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Last Updated on January 4, 2023
Welcome to the Success With Soul podcast! Today marks our final episode of Season 2, and what a year it’s been! In this brief episode, we’re giving you an inside look at part of Team KK’s annual planning meeting as we talk about what 2022 has meant for us and the power of setting your intentions. We’re also naming the word of the year ahead for each of us and what it means for us to embody these words. Thank you for listening this year, and we look forward to bringing you more great episodes in 2023!
Table of Contents
At Team KK, we’re big believers in the idea that words matter, and that being thoughtful about our desires can have a significant impact on the quality of our experiences.
Today, we’re bringing you behind the scenes to our annual planning meeting as we wrap up Season 2 of the podcast and look ahead to our hopes for the company and ourselves in the coming year!
Part of what we like to do at the close of each year is to just take some time to take stock, to look back, and to name our desires for the year ahead. And part of this process involves setting intentions with a Word of the Year.
To me, setting intentions is distinct from goal setting and resolutions, because the emphasis is on how we want to feel, not specific things we want to accomplish.
Goal setting is great, and it definitely has its place — but there’s also power in identifying the motivation for all these actions you might take.
Underneath every ambition is a desire. And ultimately, we’re hoping to feel a certain way — about ourselves, about our work and purpose and relationships. So getting clear about how you want to feel actually clarifies what kinds of goals you’ll set and actions you’ll take.
This ritual each year isn’t complicated, but it’s definitely one of my favorites. It might seem simple to encapsulate your desire in a Word of the Year, but it’s actually a really vulnerable and empowering exercise. You’re putting yourself out there, and you’re sharing what that means with your team or your loved ones, and it sparks this energy of creation.
Setting your intentions with your whole heart is a way to tune into what matters most to you, and as part of our annual process at Team KK, it also means that we get to support each other in being able to feel our best inside of our work.
Today we’re sharing how we do this exercise, what setting intentions for the coming year means for us, and what the Word of the Year is for each of us as we head into 2023!
Here’s the exercise we all did in preparation for our annual planning meeting. We’d love to hear your Word of the Year, too!
The first thing I want you to do is to reflect on this past year and ask yourself these questions. Jot down whatever pops into your head without self-editing.
Once you review your responses, you’ll have a better sense of the direction you’d like to go, or what you feel may be lacking in your life.
When you’re setting your intentions and discovering your own Word of the Year, it’s important to visualize what the perfect day would feel like, and the emphasis here is definitely on Feel.
Think about how you want your morning routine to feel, how you want to feel at work or throughout the day, and how you want to feel right before you go to bed.
I also recommend meditating or sitting in silence for a couple of minutes and asking yourself, “What word do I want to focus on in 2023?” This is simple but effective.
I think this exercise works best when you’re in a relaxed state. If you’re having trouble, maybe try it before you go to sleep or first thing in the morning. You could also turn on an aromatherapy diffuser, light a candle, or put some calming music on in the background. You’d be amazed how being still can help your intuition shine through, and bring your word to the forefront.
Spend 10 minutes creating a list of the words that come to mind, no self-editing! Need some help? We’ve created a PDF for you to download FREE at successwithsoul.co/word
Review your list and narrow down your favorites. I’d circle or highlight 3 words.
Chances are you’ll see a theme going on between the words you wrote down. As you’re setting intentions, notice: do any of the words jump out at you, make you feel excited, nervous, scared, uncomfortable, or at ease? Sometimes the words that scare us most can mean we’re on the right track because change isn’t always easy. At the same time, I think finding your word can also bring peace and empowerment.
If you love the process of digging deeper, you can do some research into the words you’ve chosen to see which one feels the most magnetic for you. Are there multiple nuanced definitions? What’s the origin of the word? What are the subtle connotations you’re looking to embody?
Think about the words, try them on, and see what feels right. No need to over-analyze this process, trust your gut instead. Gently review your list and let the words pick you.
Now that you narrowed down your list to three words, there’s just one more question to ask:
Are you interested, or are you committed?
So tell me, are you interested in your word, or are you committed?
