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Last Updated on February 16, 2023
Kate Kordsmeier
114: Unique Self Care Ideas for Women Entrepreneurs, with Intuitive Tarot Reader Desi Demoto
Welcome to the Success With Soul podcast! In today’s episode, guest host Indira Shakti is sitting down with someone who is well-known and well-loved inside the Team KK and Incubator ecosystem: Tarot card reading expert Desi Domo. Inside the Incubator, she’s been a big part of our Soul Sessions (which we are now expanding to our SWS Membership!). We talk a lot about intentional and real self care ideas for women — because we know that the most abundant lives are fueled by rest, not hustle. You’ll love this conversation about how Desi got into tarot, how she uses it as a daily self-care ritual, why self care is important, and how she helps her clients find clarity, confidence, and peace.
Table of Contents
Many people carry a ton of preconceptions and judgments about tarot card reading.
They write it off as silly or associate it with tented rooms, crystal balls, and prediction. We can all probably conjure scenes from movies or TV shows where someone walks in and gets a mysterious message from the Great Beyond about when they’re going to die, or get married — some very particular thing about their future.
But Desi Domo has a totally different perspective about tarot and its purpose.
She sees it as a mirror. A way to look more deeply at your present moment, or to view the past as a way to understand your present more richly, so that you can move on to create a future that’s more meaningful for you.
In this way, for Desi, doing a regular tarot card reading is an act of real self care.
Desi Domo is an intuitive tarot reader, writer, and performer based in Brooklyn, NY. She’s also a regular in the Team KK world! She provides readings for us and also offers her insights for our Incubator clients as part of our whole-life wellness practices.
AND — as part of our new Success With Soul Membership program, she’ll be one of the experts we tap for monthly Soul Sessions!
She is a Highly Sensitive Person who uses this superpower in collaboration with her professional training in storytelling to uncover truths in the real life stories that tarot shows her about her clients.
Her approach is empathic, judgment-free, and honest. This seems to encourage true vulnerability with her clients, which unlocks genuine progress and discovery even in one single reading. Deeply devoted to spiritual growth, she has also studied astrology, herbalism, meditation, and holistic living.
As CEO of Starchaeology, she uses intuitive tarot reading online to help clients access subconscious and superconscious truth so that they can be empowered to grow through whatever they’re going through.
If you want to use a regular or even daily tarot card reading as a time of self care, here’s what Desi recommends:
The most important thing is just to have fun, to enjoy the time to focus on yourself, and to treat yourself with reverence and kindness.
We talk about this a lot on this podcast, but I feel like it’s important to keep repeating it as a way to counteract the relentless messages from the culture:
Self care is not a reward for working hard.
It’s a way of viewing ourselves as inherently worthy of rest,
and it’s a way of understanding that our best work actually comes when we are nourished.
So, we need self-care for our overall physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. That in itself is a good enough reason to practice it.
And in addition to that, if you’re an entrepreneur, or work in corporate, or work at home full time with your kids — taking care of yourself just makes good sense.
The notion that our success comes from driving ourselves into the ground 24/7 is just not true.
The truth is, our best ideas flourish in moments of rest — that is, in the shower, on a walk, during meditation, out with friends, on vacation, in silence, during a massage — because we NEED that space where we’re not always “on” in order to be open to the flow of creativity. The more stress we’re in, the harder it is for our brains to access creative, non-binary problem-solving mode.
Most people assume that more work = more results. But when you ask women when they got their best ideas? They’ll almost always tell you about a revelation that happened when they were away from work and the stress of daily life.
That’s why we think it’s wise to start listening to what our bodies are telling us: that we’re made for cycles of work and rest.
If you’re ready to find a practical way to create a life that has LOTS of room for real self care, personal growth, and a truly supportive community, then come check out the Success with Soul Membership!
When you join, you’ll get monthly Soul Sessions with guest speakers (like Desi!), coaching calls, moon cycle guidance, journaling prompts, resources, and tools for living a cyclical, whole life.
It’s easy to learn more + join here.
Thanks so much for listening in this week! If you enjoyed this episode, here are some ways you can join our Success with Soul movement:
We need self-care for our overall physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. That in itself is a good enough reason to practice it. (One of our mantras is, You can’t fill from an empty cup.) And in addition to that, if you’re an entrepreneur, work in corporate, or work full time at home with kids — real self-care just makes good sense. The notion that our success comes from driving ourselves into the ground 24/7 is just not true. The truth is, our best ideas almost always come in moments of not-work — that is, in the shower, on a walk, during meditation, out with friends, on vacation, in silence, during a massage — because we NEED that space where we’re not always “on” in order to be open to the flow of creativity.
