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Last Updated on October 31, 2023
If you are running your own business but not making the money you want, there are some easy ways to make money now that you might not be doing. In today’s episode, Kate (did you know she is a certified mindset coach?) shares in an exclusive mini training some simple steps to take to starting generating income, plus how to master your mindset about different seasons of generating income (or not!).
Table of Contents
As a business and mindset coach, I love running a coaching business and helping other women start and maintain sustainable, profitable businesses. But the part where the coaching really starts to ramp up is when a client comes to me and says, “I haven’t made any money yet.”
Most of the time when I ask them if they have a way to accept payment on their website, the answer is “no”. The same goes for my other questions: “have you made any offer to somebody?” “have you asked somebody to buy one of your products or services?”
When the answer to all or most of those questions is “no”, it’s no wonder that you haven’t made any money! Too often I see that my clients and new business owners are afraid to offer a service for payment because they put too many steps between them and making money. They are afraid to take imperfect action.
Are you putting too many steps between you and making money? If you are trying to completely finish your website, perfect your offer, send X number of emails, etc, before you actually launch a paid offer, guess what – you won’t ever feel ready to launch it!
Want to know a shocking secret? It is okay to intentionally focus on other priorities in your business besides making money. Once you learn how to master your mindset around seasons of making money and other priorities, you will experience a lot of freedom to embrace creativity and excitement in your business.
Sometimes you do need to make space and take time to figure out what direction you want to work towards. Consider what the needed pieces are to move you towards your goals. At Success with Soul, we call it our “North Star” – the ultimate reason you are starting your business.
If you want to learn how to master your mindset about money, the first step is to make a conscious decision about what you should be focusing on in different seasons. For example, there are times with my coaching business where my main focus isn’t income generation. Instead, I focus on serving my current clients well and helping them get results. Or recently, I focused heavily on getting some coaching certifications to become a certified life and mindset coach to add even more value for my clients!
When you have other goals to achieve in your business, it’s important to get into the headspace of allowing yourself to focus on non-income generating tasks. When you’re in that headspace, you won’t have to have that internal conversation with yourself that we know too well: “I’m not making money, my business isn’t successful enough, I’m not where I should be.” Instead, you can say, “No, I’m exactly where I should be. I’m prioritizing X, Y, and Z right now. And I’m not prioritizing increasing revenue.”
Inside of my coaching business mastermind, the Incubator, clients have access to a ton of resources to help them learn how to make money, plus money mindset coaching from me, a certified mindset coach! Because I started off my own business with a 6-figure earning blog and subsequent blog coaching program, 6FBA, many of my clients think that they too need to invest in their blogs in order to generate income.
But blogging is a marketing strategy, not the only avenue to generating revenue. It can be too easy to get stuck behind blogging instead of putting yourself out there to offer a service that will generate income today.
There are many other ways to make money now, including:
Want to learn even more ways to make money now in your coaching business (or business in general)? Inside the Success with Soul Incubator mastermind, we are constantly working with clients to provide tailored feedback on their businesses and income generating practices. The Incubator is a holistic mastermind empowering female coaches to make money sustainably.
If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, learn best SEO practices, achieve your goals, and join a community of women taking inspired action, join the waitlist today! Enrollment opens again in May, 2023. Get more information about dates and bonuses when you join the waitlist.
Sign up at: successwithsoul.co/scale
Thanks so much for listening in this week! If you enjoyed this episode, here are some ways you can join our Success with Soul movement:
You can 100% make money with a coaching business! Once you do the mindset work around money and seasons of generating revenue, all you need to do is get one client and you’ll be on your way to making money from doing what you love.
If you have a service to offer, an easy and simple way to start making money now is to write up a document describing your service, insert a Paypal link, and send that to your friends, family, and contacts. Ask them to pass it on to anyone who might be interested. You might be surprised at the results!
One of the best things you can do for yourself as you are starting a business is learning how to master your mindset around money. And the first thing to learn? Not every season has to be about generating income. Sometimes there are other goals to focus on, like networking, building your website, and other activities that will set you up for long-term success.
I got my life and mindset coach certification from Quantum Coaching Academy!
Katie Kus 0:00
Hi, Katie coos here with Oregon girl holistic skincare. And I am part of the Success with Soul Incubator. My favorite part about being in the Incubator is I know no matter what roadblock I hit, whether it's a mental roadblock, something with tech, or just trying to decide what the next steps need to be in creating my offer, I can always reach out to the team and Kate and they're going to be there with heartfelt thoughtful advice that is catered specifically to my business needs. And where I'm at in my business growth. The Incubator has completely transformed how I've been able to approach my business. And I really do feel like they've just become part of my team. So I'm so thankful for being a part of the Incubator.
Intro 0:47
You're listening to the Success with Soul podcast with Kate Kordsmeier, X journalist turned CEO of a multi six figure blog and online business. But it wasn't that long ago that Kate was a struggling entrepreneur who lacked confidence, clarity, and let's be honest money. But all those failures, experiments and lessons learned helped Kate create a thriving business that impacts 1000s and brings freedom, flexibility and fulfillment to her life. If you're ready to do the same and make something happen with holistic, soulful, step by step strategies from Kate and other experts, you're in the right place. Here's your host, writer, educator, mom, recovering perfectionist, bookworm, and sushi connoisseur, Kate Kordsmeier.
