on social media, making organic traffic less and less reliable.
With SEO and web content, you have evergreen material that can attract customers and clients years and years after you publish it. Some of my oldest blog posts are my main traffic sources!
As the popularity of SEO rises, what trends exist for SEO in 2023? In the past, business owners placed a lot of emphasis on producing content of the right length and quality – which is still important, Neil shares. But, another factor to be aware of is the importance of using links and getting backlinks to your content. And Neil has some helpful tips on how to make that happen. Links will help search engines know that your content is worth value to others, making your site rank higher and higher.
Another unexpected 2023 SEO tip? Go global. English content is very competitive right now, so small businesses that can afford to should consider incorporating content in other languages into their marketing plan.
The hot topic right now is the artificial intelligence impacts that we are seeing – and will continue to see – with the rise of tools like ChatGPT and other tools. Is AI here to stay? Of course, says Neil, and in a lot of ways, that is a good thing. But, he has cautions for content creators.
AI crawls search engines and spits out a summary of what it finds to any question or prompt. So when it comes to facts, a human has to be fact-checking the robot. If the input is off, the result will be off. Neil gives an example: how many people live in Las Vegas, his hometown? The numbers vary per each Google result, some closer to the census number than others.
Another thing Neil encourages business owners to think about is the quality of content that they are publishing – when there are millions to billions of search results, what makes your content stand out? Perhaps using artificial intelligence impacts how long it takes you to produce a piece of content, but make sure that whatever you end up with is high quality.
Inspired by this conversation with Neil? Learning SEO and how to utilize it will change your business trajectory. Trust me, my years of experience have taught me this. Inside the Incubator mastermind, I coach other female entrepreneurs current best practices for SEO and offer personalized critiques on their websites and content. Plus, we invite guest experts on a regular basis to share industry trends and best practices in interactive workshops.
Starting April 24th , we are hosting an Incubator 4-day live challenge where you and other entrepreneurial minded women will challenge yourselves to invest in and grow your business, all with support from our team. Learn practical skills in live webinars to scale your business and put what you learn into practice!
If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, learn best SEO practices, achieve your goals, and join a community of women taking inspired action, then put the challenge on your calendar today.
Sign up at: successwithsoul.co/challenge
Thanks so much for listening in this week! If you enjoyed this episode, here are some ways you can join our Success with Soul movement:
Ubersuggest is an SEO keyword and website optimization tool created by Neil Patel. Anyone can use it with a free account (with paid upgrades available) to search for keywords, check their website for SEO changes, and analyze competitor information.
SEO It allows “the little gal” to compete with the big corporations (who have millions of dollars budgeted for ad spend) without the same firing power ($$$). SEO can continually get you organic traffic to your website. You don’t have to be Forbes or Oprah to have your page rank on page 1 or 2 of Google results – you just have to know how to utilize SEO.
According to Neil Patel, SEO is MORE powerful than social media. Social media algorithms make it so that you might get hits to your content in the first 24 or so hours, but then you have to keep putting in effort to drive results and traffic. And it is becoming increasingly more difficult to compete with paid advertising on social media, making organic traffic less and less reliable.
With SEO and web content, you have evergreen material that can attract customers and clients years and years after you publish it. Some of my oldest blog posts are my main traffic sources!
There are many artificial intelligence impacts on the world of SEO, content creation, and online business. People should be cautioned against using AI tools like ChatGPT to spit out content without having a human heavily edit and fact check what is produced. With the millions of search results that exist, content creators should continue creating high quality SEO content in order to rank higher, not just use a chatbot to save them some time.
