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Last Updated on August 12, 2023
Welcome to the Success with Soul Podcast! Today we dive deep into how to stop overthinking, the power of decisions and how they can shape our lives. We explore the common struggles of feeling stuck and paralyzed by the fear of making the wrong choice. Kate shares her personal journey of breaking free from this mindset and discovering a profound realization: What if the right choice is simply the one we make?
Table of Contents
We’ve all been there, right? Stuck in a never-ending loop of indecision and overthinking, unsure of which way to go. It’s frustrating and can leave us feeling miserable. But guess what? Even not making a decision is a decision in itself. So why not embrace the power of decisive action and take control of our lives?
When we hesitate to make choices, we end up in a state of limbo, going nowhere. But here’s the thing: making a choice, even if it’s as simple as saying “no,” is a step towards progress. Inaction is actually a form of action with its own consequences. So let’s embrace decisive action, feel empowered, and open ourselves up to new opportunities. Trust me, it’ll boost our confidence and set us on the path to achieving our goals.
Decision-making is a crucial part of life’s journey. By embracing decisive action, we gain the power to shape our lives, move towards our goals, and unlock our true potential. Thought exercises become our trusty companions, helping us challenge those limiting beliefs and truly get to know ourselves. Remember, our choices are right because we made them, and that’s something to celebrate. So let’s break free from indecision’s grip, embrace the art of decision-making, trust our instincts, and get ready to seize the amazing opportunities that lie ahead. You’ve got this!
Thanks so much for listening in this week! If you enjoyed this episode, here are some ways you can join our Success with Soul movement:
Breaking free from the cycle of indecision and overthinking begins with embracing the power of decisive action. Recognize that even not making a decision is a choice in itself, and it can keep you stuck in a state of limbo. Start by making small choices, even if they seem insignificant, as they contribute to progress. Trust your instincts, challenge limiting beliefs through thought exercises, and take control of your life by actively making decisions.
Fear of making the wrong choice is common, but it shouldn’t paralyze you. Remember that there is no one “right” choice in every situation. Every decision carries its own set of consequences and opportunities for growth. Embrace the mindset that your choices are right because you made them, and they contribute to your personal development. Trust in your abilities and the lessons you’ll learn along the way, even if some decisions don’t yield the desired outcome.
Decisive action is a powerful tool for goal achievement. By actively making choices, you shape the trajectory of your life and move closer to your desired outcomes. Making decisions, even when they involve saying “no” or taking risks, propels you forward and opens up new opportunities. It boosts your confidence, as you realize the power you have over your own life. Embrace the art of decision-making, trust yourself, and seize the amazing opportunities that lie ahead to make progress toward your goals.
Molly Cahill 0:00
I had my first $10,000 month and now I'm having consistent $18,000 months. Thanks to Kate in the strategies I learned inside the Success with Soul incubator. It is by far the best money I've ever invested into my business it has paid off for sure not to mention the time that it saved me being able to just copy paste, import Kate's funnel. And I love that you get a lot of one on one time with Kate on the weekly group calls and that you get direct feedback and direct critiques on your specific questions that are unique to your business. And also love that she doesn't give you this. One size fits all business in a box approach. She recognizes and appreciates that every business is unique. And she helps you walk through those unique challenges for your specific business. And on top of that, I love that she's just a real human who walks the talk. So highly recommend Success with Soul incubator. Thank you so much, Kate.
Kate Kordsmeier 0:59
You're listening to the Success with Soul podcast where we believe empowering women is the key to creating a brighter future for us all. Whether you're an entrepreneur, employee or stay at home mom, this podcast is for you. I'm your host Kate Kordsmeier and ICF life and business coach who has made over 2.2 million while working less than 25 hours a week, raising two toddlers and quitting social media. I'm here to transparently share my expertise and help you create a life and business you love. Together with my diverse team of passionate women many of whom you'll hear from on this podcast. We empower 1000s With holistic strategies, personal development resources and mindset tools to find freedom, flexibility and fulfillment and business and beyond. Every week we offer life coaching for Busy Women who want to improve their relationships, self care and overall well being and business coaching for coaches, course creators and consultants who want to make money sustainably. We believe personal growth and entrepreneurship are powerful tools for creating social change. And the world is a better place When more women find their voice and create their own money, power and freedom. Expect candid conversations and insightful interviews with experts that will inspire and support you on your path to intentional whole living and Success with Soul on your terms. It's time to ditch the hustle and find inner peace. Here we go.