When Desi works with clients, she doesn’t focus so much on using tarot card reading as a way to predict the future. Rather, she uses intuitive tarot reading online to help clients access subconscious and superconscious truth so that they can be empowered to grow through whatever they’re going through. And she encourages people do do their own simple readings each morning as a way to tune inward, gain self-awareness, and set intentions for the day.
Molly Cahill 0:00
I had my first $10,000 month and now I'm having consistent $18,000 months. Thanks to Kate in the strategies I learned inside the Success with Soul incubator. It is by far the best money I've ever invested into my business it has paid off for sure not to mention the time that it saved me being able to just copy paste, import Kate's funnel. And I love that you get a lot of one on one time with Kate on the weekly group calls and that you get direct feedback and direct critiques on your specific questions that are unique to your business. And also love that she doesn't give you this one size fits all business in a box approach. She recognizes and appreciates that every business is unique. And she helps you walk through those unique challenges for your specific business. And on top of that, I love that she's just a real human who walks the talk. So highly recommend Success with Soul incubator. Thank you so much, Kate.
Intro 1:00
You're listening to the Success with Soul podcast with Kate Kordsmeier ex-journalist turned CEO of a multi six figure blog in online business. But it wasn't that long ago that Kate was a struggling entrepreneur who lacked confidence, clarity, and let's be honest money. But all those failures, experiments and lessons learned helped Kate create a thriving business that impacts 1000s and brings freedom, flexibility and fulfillment to her life. If you're ready to do the same and make something happen with holistic, soulful, step by step strategies from Kate and other experts, you're in the right place. Here's your host writer, educator, mom, recovering perfectionist, bookworm and sushi connoisseur Kate Kordsmeier
Indira 1:49
Welcome back to the Success with Soul podcast. I'm your guest host Indira with tiene que que and I'm so excited for today's episode. Now that our Success with Soul membership is open for enrollment. We've decided to highlight one of our favorite features inside the membership, and that's our monthly soul sessions. With us today is one of our favorite soul session guests. Desi de modo. She's an intuitive tarot reader, a writer, a performer, and she also happens to be Kate and mines personal tarot reader. In today's episode we discuss disease entrepreneur journey to becoming an intuitive tarot reader. She also explains exactly what Tarot is and the relationship between the four elements, which is also used in astrology. We talk about how to incorporate Tarot as a form of self care, practical ways to use Tarot to guide you in all areas of your life and so much more. Desi is not your average tarot reader. She's a star key ologists I had so much fun sitting down with her for this episode, and I cannot wait for you all to listen. Let's dive in. Desi, I'm so excited to have you on the podcast. Welcome.
Desi Demoto 3:11
Thank you so much. I'm so happy to be here.
Indira 3:14
Desi is a regular with Team KK love. Desi, tell our audience, you know, tell us a little bit about yourself and your entrepreneurial journey. What led you to become an intuitive tarot reader, such a non
Desi Demoto 3:31
linear path to becoming a tarot reader. I have not really had a very conventional career path period. I've always been the type of person who was like, I'm interested in a bunch of things. And so I'm going to be refining and nurturing these different parts of myself. Like all simultaneously, I actually went to school and studied theater, and I'm also an actor, and comedian, and was really focused on that for I mean, I still am focused on that for the last over a decade now. But all throughout that, I was also refining my own personal spiritual practice and being a real seeker myself, looking for guidance. I began honing my Tarot practice really only for myself and I started doing that I think I got my first deck of cards about 15 years ago. And there was a while there where I would only do readings for myself. And then I started doing some for friends and family and then it got to a point where friends and family were telling me you need to do this for strangers. And I said, No, I'm not qualified. I cannot do that. And they said no, you really have to. So then I launched Starkey ology Tarot, my tarot business about five years ago.
Indira 4:58
And I can say for myself Oh, thank goodness you. Because I know that the one thing that I look forward to every month is our Tarot reading.
Desi Demoto 5:09
Oh, yeah, that makes me so happy.
Indira 5:12
Desi. I mean, Tarot, right? Like, can you just explain to our listeners exactly what is Tarot?