Kate Kordsmeier 0:00
Hi, my name is Sabrina Gephardt and I'm a member of Kate Kordsmeier's Incubator. I have loved being a part of this program and I want to share three of my favorite reasons why. So first and foremost is the community. Being surrounded by people who are going through the exact same thing has been absolutely incredible. The incubator is a group of women entrepreneurs, a lot of them are moms, some of us are in different seasons of life. And just understanding the struggles between work life balance, and balancing motherhood and balancing a career has been so wonderful. This is a community where we are able to share our wins and losses and be vulnerable and ask questions and I have loved that so much. I also love the ideas that come out of the incubator, not only ideas that come from Kate and her team, but also again, being surrounded by those like minded entrepreneurs. Being surrounded by women in different industries with different levels of experience brings different ideas to the table. And that has been invaluable. And the last thing I want to share is having access to so many people who are experts in their field: tech experts, SEO experts, copywriting experts, money, mindset experts, and so many more. So a lot of masterminds or programs focus on one specific thing, and that's great and you learn that thing, but the incubator offers insight and access to information about so many different areas and that is awesome.
Intro 1:31
You're listening to the Success with Soul podcast with Kate Kordsmeier X journalists turned CEO of a multi six figure blog in online business. But it wasn't that long ago that Kate was a struggling entrepreneur who lacked confidence, clarity, and let's be honest money. But all those failures, experiments and lessons learned helped Kate create a thriving business that impacts 1000s and brings freedom, flexibility and fulfillment to her life. If you're ready to do the same and make something happen with holistic, soulful, step by step strategies from Kate and other experts, you're in the right place. Here's your host, writer, educator, mom, recovering perfectionist, bookworm and sushi connoisseur, Kate Kordsmeier.
Kate Kordsmeier 2:19
Welcome back to the Success with Soul podcast. I'm your host Kate Kordsmeier. And today we have like a superhero in the online marketing space on the podcast. Neil Patel is on the show today. And if you don't know who he is, you might have been living under a rock. He is the co-founder of NP Digital. The Wall Street Journal calls him a top influencer on the web. Forbes says he's one of the top 10 marketers in the world. Entrepreneur Magazine says he created one of the 100 most brilliant companies. And Neil is a New York Times best selling author, he was recognized as a top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 30 by President Obama and a top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 35, by the United Nations. So this guy knows his stuff. And we are fans of Neil for his SEO. So he has an amazing SEO tool called Uber suggests that we use to do keyword research and all kinds of other SEO optimizations on our website. And we help our clients do the same. So that is the topic of our conversation today. So if you think SEO is just for traditional bloggers, you will definitely want to listen in if you're a coach or consultant or practitioner, or any kind of online entrepreneur or small business owner, this episode is for you. Let's do it.
Welcome, Neil. You're a little bit of a celebrity over in our world. My team is very excited that I'm chatting with you today.
Neil Patel 3:42
I don't know if I'm a celebrity or even a little celebrity, but I do appreciate you guys having me.
Kate Kordsmeier 3:48
Yeah, thanks for being here. So I shared your bio before in the intro, but just tell us in your words like your story, who are you?
Neil Patel 3:58
Yeah, I'm a serial entrepreneur. Most people think of me as a marketer, but I'm really more so entrepreneur first marketer second,. Created a few different companies. My latest one is called NP Digital, we're an ad agency. I think we're in eight countries or nine countries by the year we'll probably be in 20 countries. We're having a lot of fun doing it. Blog about marketing, create social content marketing, father, husband, you know, it's live a pretty normal, plain life.
Kate Kordsmeier 4:30
Normal plane life, just lots of businesses.
Neil Patel 4:33
Not too many businesses anymore. Marso lot of headcount to deal with, although we have great managers, so don't have to deal with too many of them. And I don't mean deal in a negative way. It's just when you have a lot of people, a lot of work. And yeah, you know, when I'm not working, I just spend my time with my family.
Kate Kordsmeier 4:51
Cool. So I'm glad you mentioned blogging in there, too. SEO is a big focus of ours. I know same for you, too. Tell me in your experience like why SEO.