Hey, hey, hey, Kate back with another quickie solo episode. Today we are talking about the miserable maybe? Have you ever heard of this term, the miserable maybe, even if it's new to you, I guarantee you, you've spent a good chunk of your life here because we all have as Brooke Castillo from The Life Coach School describes it. The miserable maybe is where we hide in an attempt to avoid adversity. It's the land of indecision of overthinking of procrastination, and yes of misery. Because what is worse than being in limbo? And being half in and half out of something and feeling like you just don't know what to do? Should I launch this course? Or that course? Should I invest in coaching? Or not? Should I Get Divorced? Or stick it out? Should I sell my house or add on? Should I or shouldn't I? Whatever decision you're trying to make, if you've been thinking about what to do for what feels like forever and telling yourself you don't know, then you are choosing to live in the land of miserable maybe. And let me gently remind you not to making a decision is making a decision. inaction is a form of action. So as a chronic over analyzer and very slow decision maker, I can personally attest just how horrible it feels to live in maybe. So this is my attempt to support anyone who has been living in limbo to get off that uncomfortable fence and just make a damn decision already. Even if it's a no, it's okay. Truly just make it for yourself, even if it's a yes. And that's maybe what you're afraid of. It's okay, truly just make it for yourself. So something that's helped me when I am stuck and just can't figure out what to do is a thought that I want to offer to you all what if whatever choice you decide is the right choice, because you made it. Let me say that again? What if whatever choice you decide is the right choice, simply because you made it. Now what I mean is there is no right or wrong, there is only reality. And while reality may be an acquired taste, thank you, Matthew Perry for that, Jim have a quote. It is what it is. And reality is not good or bad, right or wrong. It's our thoughts about reality that make it so. So a circumstance, a situation is totally neutral. It's only our thoughts about that circumstance about
out that reality that make it good or bad, right or wrong. So for example, it has been raining in Atlanta for the past week non stop. And I want to argue with reality. I want to scream stop raining. It's so gloomy. It shouldn't be raining. But guess what? It is raining. And so it should be. If it wasn't supposed to be raining, it wouldn't be raining. Right? My resistance is what makes me feel bad about it. But the rain itself is totally neutral. And my brain could just as easily make it a good thing. What if I thought, dang, I love the rain. It's so cozy. Look at Mother Nature, just showing off and showering all the plants with nourishment. This is exactly what the world needs more of. Wow. Now all of a sudden, the rain is a beautiful thing. But nothing changed externally. Only my thoughts changed. So what thoughts do you have about investing in your business? For example, or in yourself? What thoughts do you have about taking risks about betting on yourself? Because all of those are neutral circumstances. But your thoughts about them? are what make them feel exciting or scary? Your thoughts about yourself? Or what make them feel risky or necessary? And then question your thoughts. Get curious, can you be truly curious? No judgment, no shame. Just neutrally curious and observer of your thoughts? Oh, that's interesting. Kate is thinking XYZ. And then question those thoughts? Does that thinking serve you? Is that thought Absolutely. Undeniably true? Does having that thought make you feel good or bad? does it inspire you to take aligned action? Or does it keep you from doing anything at all? Does that lead you to the result you crave? Who would you be without that thought? What is the opposite of that thought? And is that as true or truer than the original thought?
Well, hey, there, it's Kate Kordsmeier. And I wanted to play a quick game with you. Let me know which of these you can raise your hand for? Are you wanting to reconnect with your authentic self, soul and purpose to become the woman you want to be? We want you to create aligned habits for more rest and less stress to live intentionally and take control of your daily life, to connect to other women who are on growth journeys, and rediscover your inherent worthiness and value so you can step into your power. Are you wanting to get clarity on life's decisions and your direction? Are you wanting to partner you with your mindset to achieve your goals and find the balance between your priorities and all of the competing roles you serve? If you're saying yes, then you're going to absolutely love our Success with Soul membership. This monthly membership includes monthly soul sessions with energy healers, spiritual guides, wellness gurus and other guest experts. Monthly mindset coaching calls cyclical living guidance, journaling prompts and taro and other resources and tools for living a soulful, whole life. Head on over to Kate kordsmeier.com forward slash membership to join us today. That's Kate kordsmeier.com, forward slash membership.
So if you're ready to vacate the land of miserable, maybe whatever it is that your decision you're trying to make, I encourage you to do some of these thought exercises. And remember, whatever choice you make is the right one because you made it because it happened because it's reality. And whatever reality is, is what is supposed to be if you'd like some support examining these thoughts, if you need some help, looking at your mind and figuring out how to really retrain your brain and choose thoughts on purpose, this is exactly what we help our clients do both inside our Business Mastermind the Success with Soul incubator and our life coaching subscription, which is the Success with Soul monthly membership. Remember, you don't have to be an entrepreneur, a coach, consultant, business owner, anything to be in the membership it is for all women, whether you're a corporate executive, a stay at home mom, an employee, a business owner, or just a woman who feels like she has too much on her plate. Inside this membership. We teach women how to tap into their feminine energy, balance it with the masculine energy of our culture, and then retrain their brain and build a life they're excited about again. So if you're ready for a life that you love, where what's most important to you has plenty of dedicated time and there's no urgency or hustle if you're ready to set and achieve your goals without a whole lot of drama.
And if you're ready to replace stress and anxiety with peace and joy and feel connected to others to yourself and to your higher power, then I would love to invite you into our membership. You can go ahead and join now over at Kate kordsmeier.com forward slash membership. We'll see you there. I hope you've been inspired by this episode and feel ready to take action on your dreams and goals. If so, please hit subscribe. This makes it possible for me to continue to provide free helpful content and bring you amazing guests. Just go to iTunes or wherever you listen to podcasts and subscribe so that you know when we released a new episode, and you never miss a thing. Plus, we often put timely opportunities in our shows, so if you don't subscribe, you might miss something valuable
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