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Last Updated on October 31, 2023
Welcome to the Success with Soul Podcast! Guest host Indira steps in to discuss Molly Cahill’s journey from burnout from work in corporate to tripling her revenue as a holistic marketing strategist and her experience inside the Incubator mastermind, where she received personalized advice, and how it helped her with both mindset and tactical strategies. We’ll also explore the importance of sustainable business models, personal growth, money mindset and self-care while running a business.
Table of Contents
Imagine being so miserable at your job that you quit while you’re pregnant and your husband is deployed in the military overseas?!
We’re sitting down today with Incubator client Molly Cahill, an Instagram Management Agency owner and holistic marketing consultant, who did exactly that.
Molly Cahill, a former burnt-out medical sales rep, now runs the Holistic Marketing Hub, and an Instagram management agency for health and wellness professionals, where she provides done-for-you Instagram services, templates, and education to attract their ideal clients and patients.
In today’s episode, she’s sharing her experience of running her own business, how her journey began, and how she grew her business from the ground up by focusing on the foundational steps first. Not to mention, the challenges she faced while turning her passion for social media into a thriving business.
When Molly came to the Incubator, she initially wasn’t paying herself what she wanted to be making, but with our support and a whole lotta heart, she was able to achieve profitability sooner than her three-year goal for creating a sustainable, long-term business AND tripled her revenue in 1.5 years to multiple six-figures!
In this inspiring episode, you’ll get a sneak peek into how a multi-six figure entrepreneur manages a successful business while also maintaining her mental health and wellbeing.
Indira and Molly discuss Kate’s Incubator program, talking about how it provided customized advice and guidance that contributed significantly to the growth of her business. The conversation highlights some of the biggest challenges Molly faced during her early entrepreneurial days, such as time management and imposter syndrome. The incubator program helped Molly develop critical frameworks for success, including a strong entrepreneurial money mindset and effective marketing strategies, including SEO and relationship marketing.
In this part, Molly discusses the importance of having a sustainable business model in the ever-changing Instagram marketing industry. We’ll learn how she managed to triple her net income by focusing on a sustainable business model and the strategies she used to foster growth. The conversation also focuses on the significance of adopting a growth money mindset, shedding light on goal-setting, celebrating small wins, and its overall impact on her success.
Being profitable in any business is critical, and Molly shares her journey towards profitability. Discovering the lessons she learned along the way, she offers advice on financial tracking, investing back into the business, and the importance of keeping costs under control. Don’t miss a sneak-peek moment where Molly divulges the strategies she used to achieve remarkable long-term sustainability.
Want regular access to more transformative coaching? Whether you are a coach or entrepreneur looking to grow a business or just want more amazing life coaching, Success with Soul has got your back!
If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, learn to tell your story, achieve your goals, and join a community of women taking inspired action, join the waitlist for the Incubator, our business development mastermind today! Get up-to-date information about enrollment dates and bonuses when you join the waitlist.
And if you want to learn more about archetypes, your personality type and tendencies, and gain tools for understanding yourself and others, check out the Success with Soul Monthly Membership. We offer mindset coaching, cyclical living guides, and tools for your self development. Learn more here!
Thanks so much for listening in this week! If you enjoyed this episode, here are some ways you can join our Success with Soul movement:
In this episode, Molly shares her journey towards profitability, highlighting the importance of having a sustainable business model, financial tracking, and investing back into the business. Effective cost management and strategic planning play crucial roles in achieving long-term sustainability, as she has demonstrated by tripling her net income.
Molly emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries between personal and professional life to maintain mental and emotional wellbeing. She shares tips on scheduling time for friends, family, and self-care activities that contribute to personal growth and a healthy work-life balance.
Molly discusses some of the most significant challenges she faced during her early entrepreneurial days, such as time management. In the episode, she shares strategies for effective time management, utilizing available tools and resources, and setting realistic goals to maintain a balanced and successful Instagram marketing business.