Neil Patel 5:03
The reason I love Seo is it allows the little guy, little man, little woman, whatever you want to call it. And what I mean little, I'm not talking about size wise, I'm talking about dollar wise, you know, people who don't have tons of money, it allows them to compete with the big corporations without the same firing power. Just think of as like David versus Goliath. These big corporations, a lot of them don't have, you know, 1000s of dollars of ad spend. They have millions and in some cases, billions, right? Billions is more rare, but a lot of them have millions and even hundreds of millions of dollars. And how do you compete with them? SEO can continually get you traffic. It's your 24 hour salesman, even when you're sleeping. And when you get the results a lot of it takes is from time and effort versus money spent. And yes, it takes longer to achieve the results. But once you get them, it can really change your business overnight.
Kate Kordsmeier 5:57
Yeah, I love that totally agree. And our audiences, a lot of coaches and consultants. So why should they care about this? And not just like SEO isn't just for bloggers like the traditional blogger?
Neil Patel 6:12
Yeah. So if you're coach or consultant, it's a great way to generate income. I'm not really a coach myself, but let's say I'm a consultant. Alright, it's very similar. You're pretty much helping someone to semantics on what do you want to call a coach?
Kate Kordsmeier 6:25
Neil Patel 6:26
And if you look at our ad agency, NP Digital, we were the 22 fastest growing company on the Inc 500 list when we first hit the list are now 21st, fastest growing, I don't think 20/21 fastest growing when we first hit the ink list. And then we got on there again after. And a lot of the results came from SEO. And you're talking about a nine plus figure revenue company. A lot of the revenue came from SEO.
Kate Kordsmeier 6:52
Yeah, that's awesome. I mean, that has been my experience too. And SEO has allowed me to quit social media altogether. And so I don't have I mean, we have like an old profile up still, that basically just says, Hey, this is our welcome mat. But we do not hang out here, come hang out with us over on the blog and the podcast. And you know where where we are. So for you when it comes to attracting like customers or visitors to your website, do you think SEO can be just as powerful if not more as social media?
Neil Patel 7:24
I think it's more power than social media, to promise social media as the algorithms change all the time, it can really hurt you the reaches continue dying unless you spend more and more money. With SEO, you create amazing content, you get that evergreen traffic with social media, you create content, you get the hip for first 24 or 48 hours, unless you produce another, hey, you're not gonna see much love from social media unless you spend that money on advertising.
Kate Kordsmeier 7:51
Exactly. The shelf life is just, that's what's keeping you on that hamster wheel every day, new, new, new, new new and it's like, Oh, I've got posts, blog posts from years ago that are still bringing in, you know, traffic to the site and then getting people on my email list. They're already there, you know, to I feel like having people on a social media platform, you have to like interrupt what they're doing, get them off the platform, whereas SEO is like they're already looking for you. Like they typed it in, they're looking for you. And then they're ready to like, take the next step there because they found you.
Neil Patel 8:25
That's right. And you said it best in which you could have content that's years old that just keeps producing for you. And you can collect emails from a pop man webinars or send an email sequences to try to get them to become a lead or a customer. Right? It's endless. And that traffic continue brings new eyeballs each and every single month.
Kate Kordsmeier 8:45
Yeah, it's the best. I love it. Such a longer shelf life, such a more sustainable way to, you know, attract clients and grow your audience and your business. So we're on the same page. What are some trends in SEO that you think business owners should be aware of in 2023 now?
Neil Patel 9:02
Yeah, so some for some trends and SEO for 2023. The first one is, a lot of business owners focus on content when it comes to SEO traffic. Because the more words you have, the better off you're going to be. And assuming they're high quality, you know, pieces of content. Sure. But the problem with content is there's so much content, every single topic, it actually is harder to get rankings and traffic now than it was 5 or 10 years ago. Or even two years ago, you search for any term like auto insurance, there'll be a billion plus results, but people are already clicking on the first 10 right page, one of Google maybe page two, so you're looking at 20 out of billion plus results. Now, to get a lot of traffic, you also need links, no matter how many pieces of content you create. If you don't have that many links, it's gonna be hard for you to also rank well. One way to generate the links is actually by releasing a free tool. So there's free tools that you can pop on your website for any sector. We have SEO tools and marketing tools and AV testing tools on our website and calculators. You can go to sites like codecanyon.net. And find tools in any space, you know, like accountability calendar, I don't know I'm making this up, you can go figure out what it is you could spend 10 to 50 bucks, they'll give you a white label version that you can put on your website, claim it as your own, because you're paying for it. And they allow this. And you'll notice that over time, it'll produce a lot of natural links, which will help your rankings drastically.