Desi Demoto 5:19
Yes, I'm happy that you asked this question. Because I think a lot of people have a lot of snap judgments about what Taro is without really understanding. And you know, different readers can treat it very differently. Like, like any tool, it can be used in a variety of ways. I use it as a tool for introspection. So it's really the equivalent of holding up a mirror to yourself, and hopefully being able to see yourself in certain angles, different angles than you might normally see yourself, you might be able to see, get different insights that you wouldn't get from how you normally see yourself, it's really a tool to give you more to reflect on about yourself in the present moment and about your past that has brought you to this present moment so that you can feel empowered to create the future you actually want to create. I think a lot of people, Taro can get kind of bad rap, because people just kind of write it off as like fortune telling or, you know, it's like looking at a crystal ball. And a tarot reader is going to tell you that, you know, this is when you're gonna die, or when you're gonna get married. Are these these things, you know, very future focused. And I don't really like to work that way. And I also think that's not the best use of tarot, it's, that's a limiting approach, as opposed to an expansive approach. Yeah, that answer your question?
Indira 6:46
It did. Now You are my tarot reader. So I will say that sometimes our readings are feel like you're channeling me. And they are so spot on, it does kind of feel like predictive, I'll share a personal story. As you know, in January, when we had our session, I was going through my 13 year old dog was very ill. And during that session, we pulled two cards. One was death. And the other one was something else that also referred to death. And so that to me was like, you know, was that you channeling my energy? Tell me a little bit about about
Desi Demoto 7:36
that. Yes, great question. I feel that we are all part of this, we're gonna get into my spiritual, I feel that we are all part of a single network of energy. And some people call that source energy. Some people call that divine energy, some people just label it, God, whatever it is, you feel comfortable calling it. But I think that this energy is available to all of us at any point in time. And we can always access it at any point in time if we choose to. But it also is like a muscle that we need to work and really do reps with to build. Because the intuitive muscle is not something that is encouraged in us from a very young age. That's just I think we're all born with an intuitive muscle and a capacity for that kind of intuitive channeling as you're calling it. Because it's not something that we aren't taught to recognize, acknowledge, practice, make stronger, then when it happens, or when we happen to like, click into it, it strikes us as magic because we're like, why? That's not how the world works. Like I wasn't taught to, you know, recognize this or or see this as normal. It's not normalized in any way. I think that if that part of us was nurtured and nourished from a much younger age, and we were taught to see it as like a sixth sense, that's completely natural and normal, then it wouldn't have that same quality of like, what how did you like you owe me? So I guess all of this to say is I don't think I'm doing anything that you can't do. I've just been practicing this, and working this muscle for the last 15 years. And there's a lot of great resources, when it comes to just like getting better at listening to your intuitive voice and distinguishing that intuitive voice. It feels like it's just coming from a deep part of yourself. But that's the part of yourself that I'm suggesting is tuned into this much bigger network that we're all tuned into. And so when we're tuned into that all information is available to us.
Indira 9:47
I love that you say that and it's a great segue to my next question because, you know, I'm sure our listeners would want to know like, what are some practical ways to use Tarot to learn how to A guide ourselves like in all areas of our lives.
Desi Demoto 10:03
Yeah. I mean, I love that question because that's how I use tarot, personally for many years. And also that was at a point where I was telling myself that I wasn't special in any way or that I wasn't intuitive that I didn't have what like other readers had, you know, that ability to, quote unquote, channel. And even from that place, even from that mindset, I still got a lot out of it. I think the most helpful way to use the cards just for introspection and reflection, is to I have a lot of clients who I'll suggest this to, you know, doing like a morning card poll, or maybe it's like a weekly spread for yourself. But coming to the cards with an inquiry, it can be something very specific interro, it's much better to ask open ended questions than yes or no questions, because I think even that is really indicative of how much power you are giving to yourself. Because when we're asking yes or no questions, we're like, please give me a definitive answer. I'm so uncertain, like I need like some safety. Whereas if we're like, oh, I'm going to ask an open ended question here, then we invite ourselves to be more of a collaborative player in what the answer is, because we're coming up with the story that blinks these cards together. And so when we come with an open mind, and we ask, you know, a question, like, maybe it's how can I be, how can I feel more fulfilled? Maybe it's acknowledging something in our selves in our lives, like, what do I have to be grateful for? What are my greatest strengths? Like it can be literally something that's just like about me, in my present moment about myself? Something I'm not seeing right now, or something that I'm not understanding, there's a missing piece, maybe I think focusing on the present moment is crucial when starting a self help practice, as opposed to being that future minded, you know, give me answers about the future so that I feel safe in the present kind of approach, focusing on the present moment asking expansive, open ended questions about the present moment. And then really just, it's great to look up the meanings. I also encourage people starting with Tarot to not look up the meanings immediately, but instead, just to see what the artwork suggests to them, how they would make sense of these three cards being pulled together, what is the message that they can the story that they can create, that weaves these images together. And then when they do that, I say, Great, that's the spark of intuition. That's the intuition I'm talking about. That's the intuitive muscle that you can work on more and more.