If you’re merely “interested” then chances are you’ll make excuses as to why you’re not putting forth the effort to actually make changes. But if you’re “Committed” to your word, you’ll do whatever it takes to implement that word and bring more of it into your life.
If necessary, allow yourself a day or two, even a week to really think about this.
Inside this episode, you’ll hear each of us share our Word of the Year for 2022 if we had one — and you’ll hear why we’ve chosen our Word of the Year this year.
We’d love to hear your Word of the Year — so feel free to share it in the comments!
On behalf of Team KK we wish y’all an amazing Holiday Season and we’ll see you again in 2023!
Alright, ladies.
Who of you out there is sitting on an AMAZING business idea … but the thought of going it alone is terrifying and exhausting? Or maybe you’ve actually tried to get up and running … but there’s too much to keep track of and tackle alone. Or maybe you’ve been dabbling in this for months (or years), but you’ve got a “safe” thing going on, and taking business risks like this feels super overwhelming without support.
If you’re ready to say YES to yourself this year, then this offering might be exactly what you need.
Whether you’re a chef or an artist or you’ve had a therapy or coaching practice for years — or any other type of service business you can imagine! — if you feel called to build a business inside a beautiful container of amazing women …
… we’re doing something we’ve never done before and you’re gonna LOVE it!
You’ll be AMAZED at all you get and what you can accomplish in just 30 days with the right guidance, personalized business coaching from our lead coach Rachel, Q&A sessions with Team KK, and solid community support.
At the end of one month, you’ll have what you need to:
We start in January! Get all the details and join our 2023 Sprint Team here.
Thanks so much for listening in this week! If you enjoyed this episode, here are some ways you can join our Success with Soul movement:
To me, setting intentions is distinct from goal setting and resolutions, because the emphasis is on how we want to feel, not specific things we want to accomplish.
Goal setting is great, and it definitely has its place — but there’s also power in identifying the motivation for all these actions you might take. Underneath every ambition is a desire. And ultimately, we’re hoping to feel a certain way — about ourselves, about our work and purpose and relationships. So getting clear about how you want to feel actually clarifies what kinds of goals you’ll set and actions you’ll take.
In today’s episode, we outline a simple process for setting your intentions with a Word of the Year. But if you need a little extra support, we’ve got a free download to help you!
Kate Kordsmeier 0:00
Have you been wanting to start an online business, but you just have no idea where to where to start, maybe you're completely overwhelmed. You feel like you have a million different passions and ideas and you're not sure which direction to go, you've heard that you should pick a niche, you don't really know what that means or how to do it. And you just want to feel confident and get some clarity that you can actually do this thing. Well, I have some exciting news. And this is actually something we have never done before. On January 5 2023, we're going to be kicking off a 30 day sprint with anybody who is ready to make 2023 your best year yet. And finally, launch your website and your first offer out into the world setting you up for Success with Soul. We're going to give you select access inside the incubator to do your 30 day sprint. So you will be getting certain modules that will help you complete the checklist for what you need to do. There's going to be tons of accountability and support to make sure that you actually do the work. We know how isolating and lonely it can be sometimes when you're in this trying to figure things out by yourself. And so this is our solution to best serve you. The best part is you'll have guided support from our amazing program coordinator, Rachel who will meet with you once a week. And there's more. You'll also have access to all of our coaching calls and support during this 30 day period. So you do not have to do this alone. Get all the details at Kate kordsmeier.com forward slash sprint.
Intro 1:36
You're listening to the Success with Soul podcast with Kate Kordsmeier X journalist turned CEO of a multi six figure blog in online business. But it wasn't that long ago that Kate was a struggling entrepreneur who lacked confidence, clarity, and let's be honest money. But all those failures, experiments and lessons learned helped Kate create a thriving business that impacts 1000s and brings freedom, flexibility and fulfillment to her life. If you're ready to do the same and make something happen with holistic, soulful, step by step strategies from Kate and other experts, you're in the right place. Here's your host, writer, educator, mom, recovering perfectionist, bookworm and sushi connoisseur Kate Kordsmeier.