Kate Kordsmeier 10:33
That's such an interesting idea. So how does it help your links by having this tool?
Neil Patel 10:39
People tend to link to tools more than they link to content. So if you have great tools, on your website, you'll naturally get links, these links, help your overall site rank higher, makes your tools rank higher and makes your homepage rank higher, makes your content pages rank higher, because Google will look at the overall authority of your website.
Kate Kordsmeier 10:58
Yeah, okay, so interesting. What about AI? I know, that's like the big hot topic now.
Neil Patel 11:05
So I'll talk about AI first, and the issue people are gonna run to and then I'll talk about the problem with using AI. I do think AI is here to stay. And I think it's great. But first off, you know, as I mentioned with the auto insurance example, if there's a billion plus results, and people are clicking on page one or two, you won't end up having to just creating a ton of content, not going to get you more content. And we'll match you type in a great example of this. So I live in Las Vegas, what is the population of Las Vegas? All right, that is a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7...7 word term. Okay. There is according to Google right now, 70 million results 70,000,500 to be exactly. All right, no one's clicking beyond page one or page two. So you're talking about your fraction of a percent, a fraction of a fraction of 1% is getting the traffic. So if you use AI to just crank out a lot of content, and the content is not high quality, you're not going to do well. So the first thing is if you want to use air for content, it needs to be amazing content that has unique experiences, your expertise, your authority or trust, Google calls a double E A T. And that AI is not going to produce what AI is doing is crawling the web, see what other people wrote. And they're going to spin up a new version based on existing data. If you use AI to write your content, that's fine. Make sure you go and modify it heavily. If it takes you two hours to write a piece of content, maybe it'll take you hours, because AI will do like half the work for you. And when you end up doing this, what you'll find is your content will be much better, higher quality, even if you use AI and it'll start ranking better. And the second thing to know is, AI is only as good as the sources. So Google's been around for ages, let's call it 20 plus years, and in Google's lifespan, they still haven't been able to solve them this information. If you type a search for a lot of terms out there, you're gonna get some false information. Okay, I typed in, right, what is the population of Las Vegas? Now, the main results is 646,790. All right, if I go to the next result, it says 659,348. The next result after that is 641,903. The next result after that is 651,297. The point that I'm getting is the first four results all say different numbers. What is the correct answer? There is answer right? Which ones are closest, maybe none of them are exact, I don't know. But the point I'm getting at is if the input is off, and this was an easy example. And that's one of the reasons so typed it in. But if the input is off, the output is also going to be off. So with AI, a lot of the sources are feeding in bad information, which means a content that AI creates naturally is going to be off so you really need a human to double check it and modify it.
Kate Kordsmeier 14:15
Okay, that's so interesting. Yeah, I mean, I assumed and we've been playing around with like chat GPT and stuff and seeing what we can do there. And I mean, it's honestly just fun to play around with and see what it can come up with. But I was expecting you'd have to edit it heavily because it would sound like a robot, but it really doesn't. It sounds like a human wrote it, which is amazing. I was thinking, you know, like I know how it works with Siri and I wouldn't expect her to be able to write anything for me. So that's been really interesting. I've heard too that like AI can actually like basically do the keyword research for you and are making sure that your posts are optimized for keywords. Do you know much about that or how is that possible?
Unknown Speaker 15:00
Neil Patel 15:00
Yeah it can so there's a lot of AI that's integrated with SEO tools, and you can feed it keywords and they'll tell you all the other related keywords and what's based on traffic, we do some of that as well on our end. But again, even with all of that, it's taking data from different sources and giving you output without the human modifying it and making it amazing. It's just going to be another me two piece of regurgitated content.
Kate Kordsmeier 15:22
Yeah. Okay. So it can save you time, but it's not going to replace 100% of your time.