Sabrina 0:00
Hi, my name is Sabrina Gephardt and I'm a member of Kate Kordsmeier as the incubator, I have loved being a part of this program and I want to share three of my favorite reasons why. So first and foremost is the community being surrounded by people who are going through the exact same thing has been absolutely incredible. The incubator is a group of women entrepreneurs, a lot of them are moms, some of us are in different seasons of life. And just understanding the struggles between work life balance, and balancing motherhood and balancing a career has been so wonderful. This is a community where we are able to share our wins and losses and be vulnerable and ask questions and I have loved that so much. I also love the ideas that come out of the incubator, not only ideas that come from Kate and her team, but also again, being surrounded by those like minded entrepreneurs, being surrounded by women in different industries with different levels of experience brings different ideas to the table. And that has been invaluable. And the last thing I want to share is having access to so many people who are experts in their field, tech experts, SEO experts, copywriting experts, money, mindset experts, and so many more. So a lot of masterminds or programs focus on one specific thing, and that's great and you learn that thing, but the incubator offers insight and access to information about so many different areas. And that is awesome.
Kate Kordsmeier 1:28
You're listening to the Success with Soul podcast where we believe empowering women is the key to creating a brighter future for us all. Whether you're an entrepreneur, employee or stay at home mom, this podcast is for you. I'm your host Kate Kordsmeier and ICF life and business coach who has made over 2.2 million while working less than 25 hours a week, raising two toddlers and quitting social media. I'm here to transparently share my expertise and help you create a life and business you love. Together with my diverse team of passionate women many of whom you'll hear from on this podcast. We empower 1000s With holistic strategies, personal development resources and mindset tools to find freedom, flexibility and fulfillment in business and beyond. Every week we offer life coaching for Busy Women who want to improve their relationships, self care and overall well being and business coaching for coaches, course creators and consultants who want to make money sustainably. We believe personal growth and entrepreneurship are powerful tools for creating social change. And the world is a better place When more women find their voice and create their own money, power and freedom. Expect candid conversations and insightful interviews with experts that will inspire and support you on your path to intentional whole living and Success with Soul on your terms. It's time to ditch the hustle and find inner peace. Here we go
Indira 2:56
Welcome back to the Success with Soul podcast. I'm your guest host Indira with tiene que que and I'm so excited to be sharing today's incubator client spotlight. If you're a regular listener of the Success with Soul podcast, then you might recognize your voice. Because with us today is Molly Cahill. Molly teaches health and wellness businesses how to attract and retain clients using Instagram in less time without obsessing over comments, likes and followers. She lives in Cincinnati with her husband and five year old daughter MJ. Molly was actually one of our first incubator clients and since joining she has grown by leaps and bounds. In this episode, Molly shares the sense of relief she found when she joined the incubator and how much her money mindset shifted through the years. She also went from not really paying herself to growing her agency to 27 clients and tripling her net income. That's right. She tripled her net income. I'm so excited to dive into this episode with y'all today. Let's do it. Welcome Molly to the Success with Soul podcast. I am so excited to have you on here.
Molly Cahill 4:15
Hi, Indira. Always a pleasure to speak with you I know you've such a good energy I'm happy to be gone.
Indira 4:20
Thank you just off camera was mentioning like I'm sorry if I'm low energy. So I appreciate you saying that. Usually you are an og
Molly Cahill 4:32
11 og like eight fan like route and revel for back in the day.
Indira 4:36
Oh my gosh, that is years and
Molly Cahill 4:39
years and years ago.
Indira 4:39
Yeah. So please share with our audience a little bit about yourself and your business and your entrepreneurial journey.