Indira 12:42
Love that. And I will say that I now have a daily practice. I also purchase the same Tarot that we use. And of course, I see you once a month, because it's, there is definitely a difference between having a daily practice where you're pulling cards for yourself, versus having someone like you, this professional reader to really guide me with, you know, what is it that my spirits are trying to convey?
Desi Demoto 13:13
Definitely, I mean, even as a professional reader, I will get readings from other readers, because doing self readings can help you to a certain extent, just because it is challenging you to reflect on things, just alone with yourself. But then also remember that you're seeing everything through the lens of your own conditioning. So it's always helpful to have another person who has access to that knowledge and doesn't is not affected by your personal lens of conditioning and your pain and your stories that you tell yourself. It's great to always have the messages come through that vehicle that just expands the types of messages I think that you can receive.
Indira 13:56
For sure, you know, because you are a frequent guest as part of our soul sessions that you know tiene que que is all about self care. And you know that Whoa. So how can you share a way for taro to become a form of self care, a way for
Desi Demoto 14:16
Tarot to become a beyond do it like what I suggested doing something every morning, for example, I think that's one of the best ways honestly, is when you're feeling either work it into a morning practice a morning spiritual practice, where it's just like, I don't even have a question. I just want to pull a card for myself and framed it in a way I think when we're coming at it from the perspective of self care. Frame it through the lens of I'm looking for encouraging messages that way when you especially early tarot readers who you know will pull a card it's like the death card. The double they're like, why is it scary? But when you frame it always if the question is always like, what is going to help me to know right now and it's the death card, then you're practicing, reframing a message that you might otherwise use to validate your greatest fears or doubts. But you're able to kind of like stretching yourself creatively and intuitively, to find the meaning and the silver linings and the loving words to speak to yourself with, I think like that. Even just practicing that because we all have, at least when it comes to self care, we all I think suffer to a certain degree from negative self talk from attaching to negative stories. And so to get out of that, we really need to get creative about how to change that inner voice and change that relationship with ourselves. And I think that's the biggest way that Taro positively impacts self care.
Indira 15:47
I love that. One thing I learned because of you. Yeah, was that there's similarities with Tarot and astrology in terms of elements I have. Oh, yeah, no idea. Please tell me more. Yeah, so
Desi Demoto 16:03
um, you know, this professional astrologer and I don't need to teach you astrology for elements yet. So we got earth, air, water, fire, Tarot, the four suits and Tarot. So we have the Major Arcana cards, which is the cards that are kind of like a big argument more than big themes of our lives. Like people say that they're mapped over the young in Hero's Journey, you know, Jung's hero's journey, from the floor all the way to the world. And in those are the cards that are like the sun, the moon death, the Empress, the devil, the star, you know, it's those kind of big ideas. Then we have the suits, the four suits, and really, the four suits a minor arcana are the same as the four elements in astrology. So there is the suit of cups, which is water, the suit of swords, which is air, the suit of wands, which is fire and the suit of pentacles, which is Earth. And really, the meaning is, I think, completely aligned with what those elements are in astrology.
Indira 17:10
When I first learned that, when you first I remember during one of our sessions, you said something like, oh, well, you do astrology. So this is like air, to me as an astrologer that click that helped solidify everything, because then I was able to translate it, right? Oh, astrology is a language like any other language. So it was like such a
Desi Demoto 17:34
light bulb moment or Yes, recognition. Yes.