Neil Patel 15:28
Nowhere near there, right? For some pieces or content. Sure, you can end up having a writer article on like the colors in a rainbow. That's not that hard. You don't really need a human to modify that. But there's already a lot of articles that talk about the colors in the rainbow. If you want to write anything that's worthy of being read, that isn't already regurgitated. It's gonna be hard for a to do that not just this year, or next year or the year after, I will say for the next five plus years,
Kate Kordsmeier 15:58
Yeah, okay, interesting.
Indira 16:05
Hey, are you a female coach looking to turn your passion into a sustainable business? If that's you, then you're definitely gonna want to join us in April for our free four day challenge. From certified to six figures, four components to build your sustainable coaching business. The challenge starts on April 24. And throughout the four days, you'll learn the proven strategies you need to build a successful coaching practice that generates consistent income. This challenge is exclusive for female coaches who are committed to taking their business to the next level. Don't miss out on this opportunity to achieve financial freedom doing what you love. Head on over to Kate kordsmeier.com forward slash challenge to register and turn your coaching certification into a thriving six figure business. That's successwithsoul.co/challenge.
forward slash challenge.
Kate Kordsmeier 17:10
So you mentioned you do some of this and you have tools we are big fans of Uber Suggest over here. So tell us a bit about the conception of Uber Suggest and actually I'll stop there. And we'll just kind of get the story behind it first.
Neil Patel 17:23
So remember how I earlier mentioned free tool get a lot of backlinks and ends up increasing rankings. I was one of the reasons we bought Uber sauce, we bought it for back in the day for like 120 grand. Yeah, we spent millions to adapt the tool and modify it and make it better. And then we did the same thing with another tool last year, it was called Answer the Public. we bought that I think it's like 6 million or something like that. But we're running that playbook because we know it works really well free tools generate quite a bit of links, and can generate much higher SEO traffic and leads in the long run.
Kate Kordsmeier 17:59
Mm hmm. So but tell us about like the tool itself and how people can use it people who are listening?
Neil Patel 18:05
Sure, so you can put in any keyword within your space. Let's say you're helping people like become a wellness coach, right, you can type in wellness related keywords and coaching related keywords, it'll tell you all the other ones that are popular all the other ones that are similar that you haven't thought about. And I'll tell you which ones aren't competitive, which ones get searched a lot, which ones are expensive if you want to advertise on and it'll end up slicing and dicing the day and tell you based on your domain, here's the ones that you should consider going after writing content around. You can even putting competitor URLs that tells you all the people who links to them, it'll even tell you all the pages that are popular on the website, getting traffic from social media and Google and what pages or what piece of content that you don't have that they have, that if you consider writing, you would add more traffic to your website, we call that content gaps in which is in essence is telling you, here's all the stuff your competition is riding on that you haven't written on, you know, maybe you should consider it. And it'll even tell you all the things that are wrong with your page from your code to your load speed. And it'll tell you how to fix it in or prioritize it in order.
Kate Kordsmeier 19:09
Yeah, we use it love it. They've done all those things with it. And it's amazing. So when it comes to keyword research, what rules of thumb do you recommend people follow if they're let's just say with your wellness coach example, like what's the search volume you would recommend staying within?
Neil Patel 19:28
You ideally want to look for keywords over 1000 searches a month, because remember, even if you rank number one on google and a keyword has 1000 searches, doesn't mean you're gonna get 1000 clicks onto your website. Out of all the people that search only a portion of them will click through to a website. So you may get 10% 5% 2% 3% Now that may not be that motivating but keep in mind when you write content around those keywords naturally without even trying to integrate 20, 30, 40 other keywords some more longer tail variations, which you know, instead of wellness coach, it may be three, four word variations of that. But it'll add up. And that's how you get traffic in the long run. A great example of this is Quora. It's a question and answers website. And they don't go after a lot of terms that are super popular, but they go after a lot of terms that aren't popular. But enough people search for him every month. And when you go after millions of these terms, you know, as a lot of traffic, and I think Quora is one of the top 100 websites in the world, according to SimilarWeb, I could be off but the last time I checked, I believe was in the top 100.