Molly Cahill 4:50
Yeah, I have run my own Instagram Management Agency and Instagram marketing consultancy is that I don't So, for let's see about four years now. And it all got started. Actually, I have Kate to thank for a lot of it. So I was the ex corporate girl, which I feel like everybody is has like that ex corporate girl's story or not everybody, but a lot of people could resonate with that. When I was pregnant with my daughter, who's now six, I was in medical sales, and I was just so burnt out. And I was just so done. And I knew, even before I found out, I was pregnant, I was ready to move on. But I didn't know what I wanted to do next. And when I was about 14 weeks pregnant with my daughter, I just like literally quit and was just like, I'm done. I can't do this anymore. I had some money saved up. And you know, had my husband obviously, and he was in the military. So we had consistent income there. And we had insurance through him. And I was just like, I'm done. I'll figure it out later. So I was a stay at home mom for about a year. And then I realized I was not cut out to be a stay at home mom, that was the hardest job I had ever had. And I loved it. I love not having to go back to that like rigid schedule when she was teeny teeny. But then when it came time, I was like, Okay, I'm ready to do something. But I didn't know what. And my this time we lived in San Diego, I'm in Cincinnati now. But I'm from Alabama. I lived in Florida. I've been all over town, we were in San Diego and my chiropractor and I became really good friends. And she said, Hey, I know you're looking to go back to work. Do you want to help me with my Instagram? And I'm like, I have no idea what I'm doing. But like, Sure, I can learn that. So I didn't even get paid like at she just adjusted me for free. And we did a trade and then it really grew from there. So she had an acupuncturist and a massage therapist in her office and started working with him. And then she posted about it and like her, some of her friends contacted me and then it just kind of like snowballed from there. And I was like, You know what, I think I'm gonna make this a legit business. Well, right about that time was when Kate was hiring. This is way before Success with Soul before she even separated out her two businesses. It was still just Root +
Rebel. She did have her blog and comm report she would do. But she wasn't really doing any like business coaching or anything at the time. So I was on her email list. And she emailed she was looking for somebody like a social media manager. And I was like, a first of course, like the imposter II thing. I'm like, oh, like I just started this. But I was like, I have a unique spin. I've literally consumed every single post an email from written rebel, like I know your content, like the back of my hand. So I applied to the job from the same email address that I was signed up to her email list on so that she would see how many of her emails I'd opened. You know, you're that's genius, man. I was like, I wonder to see how engaged that was. And I didn't even have a website yet. I didn't have a website. I didn't even have a business Instagram yet. I was just like, hey, like, I just started doing this. And yeah, she gave me a shot. And we have been working together on and off since and then I've hired her for business advice and was in the incubator. And yeah, we're friends. We've met a couple times. I've been to her house a few times in Atlanta, and we went to an Amy Porterfield event together a couple of years ago. And yeah, that's the story. The Fast forward now and I've got pretty big agency, we run about 27 Instagram accounts. And then I also have a program called holistic marketing hub, which is a hybrid program similar to the incubator, its programs not similar to the incubator, but it's a hybrid program where there's, you know, virtual classrooms and then coaching and then there's like a big copy paste content library for health and wellness professionals. Oh,
Indira 8:26
my gosh, I feel like I literally went on that journey with you.
Molly Cahill 8:31
Oh, well, good. Yeah, I'm sorry. I tried to make it short. But so
Indira 8:35
let's go back a little bit, because you did mention that you joined the incubator. So what was your main reason at that time for joining the incubator?
Molly Cahill 8:44
I think it's hard to even think back. I just I think I just trust Kate, so much. And it was one of those things where I never want to be the person who's taking advantage of their friend, you know, like, as Not that I ever she would ever say that or think that or whatever. But I'm like, she was always giving me such great advice that I was like, let me just pay you like it felt better to pay her for that help. Yeah, and she's always has like a really good perspective and a good way of talking you through things. I think I told her the best thing she ever did for me, it can't be measured in like profits or metrics or whatever. But like the best thing she ever did for me was she made me a better coach myself, to my students, because she really does have a gift for like, not just telling you what to do, but kind of coaching you through it.
Indira 9:33
Yeah, absolutely. So in keeping in theme with advice, what would be your best advice like to a new incubator client as to how to hit the ground running once they're inside?
Molly Cahill 9:47
I think it would be to put blinders on. And follow up. Do you still give the personalized roadmaps?
Indira 9:56
We do? Yeah.
Molly Cahill 9:58
Yeah, I would put blinders on And I would just follow the roadmap, because if you don't, what's going to happen is, especially on the group coaching calls, I saw some people kind of fall victim to this, like, well, I want to do that, why would I do that? It's like, Wait, we'll wait, let's like, get the foundation's done first. And that's why those roadmaps are great because it helps to meet you where you are in your business, so that you know where to start. So maybe you are somebody who kind of needs to go back a few steps and start from the beginning. Or maybe you're somebody who's already got all of that dialed in, and you're ready to get your evergreen funnel launched or whatever. That's why like, my number one advice would be to not have shiny object syndrome by all of the information available inside the incubator, and anything you might hear on the coaching calls from the other participants and just stick with the roadmap, put your blinders on.