Indira 17:37
It was like, Oh, I get it. Now. Now, it all makes sense. So I want to I mean, obviously, you don't have to share anything specific. But I'm curious if you can share some of the impact that you've seen personally, with your clients that you've worked with, from your Tarot sessions that you've really seen, like, the growth, the transformation, I'd love to hear some stories? Oh, my goodness,
Desi Demoto 18:04
yes, I'm trying to think we'll see if I get If actual specifics come to mind. But I do think I see the biggest, the coolest arcs in clients that I work with the most regularly. Of course, every once in a while there will be you know, a kind of one off one time client that we'll have a reading with. And then we leave that reading and they're like, this was everything I needed to hear. Thank you. And then they go on their way on their journey, and I don't see them again. I'm so it's harder to kind of measure their growth or transformation to them transformation. Yeah, I don't wanna say even there. I have had clients where it's like, been a one time thing. And then they've come back to me a full year later, and they have told me how their life has changed. Like I had a client who was in a very toxic job situation. And I remember she reached out to me at a time where she was at a real real low point of just feeling like so trapped and restricted. And the Tarot reading that we had together, it was really transformative and cathartic for her in the moment. And I could just tell you, usually you can tell just emotionally like where a client is, if they're like quietly crying the entire time, you're like, Okay, this is touching some nerves. And then the a full year later, she came back, but it wasn't from a place of like, God helped me like I need someone save me. It was actually from a place of like she had left that job. She was in a different relationship with her whole life was very different on the outside. And she also was very different in the inside. And she was coming to Taro more with this expectation of I want to harness this tool because I'm really excited about my future and I want to I want to maximize my present moment and my, you know, figure out the path forward it so that I can walk that path more consciously, very different from like when I saw her a year ago when you know more from that, that desperation. So that's one example just have a client one off, but like clients that I see, like you like month to month
Indira 20:16
get rid of me,
Desi Demoto 20:18
I love it. And also, that's the most fulfilling for me, because then I get to have this relationship with people, I get to know them better. And that's the other thing is that, you know, I don't call myself like a psychic or anything, I don't really have an opinion about psychics. I think again, like it's just that's the energy that some people have more knowledge of. And some people like struggling with accessibility to that knowledge. But it's always helpful for me to have more information and a deeper understanding of who you are and where you're coming from. And so that we really can go into get into the weeds with clients that I meet with month to month. And in those situations, I've seen such growth and transformation more than anything in how those clients talk to themselves. Like, again, going back to like negative self talk, having your own back, being able to bounce back from adversity, or from quote, unquote, failures, all of that, or that those are the areas where I really see change one of my clients, she takes notes every session, and has them in front of her from our last reading and each current reading. So she's able to say, you know, when we see like her chart, I'll be like, oh, yeah, we'll be like a hermit is in your present position right now. And she'll look back and be like, the hermit was in my future last time. Kind of clocking this, and I think like being able to measure that over months, has really made her so much more skilled at connecting the dots for herself. And even in our readings, she has as many insights about her life as I do. And I love that collaboration in a reading like, ultimately, it's really each of us who heals ourselves. You know, we are the ultimate healer, whether I'm talking we're talking about physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. So it's great to see people really step into that role, and are not necessarily like giving their power away to me, but really just kind of sharing the spotlight being like, Oh, I see this. Well, I see this. And I love those collaborations with people.
Kate Kordsmeier 22:32
Well, hey, there, it's Kate Kordsmeier, and I wanted to play a quick game with you. Let me know which of these you can raise your hand for? Are you wanting to reconnect with your authentic self, soul and purpose to become the woman you want to be? We want you to create aligned habits for more rest and less stress to live intentionally and take control of your daily life, to connect to other women who are on growth journeys, and rediscover your inherent worthiness and value so you can step into your power. Are you wanting to get clarity on life's decisions and your direction? Are you wanting to partner with your mindset to achieve your goals and find the balance between your priorities and all of the competing roles you serve? If you're saying yes, then you're going to absolutely love our Success with Soul membership. This monthly membership includes monthly soul sessions with energy healers, spiritual guides, wellness gurus and other guest experts. Monthly mindset coaching calls cyclical living guidance, journaling prompts and taro and other resources and tools for living a soulful whole life. Head on over to Kate kordsmeier.com/membership to join us today. That's Kate kordsmeier.com/membership
Indira 23:53
there's something you just said that I love so much and that is healing. And one of the things now that our Success with Soul membership is fully live and soul sessions are a big part of our membership, which you are obviously one of our favorites. So session guests is Yeah, healing and using Tarot as a form of healing. And I wonder if there's one thing that someone can do today with Tarot to find comfort and healing? What would that be?