Kate Kordsmeier 20:32
Wow, that's so interesting. And so what about competition? For like search difficulty, you know?
Neil Patel 20:39
It tells you how difficult a keyword is to rank for. And it'll tell you based on your domain, what's the probability of you aren't even able to rank for it? It'll tell you how much traffic your competition gets what they're doing that you're not doing. But yeah, break down all those things with the keyword.
Kate Kordsmeier 20:55
Yeah. And so if you're doing keyword research, and you find a keyword, and it's like, okay, this has 5000 searches per month, but the search difficulty is 80, would you recommend, like a small business owner go after a keyword like that?
Neil Patel 21:08
Well, Uber suggests is like a feature that says, like, what can I rank for? So you put in your domain name, and it'll be like, Okay, you're not just a small business. But here's how many links you have, here's your overall authority. And it'll tell you, all right, out of all these, you know, million keywords, or 1000 keywords, or 100,000 keywords, because their database has billions of keywords at this point, it'll tell you here are the ones that you're actually likely to rank for within your space. So now you know what to focus on first. And it changes it per website, because some small businesses have more authority on their website versus others. Right? So you just you want to do what's based on your website versus what's you know, what a small business should do. So that way, it's adapted more to you. And that way, you can get better results quicker.
Kate Kordsmeier 21:54
Got it. Okay, cool. Let's see, what are some of the biggest SEO mistakes You see people making today?
Neil Patel 22:02
They're not consistent with their content creation. If you create content once a month, that's not enough, you need to do weekly, just like you create social content on a daily or weekly basis. The second thing is you don't update your content enough, even if you have old posts that are still getting you traffic, if you keep them fresh and up to date, they're gonna rank way higher. It's a great reason why Wikipedia continually ranks for everything whenever you search on Google, because the content is continually up to date, because people go on to modify it and keep up to date. The other mistake that people are making with their SEO is they try to create tons of pages of content. It's not about creating the most pages of content, it's about having amazing quality content. about.com was a website I believe, owned by New York Times at one point, I don't know if they still want it. And then they spun it out and change it from about.com to like five or six different domain names. And they made them specialize. And they deleted a lot of the content. So they actually had less content, more specialty websites, and they got more traffic than when it was all on .COM. It just shows that when you have great content, and you remove the junk, and you specialize within your vertical, you're gonna do much better in traffic as well.
Kate Kordsmeier 23:11
Yeah, so another argument for basically niching, down.
Neil Patel 23:16
Correct. But you just want to make sure your niche is also big enough, because you don't want to be in a niche where like, Well, the biggest player in my space is making 500 grand a year. Now 500 grand a year is a lot of income. But if someone's making 500 grand a year, and they're the biggest player, well, if you're a fraction of what they are, then maybe you get to 50,000 a year, is that enough for you to be happy with. So you also need to create a big enough tam right. So you need to be going after big enough tam moreso.
Kate Kordsmeier 23:44
Sure. Sure. Okay, gotcha. So weekly content is required updating old content. That's what we've actually just spent the last quarter is updating a bunch of our old content. So glad we're on the right track there. What about combining SEO with paid search marketing?
Neil Patel 24:03
Works great. So I don't tell people they should do paid or SEO, I tell them you should do paid SEO, email, social conversion optimization, you should try to leverage all the channels marketing as omni channel approach. The key is just making each of the channels profitable and successful. Right. It's not one or the other. It's be everywhere you can and try to do it in a profitable way.
Kate Kordsmeier 24:25
Gotcha. And let's see, I think we're up to our last question here. So how long do you find it takes most new websites to start ranking if they follow like best SEO practices?