Indira 10:45
So now that I'm thinking back to what you're referring specifically with roadmap, so I don't know if you know that now we've changed the incubator a little bit. Now it's a six month cohort, it's a mastermind, and we actually asked you to focus to decide what your focus like what your 123 focuses are going.
Molly Cahill 11:06
Yeah, that's even better. Yeah, that's amazing. Yeah.
Indira 11:10
So what are like some of the top three things that you would advise an incubator applicant?
Molly Cahill 11:17
Oh, I don't know, I guess, I guess just to make sure that you really are prepared to implement the things that you learn because just being a passive, and there's a time for that to write, like, there's a time for just kind of taking little bits here. And there. There have definitely been programs where I have paid a lot and not implemented every single bit. But like the bit that I did implement, I got a lot out of. So I think that the thing would be the ones like make sure you're really committing to yourself to be able to actually implement, implement the things you learn. And then on top of that, to give yourself a lot of permission slips and a lot of grace to know that like six months is a long time, but it's really not. In the grand scheme of your business journey, six months is like a blip in time. And so I would encourage you to write down whether it's like a tangible metric, or just your thoughts and feelings, because at the end of six months, we have this tendency to go, what did I really do? Like, what did I do? But if you can look back and go, Oh, my gosh, like, I didn't even realize how much I was thinking about this the other day, just like little things that I've accomplished in my money mindset alone, like, wow, on paper, you're like, wow, that I can't really measure that, right. Like, I can't really measure like, I used to think this way now, I think this way. So that's why I think it's important to really write down all those raw, not just the metrics of like, oh, I grew my pageviews buy this much. And my revenue by this. Yes, those things. There's like raw emotions, limiting beliefs that all the stuff that you feel in your business, and then that's like your measuring stick for the program.
Indira 12:55
Oh, my gosh. And I mean, arguably, mindset is one of the most important pieces as you become an entrepreneur, right? Yep,
Molly Cahill 13:07
it's not sexy, people want to bypass it. They want straight to the tactics and the tips, and I get it. And I do think that's why the incubator is such a beautiful program, because I think it's a great mix of both, like it's not all fluff woowoo. It's a lot of that. But there's a lot of tactical, tangible stuff to not saying fluff, there's not a lot of fluff. But you know what I mean? Like, it's not a lot of the like, it's not just mindset, and it's not just here's my evergreen funnel, it's a beautiful mix of both, in my opinion.
Indira 13:34
I totally agree with you. Now, Molly, you're kind of famous on our podcast, because we often, you know, as we start the podcast, your testimonial appears on the podcast. And so I know that one of the things and I'd love for you to speak on is like, what would you say was one of the biggest impacts that the incubator had on your business pretty early on on your business,
Molly Cahill 14:03
I did not want to be somebody who had to rely on launching. I know some people really liked that model. And I think the incubator to me felt very customized and very, like, definitely, you got what you needed personally versus like, here's what's worked for me, take my plan, plug it into your business, I don't care if it fits or not, because this is the proven path. And this is the only path. So I do want to like get that caveat out of the way when I do say one of the biggest things that did get out of it was her funnel, like, you know, being able to just plug in the funnel into kartra, which I know sounds completely counter intuitive to what I was just saying about it not being cookie cutter, because she doesn't teach that the only way right but for me and for my business model, it worked beautifully to kind of have that set up. And it was so simple right to know, like, oh my gosh, like now I mean, I had to sell my course two days ago. It was just like I didn't even know who this person was. It came onto my list. They came through my funnel and they bought my thing So that was a huge thing those wins right away was really helpful. And then just having a better understanding of SEO and blog, like how that really not being a blogger in the traditional sense of I'm a blogger who shares my lifestyle tips. And you know, has ads popping up because I get paid per view, and I have sponsored posts and all that. But really a blog in the sense of, hey, there's no pressure, you don't need as much traffic, because you have a conversion site, which means you need fewer people, you just need them to buy your course versus you needing traffic to get like a certain dollar amount from your ads or from your affiliate links. I think I never really realized there was the distinction between the two of those and how the strategy and the approach is totally different. And it was like such a breath of fresh air for me, I would say those are two of my like, biggest immediate wins in addition to because I already talks about the mindset stuff again, so I don't want to talk about that again. But I feel like those are like the two like tactical biggest wins. Yeah.