Desi Demoto 24:27
So great question. Honestly, this might not be what you'd expect, because I feel like you know, with Tarot, it's like, there's really one thing you do and that's pull cars. A lot of friends, you can do a lot of different questions you can ask, but we pull the cards. There is a book, I actually have it right here. This is like a Tarot Bible. It's called 78 degrees of wisdom. It's by Rachel pollack. And you can see that's called a taro journey of self awareness. I was reading that backwards. Yeah, and there I have It's funny because I have a friend who read this book. He's not a tarot reader. Like he kind of started dabbling in it after reading this book. But he read this book first, which was so funny to me, because I'm like, what made you interested in reading a Tarot book and you don't really even do Tarot. And he was like, Oh, well, it was the self awareness part. It was the journey to self awareness part. And he was like, I got so much out of this book in understanding myself better, just from learning about tarot card meanings, because that's essentially what this book is, it's like really a deep dive into the meanings but not like, in an encyclopedic way, not like in like a dictionary way, like, you know, here's the definition. It's like, really much more narrative and personal and beautiful. And I think like, anyone who feels pressure about pulling cards for themselves, or like, scared to do that, or feels like they can't do that, you know, like, I have felt in certain times in my life, like, I'm not qualified. I think reading a book like this is a great step towards using Tarot to support your own healing.
Indira 26:05
I love that. And of course, I'm going to read that book.
Desi Demoto 26:08
Yeah, it's great. I mean, there and she tells amazing stories to have just like how, when you're asking about like transformation, like how Taro has transformed people's lives that she's, you know, bear witness to?
Indira 26:22
Well, I will say, from a personal experience that I recall, in October, you and I having a session before my wedding, and the entire spread was like a wedding and love and I'm like, oh, my, what is going on? And then, you know, most recently, of course, was January session with, you know, God and my woody passing away. Actually, few days after our session. No, I think our session was Wednesday, and he passed away on Sunday. So I will say that, I think Taro is something that if you come to it, I always tell you, sometimes you asked me like, Do you have something? And I say, No, I just want to know what the guides have to tell me. And yeah, I've literally come to it with an open heart and open mind. I do prep before our sessions, I clear my energy, because I want to be as open as you as possible so that you can really channel that. And I think you're amazing, does he I think you are such a gift. And what you do is amazing. I truly I will say,
Desi Demoto 27:33
and Sweden do your thing. Yeah, I think you're amazing. I mean, in every way, just as a human being client as a, as someone who's in a receptive position, like you're truly an ideal person to read cards for it, because you're just, I mean, leading up to saying, like, I clean my energy. And like who else does?
Indira 27:54
Well, I think as an astrologer, that's, you know, like, my energy before I do a session, I want to make sure that I'm you know, whatever it is that I'm reading for a client that it's coming from a higher source, not just, you know, from this dimension. I do the same thing. Yeah, yeah. So Desi, you're in the Success with Soul podcast, and we have something here we call the lightning round. So I'm just gonna ask you a few questions. Don't overthink it. You ready?
Desi Demoto 28:27
Yes, I'm ready. Okay, lightning me.
Indira 28:31
So what's your favorite way to make time for self care? While you're running your own business?
Desi Demoto 28:37
favorite way to make time for self care? Well, I like to schedule out my self care. I think I have to do that honestly be like the from these hours to these hours, I am doing my own thing.
Indira 28:49
I love that. That's something that we actually teach inside the incubator. That's something that we tell our clients, if you want to make sure that it gets done. You put it in the calendar.
Desi Demoto 29:00
Yep. Yeah. So that's awesome. You guys focus on that? Yeah, I just I go through waves to like, sometimes I'm not even doing that. And then when I do, I'm like, Wow, this makes such a difference.
Indira 29:10
What's one tool or strategy that you use to help with time management, and I will say that you are a tarot reader, a writer, a performer, a comedian. So I know there has to be some sort of balance with your time management. So what is it?
Desi Demoto 29:29
Yeah, that's a really great question. I think that the biggest thing I do is I'll make lists of my priorities like, and I'll do this regularly a thing like what's the most important thing to me now? And then use that to ratio my time appropriately? So yeah, because I think like in the past, I've kind of struggled with just being like, well, these are all the things I'm doing like, I guess I give equal time to each thing. And then it's like kind of overwhelming. And also, I end up feeling unbalanced. Like there's there I'm drained in certain ways. So I'm overextended and others. So the biggest thing I think is like keeping up to date with what my current goals are, and then using that to dictate my, how I manage my time, if that makes sense,
Indira 30:13
I love it. What's the most powerful book you've ever read, and it could be like a mindset book. You know, one that you reference again, and again, that's made the biggest difference in your life. I mean, normally we would ask for like, a business or an entrepreneur or book. But now with our Success with Soul membership, which is, you know, our newest offering, we're so excited. And as you know, the membership is for all women, not just entrepreneurs. So the book can just be the book that you reference again and again.