Neil Patel 24:39
Within six months, you'll start seeing much more traffic from SEO. Within a few years, you'll see a ton of traffic, like you're not going to go from zero to a million visitors in six months. It's unrealistic. Sometimes you don't even go from zero to 100,000. In six months. It depends on the vertical. You may only get like 10,000 visitors a month. But if you want a lot of traffic, and again, it depends per vertical for some verticals don't have the search volume. A great example of this is mesothelioma, right, which is a lot of legal cases, people dying from like working on those Old Navy ships or like, some of those old homes have it. You know, each case is worth millions of dollars. In theory, there's not a lot of traffic, but there's a ton of money to be made. So, traffic volume is everything, but within your vertical, you should start seeing decent results within six months. Within years, you really are getting your strides going.
Kate Kordsmeier 25:30
Yeah, yeah, that's amazing. Do you find that it is like SEO practices are applicable to something like a podcast or it's really more in written form?
Neil Patel 25:43
No, not just for informed there's YouTube SEO, there's podcasts SEO, there's SEO even on Airbnb, believe it or not, if you want to, like coach people on how they can generate income just renting out their place, right? There's a business that people make a lot of money on Airbnb, my father in law crushes it on his Catalina Island, Airbnb. But the point I'm getting at is like there's SEO everywhere, and need to adapt. Like for podcasting, Google, also index podcasts. So keywords within the podcast title within the description, get the ratings and reviews for podcasts, for your YouTube videos, videos that do really well in the first 24 hours tend to do really well, for the life of the video set up email blasts in the first 24 hours, push notifications, encourage comments, all these things really matter.
Kate Kordsmeier 26:29
Yeah, yeah. Okay, that's great. And when you say for podcast, SEO specifically, you know, I know Google owns YouTube. And it's kind of like that feels like a separate thing. Like it's almost like googling using actual Google when you're on YouTube. But for podcasts, since there's so many different podcast players and applications that people use, how does that like? Are you does, you know, Apple podcasts have a different algorithm than Spotify? Or are you still talking about basically Google SEO?
Neil Patel 27:00
No, they all have different algorithms, and you got to adapt to each of them. And don't just focus on Google. You know, there's being there's Google, there's Airbnb for booking, there's Expedia for hotels, there's Tiktok, a lot of young people are now using Tiktok. He has a Google VP, one side for finding a restaurant or even Instagram. These are all places where people are searching. Yeah, to keep all them in mind.
Kate Kordsmeier 27:26
Yeah, that's so interesting. Okay, cool. Neil, what should I have asked you about SEO that I did not get to?
Neil Patel 27:33
The one thing that I would know that a lot of small businesses don't think about the biggest leverage point in SEO right now is global expansion. US English is super competitive. But languages like Portuguese for Brazil, or Portuguese for Portugal, or French for France, or, you know, Hindi for India. And the list regions go on and on. It's not as competitive. The GP may not be as high as the United States, but there's still a lot of money to be made. It's not as competitive. And it's an easy way for small business to grow super fast.
Kate Kordsmeier 28:05
Interesting. Okay, cool. Thanks so much. So we have a couple minutes left here. And we always end these episodes with a quick lightning round of questions. So you ready for it?
Neil Patel 28:16
Let's do this.
Kate Kordsmeier 28:17
Okay, what is your favorite way to make time for self care while running all of your businesses?
Neil Patel 28:22
Can you repeat the question again? Sorry about that.
Kate Kordsmeier 28:24
Yeah. Like, what do you do for fun rest play when you're not working?
Neil Patel 28:29
Hang out with my kids. I play games with them. I don't know what the latest game that my kid is playing Zingo or something like that. It helps them learn how to read.
Kate Kordsmeier 28:40
Yeah, how many kids you have?
Neil Patel 28:42
Two: a three year old and a one year old.
Kate Kordsmeier 28:45
Okay, we're similar. I've got a two year old and a four year old. Cool. So you're in it.
Neil Patel 28:52
It's a lot of work. But I love it.
Kate Kordsmeier 28:55
Yeah, for sure. What's one tool or strategy like to use to help with time management?
Neil Patel 29:01
So I just use my Google Calendar and everything is in there. There was apps I was using in the past like Rescue Time that tells you where you're wasting time. Um, I also look at my iPhone on a weekly basis. It'll tell me where I'm spending some my time. And I look at where there's wastage. And I try to remove some of it.
