1:1 Partnership Coaching

As an ICF-accredited coach, I believe the best way to make money as a business coach is to help your clients make money, too.

You don't want another crowded program you get lost in, and you certainly don’t need another cookie-cutter course without real-time support;

Apply Here 

You need a true partner!

Someone to hold you accountable and give you the hard truths with a soft landing, ensuring you feel both challenged and cherished.

Someone who values you not just as a "lead" but as a whole person, and will relentlessly remind you: you matter and are worthy of your deepest desires.

And someone with a demonstrated history of success who will make sure you stay on track with grounded, actionable steps that lead to real results. 

A champion. A co-pilot. A hype-woman,
a confidante and an ally. 

I get it. I get you. I am you.
That’s why I’ve built my 12-month 1:1 coaching container with a revenue share (aka partnership) component.

Someone to make the isolating journey of entrepreneurship a little less lonely, overwhelming and complicated. 

Someone who can give you personalized attention and support you to create the success you desire in a way that actually serves, and is specifically tailored to, you and your unique life, dreams, and limitations.  

Someone who sees the real you, can hold space for all of you (even in your messiest, most defeated moments), who can believe in you when you lose faith.

Because you deserve a partner who’s as invested in your business as you are. 

Using my F.R.E.E.D.O.M. framework, I’ll partner with you to grow a sustainable, profitable business that creates more time, space, and energy. 

No more wasting time not knowing what to do, no more sacrificing self-care at the expense of your business, and no more analysis paralysis, perfectionism, decision fatigue and doing everything by yourself.


Up first, meet Kate Kordsmeier 


How about getting 2
for the price of 1? 

(that’s me!) I’ve been self-employed since 2010. I’ve built a successful blog from scratch that I went on to sell for multiple six-figures. I’ve been featured in over 125 national magazines, including Forbes, and I’ve made millions of dollars while working less than 20 hours a week and without social media (yes, seriously, I quit in 2021 and never looked back!). 

As a mom of two kiddos (and two fur babies!) who’s struggled with anxiety and chronic illness most of my adult life, I get overwhelm.

It’s crucial for me to build a business around my life (not the other way around). Sometimes that means I’ve made $50,000/month and other times, I’ve intentionally scaled back and purposefully chosen to make less money in favor of more time for myself and my family. 

It hasn’t always been easy or pretty. My business isn’t right for everyone, but it is just right for ME. 

And that’s what I want for you, too. Not a carbon copy of my business, but a business that is perfect for you. 

Everything works, let’s figure out what works best for YOU, not some one-size-fits-all business-in-a-box. 

Our holistic, soulful and feminine approach ensures you understand and care for yourself so deeply, and approach your business with such fine-tuned strategies that your success becomes inevitable.

I know one game-changing truth: the best way for me to thrive is by ensuring you do, too.

So I’m not just going to tell you what to do, I’m going to guide you in honing your intuition, finding answers that truly fit who you are. And I’m going to make sure you feel good while doing it. 

And I’ve got unconventional, but insanely-effective techniques you’ve likely never used before–I’m also a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master 1, and certified in NLP, EFT Tapping and TIME Technique–to help us do it. 

Your second coach: Meet Rachel Silves,

a serial entrepreneur with over 14 years as a business owner - with 5 years in the online business space. Rachel has coached over 200 clients in all aspects, including business, health, and career coaching. Rachel is currently in the process of getting certified as a Sacred Depths Transformational Practitioner so she can support her clients to create bigger breakthroughs, more long-lasting change, and real forward movement + results. She uses techniques such as befriending your fears, working with your resistance archetype, and rewiring negative thought patterns to help clients achieve their goals. 

Rachel brings her background in counseling, combining elements of Carl Rodger's Humanistic Psychology with motivational interviewing, which allows her to take an empathic and non-judgemental approach. 

Rachel is the mom of two girls and two dogs and lives in the Pacific Northwest. 