Desi Demoto 30:48
Okay, this is really hard. I have to say the work of Eckhart Tolle has been life changing. For me, stillness speaks the power of now, it's a great one to start
Indira 31:04
loves that book, actually, the power of now.
Desi Demoto 31:07
So good. And I also have to say, I recommend you listening to the audiobook over reading it yourself, because really is the most incredible voice and accent. And he reads things like very slowly and meditatively. And there's like, little bells and stuff with Dwayne. And it really allows some of the things which are very, like heavy ideas to really land and sit as opposed to like, kind of speed reading through stuff and not really letting things hit you, I think, wait that they should.
Indira 31:38
So you're just saying the speed reading. Actually, I actually do speed read. It's something that Jim quick taught me and I did do it. But I think
Desi Demoto 31:48
and I think there's a time and place for it. I think that when sometimes though in like with this kind of content, it's hard to speed read and really get what you should get out of it, especially if it's a book about presence.
Indira 32:04
Yes, yes. So let's switch over to mindset, what's your favorite quote, or mantra or affirmation? When things get tough, and you feel like you're gonna give up?
Desi Demoto 32:17
Who? Oh, my goodness. I mean, again, I got a list of these. If we could go to my desk, I could read off all the middle posts on my desk. I'm the one that's coming up right away for me is I'm actually there's two one is worry is praying for what you don't want, which I think as a chronic worrier, and someone who is prone to anxiety, that really is a quick way to like snap me out of feeling, focusing on the things that are quote unquote, going wrong, where he is praying for what you don't want. And then the other is one that I love and is am I botch this but what is meant for you won't go past you. So I think that's another thing of like feeling if you're someone who feels like you have to do everything perfectly to make sure you get all of the opportunities or all of the things. That's such a great quote for surrendering and recognizing like it's not actually all on me to make sure everything that I think is the right thing for me, making sure all those things happen. If something isn't happening. That's a really quick way to help me surrender.
Indira 33:31
I love that. And finally, yes, what does Success with Soul mean to you? Oh,
Desi Demoto 33:39
loaded question. That is like an essay. Um, I think Success with Soul specifically should be how we define all success. It is self actualization that is aligned with your highest good and the highest good of everyone else. Simply put,
Indira 34:01
love it. I think I might use that one.
Desi Demoto 34:04
Good. Good. Take it.
Indira 34:09
Desi, thank you so much. I know that our listeners are gonna want to know how to connect with you. So where can they find you?
Desi Demoto 34:18
Yes, you can find me at Starkey ology. taro.com/archaeology It's just like star and archaeology. My site. Yeah, I have a lot of resources on there. Ways to book in with me. Micro readings. So 60 minute long tarot readings. Also, my YouTube channel is a really great way to get an idea of what I do without even having to talk to me or commit to anything. I do a lot of tarot readings, monthly tarot readings, trying to do more on there, just for the collective. Anyone who finds those readings. The reading is meant for you. Yeah, I think those are the best ways.
Indira 34:58
Yeah, and I will say that It does. He also has a Patreon channel, which I am a part of, and love. And I consider just like, you know, part of my self care, actually. And so I definitely would encourage listeners to check that out. And to become a patron, you know, where you get monthly readings, so you get to connect with Desi every month.
Desi Demoto 35:25
Yeah, I mean, that's really I love the Patreon crew. And also like those monthly readings you get at a discount from my normal rates. And yeah, it's cool.
Indira 35:37
And we also get that monthly where like you do the spreads. Yes, that gets emails. Yes, I love it. Desi, it's been a pleasure. Thank you so much for coming on the Success with Soul podcast, and I'm excited to see you inside the Success with Soul membership, hosting a soul session for us.
Desi Demoto 35:59
I can't wait. I'm so excited. Thank you so much for having me in there. This was so just lovely. I really appreciate it. Great.
Indira 36:09
Thank you.
Kate Kordsmeier 36:14
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