Kate Kordsmeier 29:18
Yeah, yeah, that can be very convicting exercise to do. And you see this screen time reports. That's what made me quit social media.
Neil Patel 29:27
Kate Kordsmeier 29:28
Yeah. Okay, what's one of the most powerful business books you've ever read?
Neil Patel 29:34
I love Principles by Ray Dalio. If anyone hasn't checked, you should. I think he has digital versions for free. Don't quote me on that. But he has a lot of like iPhone apps and stuff. He's rich. So I don't think he really cares for the money. He's just trying to help people but check out some of his materials.
Kate Kordsmeier 29:49
Yeah, cool. Okay. Do you have a favorite quote or an affirmation or per thing when things get tough and you just feel like closing the door and hiding away from it?
Neil Patel 30:00
There is a my uncle taught this to me a long, long time ago. And I don't know where he got it from. So, you know, he was always telling me when things are getting really tough, just keep in mind, there's other people out there who have it much worse than you. Right? Like, for example, there's people without food and water. Like, literally, there's people who are starving this world. And when things are going really well for you. Keep in mind, there's other people out there who have it much better than you. And it puts it in perspective, because it really helps you stay level. Like you don't want to be too emotional in business in which you get too excited when things are great. Or get too sad when things are not going the way you want. You want to stay really level, remove a lot of emotions. So you can look at things from a logical perspective and figure out what you need to do to get to the next level.
Kate Kordsmeier 30:48
Hmm, yeah. And it's interesting, because it's like, no matter where you're at, there's always going to be somebody that's better off and worse off than you.
Neil Patel 30:57
That's right. Yeah. Unless like You're like Elon Musk, but like even him right? Sometimes even though he has a lot of money. He goes through a lot of hate and people hate on them for like some crazy stuff. Maybe some of it. I don't know, he deserves or not, I don't really follow all the stuff, but he's doing amazing things for the world, at least in my point of view. Maybe other people will disagree with me. It's not perfect, but like, people are gonna hate on him. They're gonna hate on Bill Gates. They're gonna hate on me. They're gonna hate on you. They're gonna hate on our children. And I know this sounds bad. People go through life with hate, and positivity. But you got to learn to just control your emotions.
Kate Kordsmeier 31:36
Yeah, for sure. For sure. So podcast is called Success with Soul. What does Success with Soul mean to you?
Neil Patel 31:44
Success with Soul to me means succeeding and ethical and a fun way. Like, if you're not happy, and you truly can't be content with the way you're doing things. You know, when you can't look yourself in the mirror and be proud of what you're doing, then something's wrong with your daily life. Yeah, and you should work on fixing it.
Kate Kordsmeier 32:03
For sure. Awesome. Thanks so much for your time, Neil. Really appreciate it.
Neil Patel 32:08
No problem. Thanks for having me.
Kate Kordsmeier 32:09
If you liked this episode, and want to learn more about SEO, or maybe you were left scratching your head, feeling completely confused about half the words that we were talking about. Rest assured, we walk you through all of this and more inside the Success with Soul incubator. This is our holistic mastermind that empowers female coaches to make money sustainably. And one of the ways that we do this, one of the strategies we teach is SEO. And whether that is for your blog, your podcast, a YouTube channel, or something in between, like Neil talked about, we have practical, actionable, easy to understand SEO tips and strategies, an entire module dedicated to that. And like I said, SEO has allowed me to completely get rid of social media. Now, I know Neil says in this episode that he likes to take an omni channel approach. And I think that that can be great. And it totally depends on your business because everything works, and you just have to figure out what works for you. For me, social media was not an alignment with my values and how I wanted to spend my time and it wasn't really working. So if you feel the same and would like to find a better way of getting clients and promoting your business and growing your audience, your email list and your revenue SEO can be an amazing way to do that. And we'd love to teach you all of our strategies inside the incubator, head over to successwithsoul.co/soul to learn more
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