Indira 1:35
Welcome back to the Success with Soul podcast. I'm your guest host Indira and I am so excited for what we have in store for you. So over the next three weeks, we are going to be sharing a three-part mini training series, we are going to take you behind the scenes inside of our Incubator coaching calls, and we are going to give you actionable tips on how you can start making money, how to get unstuck, and what to do when you feel behind. So you are going to be seeing a sneak peek into the strategies, the tools, the tips, all of the tactics that we share with our clients inside of the Incubator. So if you are a coach or consultant on entrepreneur, and you know that you could use more help making money or want to learn what to do when you get stuck, and what to do when you feel behind, then you'll definitely want to tune in for the next three weeks in this three part mini series. I am so excited. Let's dive in
Kate Kordsmeier 3:00
Base for their feedback. And one of the things that's kind of come up is I want everybody to ask themselves, if are you putting too many steps between where you are now and making money? And really think about like, what are the things that you need to do to make money today? And you don't have to have your website totally done. You don't have to have a perfect offer put together yet. You don't have to have all the answers or have everything figured out yet. And I think that's something that we hear a lot and you know, we 6FBA is now officially retired and everybody's access is over. And so we were hearing from a lot of people over there too. And a lot of times people will say, Well, I haven't made any money yet. And then they say Well, do you have a way to accept payment on your website? Or have you made an offer to somebody? Have you asked somebody to buy one of your products or services? And so often the answer is like Well, no. And so it makes me wonder, well, of course you're not making money. You don't you don't have a way to make money right now. And I think the reason for that is because people feel like they need to do all of these things before they can start making money. And I would just like to offer what if that weren't true? And what if you could just get started with something quick, simple, easy, straightforward today. And maybe that's just taking on a one on one client. Maybe that is you know, taking on like doing a founding members launch. Maybe it's sending that friends and family email template to your people and just saying like, Hey, here's what I'm doing. If you know anybody who's interested, please pass this along. So we have that making money bootcamp that we did to Q3 and there's a lot of like, the first couple of ways to make money are sort of those getting started ways. If you haven't done this yet, I would like give yourself a checklist. And in the next 30 days do at least two of those things. Because then if you're still not making money, okay, now we can troubleshoot what's maybe not working, where we could change some things around what's happening. But if we're not making money, because we're not putting it out there that we have something that people could pay us for, that's just on us, then at that point, right, like, well, of course, I'm not going to make money yet, I have no way for people to pay me. So we want to help you guys. I know, that's a huge goal of everybody who comes in here. Obviously, the incubator is designed to help you build a profitable business, I think everybody has seen that it's really about so much more than just making money. And we still want you to do that, too. And I think a lot of times, like a lot of the mindset work, especially that we do is what will help you start making money. So it's less about having all your ducks in a row, like strategically, all the technical logistical pieces and more just like, can you send somebody a Google Doc that has three paragraphs about how you could help them with a Pay Pal link? Like, how can we make this simple and easy? All right, that's my soapbox.
Rachel Silves 6:15
I love that, Kate.
Indira 6:20
Hey, are you a female coach looking to turn your passion into a sustainable business? If that's you, then you're definitely going to want to join us in April for our free four day challenge. From certified to six figures, four components to build your sustainable coaching business. The challenge starts on April 24. And throughout the four days, you'll learn the proven strategies you need to build a successful coaching practice that generates consistent income. This challenge is exclusive for female coaches who are committed to taking their business to the next level. Don't miss out on this opportunity to achieve financial freedom doing what you love, head on over to successwithsoul.co/challenge to register and turn your coaching certification into a thriving six figure business. That's successwithsoul.co/challenge.
Rachel Silves 7:25
I guess it was just connecting for me some of the things that we had the themes that we had already talked about, which is like, sometimes you do need to take that space and that rest and figure out what direction and like what truly you want to work towards. And then that paired with what you're talking about is like what is the simplest way to do that? What are the pieces that need to get in place to move you towards that direction? And like the magic of those two things, and how sometimes in our head, we tell ourselves stories of like, oh, well, I need this. And I need this and I need this. And so being able to ask yourself, like, is that actually true? And then going back to your like, why and the direction you want to go and like always coming back to that North Star. I think the beauty of those two things is kind of what's coming up for me during this call. So I don't know if that makes sense at all. But that's what kind of came up for me when you were chatting.
Kate Kordsmeier 8:12
Yeah, it makes me think too about like, just making a conscious decision of what you're doing. And that even being more important. Like if you've decided, I actually, my goal right now is not to make money. My goal right now is to do X, Y and Z. Great. But then like you're in that headspace, and then we're like, we don't have to have the conversation or even the conversation with yourself about like, I'm not making money at my business isn't successful enough. I'm not where I should be. It's like, No, I'm exactly where I should be. I'm prioritizing X, Y, and Z right now. And I'm not prioritizing increasing revenue. But if your goal is like, I need to increase revenue today, like or yesterday, then how can we do that? And I think one of the things that I often see, and I think especially because of my, you know, the SEO and blogging approach that we take, is that a lot of people will spend most of their time writing blog posts and creating content. And that's great. It's not that I'm saying obviously, that you shouldn't do those things. But I think sometimes they end up being a place where we hide a little bit where it's like, this is something that yes, we need to have some content out there. We need to have a way for people to find us, especially if you're not using social media, but it can make us feel really busy. And then we're not actually moving the needle and the business of selling our offers and connecting with people and getting clients and those things. So almost, I like hesitate to say it because I'm not saying like don't blog, don't put anything out there. But it's just like how can we reprioritize and see like, you know, blogging is something that is like that's your marketing strategy, but your business needs more than just a marketing strategy. And so how could that kind of become the thing that sort of happens in the background? And that's the likes. It's like you're building something that's going to serve you really well in the future. But the blog, of course, is the longer game. And so what can we do in the short term?
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