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Last Updated on January 31, 2023
Welcome to the Success With Soul podcast! Today, guest host Indira is doing a special Client Spotlight. She’s sitting down with lifestyle photographer and Incubator client Sabrina Gebhardt to talk all about how the Incubator helped Sabrina go from having a lifestyle photography business (which she very much still enjoys) to also creating a mentoring business that helps other photographers (which she absolutely LOVES).
Table of Contents
You don’t have to look too far to see how often entrepreneurs who are practitioners of one kind or another transition to creating a mentoring business to help other practitioners in their field.
I’ve done it (and love it!) — actually in more ways than one. I started out as a holistic-wellness chef, and created my blog Root + Revel out of that practice. Then I started teaching other bloggers (of all kinds) how to turn their blog into a real business. Then, I notched up that shift even more by transitioning entirely away from R+R to a coaching / mentoring business where I help women create online businesses they love.
Our guest today is another example of someone who has made the move from practitioner to mentor — and who has learned how to create a whole other thriving branch of her business.
Sabrina Gebhardt started out as a lifestyle photographer, and she has built a very successful business around that gift. She noticed that while lifestyle photography is deeply rewarding, it’s also an area (like many creative fields) where entrepreneurs get stuck when it comes to actually generating consistent, reliable income. In fact, most photographers don’t make it past the second year of business.
She started feeling the pull to come alongside other photographers and show them how to go from “starving artist” to “abundant entrepreneur.” Et viola, the idea for a mentoring business was born.
In November 2021, she joined the Success With Soul Incubator, and that’s when her mentoring business really started to thrive.
I think you’re going to love her journey — especially if you’re currently a practitioner who’s looking to dip a toe into teaching/coaching others in your field, either as a way to transition completely (like I did) or to supplement/grow your business while you continue to practice your first love (like Sabrina is doing).
If we’re going to really understand Sabrina and what she’s created out of her experience inside the Incubator, we should get a better picture (see what I did there??) of her work and how she was positioned to become a coach.
Lifestyle photography is kind of a buzzword in the industry. But the general population doesn’t really know what that means.
Basically, as a lifestyle photographer, Sabrina is not just a standard portrait photographer. Rather, she comes into your home, and captures the moments of your actual life with you and your family, as they’re happening. It’s not formally posed or in front of screens. There’s room for “imperfect” moments.
In a session, that can look like being there as you play with your kids and seeing the dogs get crazy — and capturing those moments of you in your “natural habitat.” It’s snuggling and laughing and real interaction — but slightly leveled up a bit, with coordinated outfits and maybe some makeup on and all that kind of stuff.
It’s really emotionally-driven and moment-driven. And Sabrina has been doing that for a really long time … and has loved it. She still loves it! Let’s meet the woman behind the camera.
Sabrina has been a lifestyle photographer of newborns and families for more than 12 years.
In her journey as an entrepreneur, she’s also found a passion in coaching photographers and other creative entrepreneurs on how to build and run a business that is both sustainable and successful.
In her education space, Sabrina has an online course, a monthly membership program, and a high-level mastermind experience. Plus, she’s finally launching her own podcast very soon — exciting!
Sabrina is a strong Enneagram 3 who loves color, caffeine, and travel. She lives in Fort Worth, Texas with her three kids, two pups, and husband of almost 18 years.
As it is with all businesses, the path to success isn’t linear. Sabrina’s story is no different.
She’d had her eye on mentoring for a few years, but she’ll tell you honestly: she struggled to make the leap because of Imposter Syndrome.
(Can you relate?)
Thoughts would pop into her brain, like, Who am I to teach and coach? and I don’t have an education background.
But her heart was there, attending lifestyle photography conferences and workshops and learning from others.
Another voice was speaking inside her: I really think I could do that. I really love that.
When everything shut down because of COVID, a friend suggested that it was the right time to take this opportunity to do an online group coaching program. Just make it a beta program, just wing it and see what happens. Who knows? she said. Maybe you won’t even enjoy the process, right? Or maybe you’ll love it.
So Sabrina created a pilot program for 10 to 15 women, totally free. She was upfront that she wanted to coach a group of lifestyle photographers on how to build a successful business or grow their business. She was new and wanted to try something together.
She was surprised to get tons of applications — an incredible group of women came through.
Within weeks of doing it, Sabrina knew: Yep. This is a thing.
She had a heart and a head for this. She was getting really positive feedback. So she decided to start making a mentoring business what the next thing she was going to lean into.
Sabrina was one of those people who had followed Kate for a long time and was very intrigued by her, by the business she had built and the things that she offered.
She also noticed both what Kate was doing … and what she wasn’t doing in her business.
Kate wasn’t promoting one-size-fits-all business models. She understood that there are a thousand ways to model and set up a business, and the right business is the one that right for you. She wasn’t preaching hustle + grind. She kept joy and integrity and soul at the forefront of everything.
Molly Cahill, who is also in the Incubator, was online friends with Sabrina. She kept telling Sabrina about the Incubator and how she thought it would be a great fit. Finally, Sabrina just felt a stirring in her gut: she knew she needed to try this. It was something totally different than anything else I had invested in.