Kate Kordsmeier 16:02
Well, hey, there, it's Kate Kordsmeier. And I wanted to play a quick game with you. Let me know which of these you can raise your hand for? Are you wanting to reconnect with your authentic self, soul and purpose to become the woman you want to be? We want you to create aligned habits for more rest and less stress, to live intentionally and take control of your daily life, to connect to other women who are on growth journeys, and rediscover your inherent worthiness and value so you can step into your power. Are you wanting to get clarity on life's decisions and your direction? Are you wanting to partner you with your mindset to achieve your goals and find the balance between your priorities and all of the competing roles you serve? If you're saying yes, then you're going to absolutely love our Success with Soul membership. This monthly membership includes monthly soul sessions with energy healers, spiritual guides, wellness gurus and other guests experts, monthly mindset coaching calls cyclical living guidance, journaling prompts, and taro and other resources and tools for living a soulful, whole life. Head on over to Kate kordsmeier.com, forward slash membership to join us today. That's Kate kordsmeier.com, forward slash membership.
Indira 17:20
I know that at the beginning, when you first joined the incubator, you weren't necessarily paying yourself what you wanted to be yourself. So
Unknown Speaker 17:29
what not.
Indira 17:31
So tell me a little bit about that.
Molly Cahill 17:34
I went into my business, wanting to do it for the long haul. And so I think probably the statistics on online business probably aren't really mean online businesses are still relatively new in the whole scheme of things. But I do know that in general businesses and this, like I said, this stat probably doesn't include online businesses. But in general, it takes three years to be profitable. That's kind of just like the standard what people say, granted, again, I realized this is probably for like restaurants when you're having a really major startup cost and having to buy equipment and food and stuff. But for whatever reason, knowing that stat was actually really relieving for me rather than disheartening. And again, I'm sure online business is way shorter, because your startup costs are way less and blah, blah, blah. But I went into this thinking of it as not a How can I start a free business and bootstrap the whole thing I went into, like, Okay, I'm gonna make this a sustainable, long term business. My goal is to be profitable by year three. And I was profitable before that, but the incubator definitely helped. That was when I really saw like the turning point. And I just wasn't afraid in the beginning to invest in virtual assistants invest in software invest in coaching, where on paper, I didn't have any business investing in those things. On paper, I should have just been paying myself, you know what I mean? Like, oh, cool hobby. You've got there, Molly, like you're just paying other people, you're not actually paying yourself anything, but it paid off. It really did. Because I had that mindset going in, like, I'll be profitable, but I need this to be sustainable. And if it's just me, that ain't gonna happen. And so that's another like thing I felt like Kate is really gifted at is she has a really good business head on her shoulders. So looking at it from just like, hey, you wouldn't open a restaurant with zero budget, you know what I mean? Like and I saw Kate a few times when you know, after she'd had the really like the launch where she was in the red of six figure blog Academy and then she invested in Amy Porterfield. $2,000 course, and I just remember thinking, Whoa, that takes like, I would have never been able to, but it was like that permission like, oh, and then she had this insanely great lunch. Yep. So she was just kind of like kind of veered off the question of like paying my psychologist like that. She modeled for me like what I want monodentate consistently reminded me and I'll never forget, hate and Kelly Marshall, who you know, Kelly is so yes, Kelly is my bookkeeper. But wait so much more. And I learned about her through Kate. She's does money mindset calls with me and all that Kate and Kelly both without, you know, speaking to each other at the same exact time told me I was because I was having a really tough it was like right at the end of year two. And I was like, What am I doing this for? I'm paying everyone else, I'm not paying myself and both of them were like you have set yourself up. You're almost there. Like just, you're at your edge like the top of the mountain, you just need to push over the hump and it'll snowball and I'm like, All right, here's two really wise business women telling me this I'm going to trust. And then it did. And it's just like, from 2020 to know, from 2021 to 2022, I tripled my net income. And I always talk about net, because we talk about revenue all day long. But if you're, if you're like I was in the first day, the first year or two, my revenue was not bad. But I was paying myself that. So yeah, I was able to triple my net. And I just had so much more confidence to like, oh, I can do this. And I don't think without Kelly and Kate pushing me over that hump. I don't know. I wouldn't say it was ready to give up. But I was definitely feeling tired.