12-month container starting as soon as July 1, 2024 

Two 30-minute 1:1 calls per month; one with Kate and one with Rachel ($1,998 value)

Unlimited Voxer access Mon-Thurs from 10-4 EST, on a channel with both Kate + Rachel, 24-hour response time max ($3,000 value)

24 critiques to use any time during the 12 months ($1,332 value)

One group mastermind call per month with the others participating in the 1:1 partnership model (max 10 clients; $1,998 value)

Weekly email accountability coaching (we send you an email every Friday and you hit “reply” and answer 4 questions once a week, which we coach you on). ($1,164 value)

Complete access to any and all programs, events, basically anything I have created in the past or create in the future as long as we are working together 

EVERYTHING from the Mindful Business Academy with lifetime access ($2,000 value)

Complimentary Launch Lab access during your container ($108 value), including 1 LIVE group coaching call/month

Note: this makes for a total of 4 live calls per month

Let’s break it down!


The 1:1 coaching partnership is a sliding scale revenue share with a base rate of $1,000 per month (or $11,000 PAY IN FULL and we have funding/loan partners available if that's of interest). 

The revenue share is only based on NEW revenue generated after this container starts. We'll look at the average income of the last 12 months for you, and any amount you make above that number while we're working together will be commissioned out to me on a sliding scale like this:

This is not just another coaching program. It's a true partnership we're building together that actually puts skin in the game for both of us. We're not just rooting for you on the sidelines as your cheerleader or coach; we're on the field with you, passing the ball and setting you up for the winning shot (or whatever sports analogy means we're genuinely invested in your biz ). 

We’re not afraid to give you tough love when you need it, and we always have your back.

This is how true revenue growth happens–when we're as invested in your success as you are. If your revenue goes up, so does ours. And you know what? You won't pay a penny more unless you're actually making more. It's the ultimate win-win!


Choose the Payment That Works Best For You

Pay Monthly

$1,000 per month base rate

Pay in Full

Pay $11,000 upfront for 12 months and get 1 month free

Buy Now, Pay Later

Pay in Full with Funding

We also have a funding partner with Elective that you can apply for here. Flexible terms and 0% APR. No late fees or penalties.

Need more flexibility with payments? 

We got you!

We now offer 3rd party funding which means you could join for as low as $270/month (depending on your credit score).

There’s no money down required, no payment due for your first 30 days, AND you can pay it off early at any time with no penalties!

There’s no risk to apply as it’s soft pull, so your credit score is not affected. But you’ll get pre-approved in just a couple hours!


WHAT OUR partnership

Take a look at this video from Sabrina about her experience (NOTE: Sabrina saw 190% revenue growth in our partnership, having multiple $22k+ months)

Martine started her business from scratch in our partnership model and was able to earn over $7,500 in her first 6 months with our support.

I made my first (of many) evergreen sales, had my first $10,000 month and tripled my income in one year, resulting in a multiple-six-figure gross revenue after working with Kate." 
It is by far the best money I've ever invested into my business. It has paid off for sure, not to mention the time that it saved me being able to just copy/paste Kate's funnel right into my account. And I love that you get a lot of one-on-one support on the group calls and direct feedback and critiques on your specific questions that are unique to your business. This isn’t a one-size-fits-all, business in a box approach. It’s so tailored to you and I never would have reached this level of revenue and ease without Kate’s coaching and support!

sabrina gebhardt,

martine resnick,

molly cahill,


Is our Partnership Coaching right for you?

If you’d describe yourself as self-motivated, passionate, and committed to your business no matter what; if you’re a driven action taker, then you’re exactly the kind of woman we’re excited to partner with! 

Ideally, we prefer working with entrepreneurs who have already launched their business and are making at least $1,000/month; but this is not a formal requirement. So if you’re interested, please still apply. 

Why revenue share? 

Because it’s the best win-win and it allows me to charge a lower base rate for my coaching making it more accessible and affordable for you! You only pay more when I help you make more! If you want to hear more about this model and why it works so well, listen to this podcast episode I recorded with Lacey Sites, who introduced me to this profit sharing model. 

I have more questions! 

You can Voxer me if you have more questions, or happy to jump on a free consult call, and you can book a time on my calendar here.