Indira 2:25
One Welcome back to the Success with Soul podcast. I'm your guest host Indira with Team K K. And today is a very special episode because we're joined by all of tiene que que we're giving you a behind the scenes look at our annual planning meeting, as we each share our Word of the Year for 2023. In case you're wondering how we come up with our Word of the Year, I am going to be walking you through a five step exercise. So you come up with your Word of the Year. And I just want to remind you that having a word of the year is a really fun way to set your intentions and the theme for the new year. So step one is to reflect. You want to just take a moment to really look back on the past year and ask yourself questions like, What could I use more of in my life? What could I use less of in my life? What characteristics would I like to have? By the end of the day I feel fill in the blank? How do I want to feel and you want to make sure that you jot down whatever pops in your head without self editing. And then once you review your answers, you're gonna start getting a better sense of the direction you may want to start going in 2023. And it also might reveal what you feel might be lacking in your life. Step two is to visualize what the perfect day would feel like. And the emphasis is really on feel. Think about how you want your morning routine to feel. How do you want to feel at work or throughout the day? And how do you want to feel right before you go to bed. I also recommend meditating or sitting in silence for a couple minutes and asking yourself, what word do I want to focus on in 2023. I think this exercise is really powerful when you're in a relaxed state. So if you're having trouble, maybe try it before you go to sleep or first thing in the morning. You could also turn on some aromatherapy light a candle, put on some calming music in the background. You'd really be amazed how being still can help your intuition shine through and bring your word to the For upfront, then we move on to step three, you want to spend about 10 minutes creating a list of the words that come to mind. No self editing. And if you need some help, we've created a PDF for you to download free at Kate kordsmeier.com, forward slash word. That's Kate kordsmeier.com, forward slash word. Then step four is, you want to review your list and narrow down your favorites. Bring it down to like three words, because remember, your eventual eventually going to wind up with one word. Chances are that when you narrow it down, you're gonna start seeing a theme going on between the words you wrote down. So ask yourself, does this word make me feel excited, nervous, scared, uncomfortable at ease. And I just want to remind you that sometimes the words that scare us most can mean you're right on track. Because change isn't always easy. And we really want to lean into getting comfortable with being uncomfortable. Just remember not to overanalyze the process, just trust your gut. And then finally, Step five. And this is my favorite step. This is you narrowing down, now you're looking at your three words, and you're gonna narrow down to one word, and then you're going to ask yourself, are you interested? Or are you committed? If you're merely interested, then chances are, you're going to start making excuses as to why you're not putting the effort to actually live into your word. But if you're committed to your word, you're going to do whatever it takes to implement that word, and bring more of it into your life in 2023. So with that, let's dive in.
Kate Kordsmeier 7:20
With all that being said, let's go through everybody's word of the year. And if you chose a word last year, I would love to know what that was. A lot of us weren't on this team together at the time. And if not, that's okay. But you can share what your word was last year, and then what your word is going to be for this year, and what that word means to you.
Indira 7:39
Okay, great, so I can start. So this is Indira here with Tim KK. And I will share that for 2022. My word of the year was courage. And I definitely stepped into it and embodied that. Just even being here with Team KK, it took a lot of courage for me to stop working with clients that I love and had like, very strong bond with and become an intrapreneur and go all in, I never imagined I would do that, like I became an entrepreneur in 2018. And never imagined I would look back. So I'm thankful that I was courageous to do it. And I'm, I've loved every minute of it. And so with 2023, my word is committed, I want to fully commit to all of these wonderful things that I've implemented this year. And that's using the model that Kate you encourage us to use all the time. So to really city far everything, to really be committed to my Monday, our focus and my calendar, to really be committed to knowing that we are worthy. There is so much value, there's so much that we can provide clients with and the more that I commit and really step into that, the more that I feel that I can authentically share that with our partners and our clients and everyone else. So I'm committed to Team K, K, and incubator and all of that. So my word is committed, though good.