Indira 21:20
Oh my gosh, I can totally relate and understand. And I am like beyond words that you have an agency with 27 clients. That's amazing. Yeah. And so how many people work in your agency now. So
Molly Cahill 21:41
Rachel and Rebecca are my two I don't want to say full time, but they work about 25 hours a week, each their sisters and they're adorable. And they're my friggin angels from heaven. They are just, they are what every business owner wish they had. Like, I'm in a business coaching group now. And they're talking about like, toxic employees and all this stuff. I'm like, I don't have that. Very lucky. They really care. And they're incredible. So they really run the agency side, they run the ship. They know way more about clients than I do. I do more of the overarching marketing strategy and do all this like spot checking in, like, Hey, I noticed this client's like Sir, reviews or reviews, comments or whatever have started to kind of decline. Let's go in and rearrange, shake some things up. So I do like the overarching strategy that they really run the day to day of the agency. And then they brought on another girl who's a friend of theirs, which is really cool. She's in their town. Then they brought on another girl who's a friend of theirs to like help edit videos, and they've been training them. And then we just brought on a girl just to help with Canva graphics. So she's super hyper focused. And then we just brought on two copywriters, and they're all very minimal. Oh, we have one other girl who helps with special projects. So like, we've started building lead magnets for client and setting up their email list. And she kind of focuses on like the special projects. And so yeah, it's a lot of contractors, it's a lot of moving parts, but I don't manage them all. And right now we are kind of again, I had a call with Kelly this week. I mean, one of those points where I'm like, Oh, my percentages, because Kelly has got me hooked up on profit. First, I was
Indira 23:13
gonna, I was gonna ask you do you follow Profit First.
Molly Cahill 23:17
With this transition right now I'm like, Oh, my gosh, X percentage is a little higher than I want it to be. But we made the mistake in a couple months ago with taking on way too much at once. And like they were stressed, I was stressed, we lost a client because something wasn't delivered on time. And I'm like, never again, like I'd rather like I'd rather take a little bit more off of what I'm paying myself for a month or two, to get us back to the level the quality of work that we like to provide for our clients. Because we have a waitlist, we have a waitlist of five people who want to get started and I'm like, I'm not starting you until well now. Now we're ready, because we've got these other people in place to support so I think that is kind of like the biggest advice I have for any entrepreneurs is like to be able to have that because I'm a very much a really caught like a quickstart like I want things now for sure. Like I don't I'm not a researcher. I'm not I'm like yeah, this thing. Sure. Let's do it. Let's start tomorrow.
Indira 24:12
You score very high on the desk. Yeah,
Molly Cahill 24:14
I'm like are on the cold. Is it cold basis? The Quickstart Yeah, Toby. It is hard sometimes for me to step back and go. Okay, this is setting me up with the solid foundation for future business. And that's another really good thing I learned in the incubator was just to see how Kate thinks about things like in a forward thinking way. And I'm going to talk about like, I'm going to plan out my content for six months. I don't mean that necessarily. I mean, just seeing how she handled her maternity leaves and how she handled um, you know, my husband's having certain Kate's has having surgery and I'm going to take some like a month off or whatever just like that's cool. Like I want that. Yeah, certainly model she models what she teaches.
Indira 24:55
Yeah, so we actually learned that we tiene que que we practice run Like clockwork, yes, yes.
Molly Cahill 25:01
Yeah. So that will I listened to a podcast she was on. Was it y'all? I guess I don't know. She's She's Yeah. What's her name?
Indira 25:08
Adrian? Yes, Adrian. Yeah. So Molly, if there is one word to describe your experience inside the incubator, one word, what would that one word be?
Molly Cahill 25:21
That's like, should have warned me about this when Indira, what did you hear how I decide I think your body tells at all. It was a relief. At this probably not a word you hear a lot. But it was very, it was a relief. A lot of it was so permission giving and normalizing and just a relief.
Indira 25:41
I love that. I think Kate would really appreciate that. I love that. Okay, so this is my favorite part, which is the lightning round yet. So we're just gonna run through it. First thing that comes up for you. What's your favorite way to make time for self care while running your own business?
Molly Cahill 26:02
scheduling time with friends. I'm a mega extrovert, and I need a girlfriend time.
Indira 26:08
Oh, I love that. What sign are you? Gemini? Of course, as we're all about, you know, that's fantastic that you're into social media, because literally Gemini is all about communication. So I love that. What's one tool or strategy that you use to help with time management.
Molly Cahill 26:28
Everything is on my Google Calendar down to us remembering to take our trash out. My husband and I even we've just used my Work calendar for everything. And if even if it's a personal event, I invite him like an invitee. And Google Calendar. couldn't live without
Indira 26:47
it. Yeah. What's the most powerful business mindset or entrepreneurial book that you've ever read? This is the one that you keep going back to. Biggest difference in your life.
Molly Cahill 26:58
I love get rich Lucky Bitch. Denise Duffield Thomas. I love her. I just love her. Yeah. Yeah, she's so cool. Also, I know her virtual assistant. She's to work with me. Anyway, she is who she says she has to which is really
Indira 27:13
cool. Oh, it's great. Isn't it nice when it's exactly who they are. Yeah, I was like you I was a girl fan of Kate. Before I came into Team K K two followed her not as far back as route and revel when I started following her when she was a she already had Success with Soul, but had not yet sold route and rebel. And she really is exactly. Is what you got.
Molly Cahill 27:39
No. 100% Yeah, I don't think she knows how to be. I don't think she could do it. If she tried. I don't think she could try to be somebody else. If she chat, which is why she and I get along so well. Yeah.
Indira 27:49
So what's your favorite quote or mantra affirmation for when things get tough.
Molly Cahill 27:54
I like to repeat to myself a lot that I am not available for overwhelm.
Indira 28:00
Oh, I don't think I've ever heard that. I love it.
Molly Cahill 28:05
I'm not available for it. No.
Indira 28:07
I'm literally writing that down. I'm not available.
Molly Cahill 28:10
with it. None available. Word the Word and helps me out a lot too. I was trying to think like, I think as humans we want things to be this or that or black or white. The word and helps me a lot to go well. Two things can be true at the same time that are seemingly opposite. Yeah, not really an affirmation, but it's just something that's Words To Live By.
Indira 28:31
Yeah. Kate constantly whenever she is telling us something, she'll say it and she'll say end. And it's just become part of our culture in our team that we that's a relief to write of this. Yeah, because it opens up space for possibility. Yeah, there's always like, end. Okay, so you're on the Success with Soul podcasts? What does Success with Soul mean to you, Molly?
Molly Cahill 29:00
We didn't start a business to just then become our own worst boss. You see those memes about entrepreneurship. It's like, I quit my job to work for myself and then it's like got work all the time. So Success with Soul is really having that life first business to me.
Indira 29:19
I love that life first.
Molly Cahill 29:22
That's a Jordan Gill quote. I can't take credit for that one.
Indira 29:25
I was gonna say I feel like I've heard that I love Jordan girl. She's another one that I absolutely love. So Molly, where can our listeners connect with you? Where can they find you?
Molly Cahill 29:38
So I know that a lot of Success with Soul social media free you knew I was gonna say that I feel guilty and DeRose face and I teach Instagram. I know but Kate will tell you I did help her repair that relationship a lot. But I hang out on Instagram all the time. I'm at Molly AK Hill, and that's c h i ll and I also have my own podcast called holistic Marketing simplified. And I'm on episode 18. At the time of recording this, it's pretty new. And there's actually a couple episodes I would encourage people to start with, which is if you have that fear of visibility or fear of like, you know, taking yourself to the next level, my personal health and life coach Chelsea Haines was on talking about the, the trolls and the like I said, the fear of visibility and some subconscious work you can do to get over it.
Indira 30:27
And that was episode 18.
Molly Cahill 30:29
No, I believe it's like episode 11 ish. It's with Chelsea Haynes. It's a two part episode, but it's it's really good. I think it would Jive a lot with people who like Success with Soul would like this episode.
Indira 30:41
Wonderful. We'll make sure to add that to the show notes. Molly, it has been a pleasure to have you on the Success with Soul podcast. Thank you so much. Same. Thank
Molly Cahill 30:52
you, Indira.
Kate Kordsmeier 30:57
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