Kate Kordsmeier 9:37
And just funny, too, that we've been talking so much about like, what does it mean to be committed versus interested? And I think you've just described it perfectly. And I'm so grateful your word last year was courageous or courage so that that brought you to working with us. So that's amazing. You want to go next
Rachel Silves 10:00
I can go next. This is Rachel here from tiene que que. And in 2021, my word of the year was contentment. And I felt like after 2020, there was just like lots of questions and just things that were coming up. And so I just wanted to go into 2021 with this, like energy and attitude of like, I'm content, I have everything I have, like I have everything I need right now. And I wanted to be like, super present in the moment. And just trust that however it was going to work out, everything was going to work out. And then eventually, I moved on to Tim KKs team, and have had really great experience this year. And so my word for 2022 is abundance. And for me, abundance is more, it's more than just like having things it's like the abundance in my thoughts and knowing that I have everything that I need to succeed and asking the right questions and coming at things with just the the overflowing abundance approach rather than the scarcity approach. And so I think that's what I'm stepping into 2023 is just this attitude of abundance and knowing that I have everything that I need. I trust in the process, and I'm confident that I'm in the right position, and just that the abundance in things thoughts, feelings, emotions, blessings, gratitude, like everything is just going to be so abundant in 2023. So that's my word for 2023.
Unknown Speaker 11:32
COVID hl Yeah, I love it. I love it.
Kate Kordsmeier 11:37
I was gonna say that it's so interesting to to see, I think you and I have different words, but similar meanings behind them for both last year and this coming year. So I'll share mine in a minute. But it's interesting to hear you describe it. And also I just was hearing like, abundance and thoughts and emotions and feelings means like, there's room for all thoughts, emotions and feelings, not only the positive ones, and that like maybe abundance Normally we think of as just being like, all the good stuff more good stuff, but it's like, no, all the things.
Indira 12:12
Yeah, exactly. Okay. Okay, see? Ya, well, Hi, this
Jayce 12:18
is JC my 2022 word of the year was evolve. And I think I have grown and learned so much in my role, and then within the team. And yeah, it almost feels like we always need to be on to the next stage or go to the next day or something like that. But this year, in the coming year 2023. My Word of the Year is believe, which is just believing in myself believing in a buddy I'm currently in, in my inner being in the timing of everything, I believe in our offers in the work we do, and the people around me and in the higher source guiding me. And I also have like sub words, which also I think I've heard from Rachel and Indira kind of like being present, and reclaiming. And I may not be able to change what I have done in the past or something. But I alongside I want to be present and just stay focused and intentional in every moment that I am in and just cultivate healthy relationships with people around me and also more self love and self care. So enough of having that hustle thinking of you have to be on next stage because you've already done this, but rather being you know, believing yourself you are in a good place right now. Stay focused, and yeah, meet present.
Indira 13:42
So that's for me.
Kate Kordsmeier 13:44
I got chills when you're saying that JC I feel like so good. That's gonna be my like secondary word of the year because that's so and I just read two books that are very much in alignment with the idea of being present just and coming back into that connection with yourself with your inner being your inner knowing that God that lives within you. And that was the power of now and loving what is and both of those are just so much about like, where you are right now is exactly where you're supposed to be because you're there. So that's the reality and we can stop resisting it and stop fighting it and just say, Okay, this is where I'm supposed to be and I'm okay. And it's like, Oh, I've always been okay, I'm okay right now in this moment. So I will always continue to be okay. And just brings like so much peace.
Indira 14:41
Yeah, true. So if you're still on the fence and wondering is the 30 day sprint right for me. Listen to what one of our clients had to say.
Olivia Blase 14:55
Hi, this is Juliet from Juliet and the alpha and I recently went through my 30 A sprint with Rachel and Kate inside the incubator, and we came to the meeting with a bunch of really complicated ideas of how to launch our first course and all the different bells and whistles we would need to do and how long it was going to take. But at the same time, we really needed an influx of cash. And they were able to just clarify all the clutter and the noise in our brains. And give us permission to move forward with imperfect action and do something much simpler just to get started, get the ball rolling, put one step in front of the other. And we did that. And I think that's what I found more most most impactful for me about the incubator is to have people to bounce ideas off of who are not just going to give me a one size fits all answer or an answer of like, well, you should do this. And this is the only way to do it. It is every piece of advice and coaching is personalized, it's individualized to what each person is going through in that point of their life, how much time they can give what they actually need to do and what they can just put off and do later. And that I have found so liberating and so useful, and really has catered to our needs and allowed us to build our business in a way that feels coherent, to who we are, what we can do at this time, and what our actual needs are and what's actually important, which is to keep moving forward and put one foot in front of the other.
Indira 16:21
So there you have it. If you're ready to get results like Juliet, then join us live in January. Visit Kate kordsmeier.com forward slash sprint.
Olivia Blase 16:36
How about you, Olivia? Yeah, Olivia here, and I'm gonna represent all the people who didn't have a yellow word last year because I don't think I had one. And if I did, I forgot it. Yeah, the word that I chose for this upcoming year was confident, confident, because I haven't ever really been the type of person to like, make goals and set up for myself like, Okay, this is what I want to accomplish this year. And I think part of that is because of my lack of confidence that like I can achieve what I want to achieve and grow into the person that I want to grow into. And I'm much more of the type of like, let's just see how life goes. So for 2023 I definitely want to be more confident in myself in what I know what I bring to the team, what I bring to the people in my life. And just being more like for sub word maybe like intentional with who I am and what I want for myself, and then having the confidence to go for it and to not be afraid to make mistakes. But yeah, not to let that lack of confidence or belief like hold me back.
Kate Kordsmeier 17:49
Oh, good. I love everybody's words, just making me feel even more like proud that this is our team and that everybody's in such alignment. We all have such beautiful goals and thoughts and beliefs and so good. So this is Kate. And my word of the year for 2022 was simplify. And my word of the year for 2023 is amplify. And I think in this past year, and we just did a podcast episode and Dr. And I about why are retired two of my most profitable programs, the end of 2021. And a lot of that was because I felt like I needed easy in my life. And also I knew that I have big things planned for my life and that I'm like just at the beginning. And I can't scale chaos, or I don't want to scale chaos. And so getting really dialed in this year was super important, both with the team and getting us running like clockwork, and really systematized and selling one offer and really figuring out what is this offer, you know, what's the value that we provide people? What's the transformation? And how do we sell this thing. And so simplify made a lot of sense. And now I feel like especially coming up on the end of the year, I have a lot of clarity from being really simple. This past year, I don't think I would have gotten this clarity if I had been trying to do a million other things. So now looking forward to the future. I just want to amplify all the amazing things that we built this year. And just reach more people help more people impact more people, bring in more abundance, bring in more belief, bring in more confidence, all the things that everybody else shared too. So I just want to amplify all that beautiful fitness.
Indira 19:46
I love it. And that's a wrap. This is our last episode of season two. We're so excited for what we have in store for season three. Be sure to hit subscribe so you'll be notified when the new episodes go live in 2023. And on behalf of Team KK, we wish you an incredible holiday season. We love y'all Bye.
Kate Kordsmeier 20:17
So for a long time, the internet marketing world has been full of consultants, ie mentors telling you what to do and how to do it. So when myself and others started talking about coaching, you may have been left wondering what that really means. Is it therapy? Is it strategy? Is it mentorship? Well wonder no more because we are peeling back the curtain to show you exactly what it's like inside our group coaching program the Success with Soul incubator, and in addition to this podcast Success with Soul, we recently released a four part private podcast called inside the incubator which you can get exclusive access to at Kate kordsmeier.com forward slash inside, you'll get to listen to real clients get real coaching and support as they work through roadblocks and take inspired action in their businesses. It's been on my heart to share this with you because I know there are so many of you out there doing this alone. And I want to show you what it's like to have a team behind you. I remember the frustration of struggling by myself. I had no tools, no one to talk to. And now no matter how difficult things may seem, I have a fellowship and a way of life that helps me cope. I no longer feel alone and neither do the women in the incubator. All it takes is one coaching call to get you unstuck. That's what it's like to have a community that you can count on. So head over to Kate kordsmeier.com forward slash inside to get the real real on what coaching is all about and the amazing transformation you can expect when you join us inside the incubator. That's Kate kordsmeier.com forward slash inside
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