Like many entrepreneurs, Sabrina is a huge believer in continued education. She pays for it every single year. The Incubator was so different from what she normally did — but she knew it was just the thing for where she was taking her business, and so she decided to jump in.
For the past six years, Sabrina has been stepping into the education and coaching space. Little by little.
She had been dabbling in mentoring for a while — and then COVID happened, and the time felt ripe for expanding her lifestyle photography business to include a mentoring business to guide other new and aspiring photographers in having abundant, balanced businesses.
Like many others, she jumped into the digital education space, because — as she puts it, “What else were we going to do?” Everyone was at home, and there was some very real anxiety in the lifestyle photography space about how to build and maintain sustainable businesses in the downturn.
Since 2020, Sabrina has built a course, a mastermind, and a membership. She’s also jumped into public speaking.
And she’s discovered something new and fresh in her work: she absolutely loves fostering that kind of community with other female entrepreneurs and creatives.
And inside the Incubator, she’s learned how to make the most of these offerings in a way that supports her whole life and doesn’t contribute to burnout.
As I mentioned above, there’s definitely more than one way to add mentoring/teaching/coaching into your business. Where you land on that will totally depend on how much energy you have for what you’re currently practicing (in the form it’s in), and how much you want to make your mentoring business a part of your current model.
Because Sabrina still felt (and feels) a ton of love and energy for her lifestyle photography work, she’s opted to have mentoring be a second branch to her practice.
When she compares being fully in the lifestyle photography space and then adding the transition to education, Sabrina is honest: moving to the education space is really hard.
Not that that’s not a natural progression, because it is, especially when you’ve been in the industry for so long. But the fact that she still actively takes clients, and still actively shoots and works as a lifestyle photographer — it’s a lot.
There’s also a challenge with her website in terms of boosting SEO.
Why? Because she’s serving two different types of clients under one umbrella. And so working through that, being able to ask questions about this in the Incubator, and getting a clear plan for how she can do both has been invaluable for her and her success.
In addition to the tech/business side of adding another offering like this, the Incubator has helped her find energetic and emotional balance inside of her business.
She holds boundaries and keeps a very particular schedule in terms of how many sessions she can take, because she’s balancing the education piece and there’s all these other things going on. But she thinks it’s worth the effort, because she likes to learn from people who are still actively doing the thing that they’re teaching.
Not to mention, she still loves being a lifestyle photographer! Her heart is still very much in it, and that work fills a creative impulse in her. So for now, she’s opting to be 50/50 right now in her business — and the Incubator has helped make that dream a reality for her.
Whether you’re a chef or an artist, have a holistic wellness business, or you’ve had a therapy or coaching practice for years — or any other type of service business you can imagine! — if you feel called to move into expanding your business to include mentoring others in your field …
… the Success With Soul Incubator can show you how to do it in a way that’s aligned with your values, that honors your soul and your feminine energy (total powerhouse when you treat it well!), and that gives you more time, freedom, and abundance.
The shift might be a challenge — but it doesn’t have to be scary, and you don’t have to do it alone.
The course material is in-depth and data-driven. The coaching is personalized, caring, and expert. The community of amazing, strong women will blow you away. You’ll do more in a year than you could in 5 or more on your own.
If you’re curious about what we’re up to over here, check out this FREE advanced training that shows you exactly what powers the Incubator. Watch it here!
Thanks so much for joining me this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!
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And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts to get automatic updates. My goal for this podcast is to inspire those who seek flexibility and freedom in their lives by making something happen with holistic, soulful, step-by-step strategies from me and other experts.
This is a great question that we get a lot!
Course Queen Amy Porterfield says this: Do you know 10% more about this subject than the people you’re teaching? And have you gotten results — for yourself or others — through the approach that you’re teaching? Those are the two benchmarks she says are crucial for deciding if, what, and how to teach. Then you try it out, learn more (the way Sabrina did with her beta course), and keep giving yourself permission to evolve.
YES! We are ALL about designing a business that works for YOU. And that means getting super creative to come up with unique and hybrid offerings to fit your lifestyle, financial, and business goals.
Online businesses are NOT one-size-fits-all, and you’ll find examples of seriously successful entrepreneurs who do just about everything — courses, memberships, VIP Days, masterminds, coaching, agencies, and more. We work with creative practitioners (like Sabrina as a lifestyle photographer), therapists, coaches, artists, wellness experts — pretty much any online business you can imagine. And inside the Incubator, we help you identify which type(s) of offerings are the best fit for you, and then we help you build those things into the structure of your biz.
Intro 0:03
You're listening to the Success with Soul podcast with Kate Kordsmeier ex-journalist turned CEO of a multi six figure blog in online business. But it wasn't that long ago that Kate was a struggling entrepreneur who lacked confidence, clarity and let's be honest money. But all those failures, experiments and lessons learned helped Kay create a thriving business that impacts 1000s and brings freedom, flexibility and fulfillment to her life. If you're ready to do the same and make something happen with holistic, soulful, step by step strategies from Kate and other experts, you're in the right place. Here's your host, writer, educator, mom, recovering perfectionist, bookworm and sushi connoisseur Kate Kordsmeier
Indira 0:52
Welcome back to the Success with Soul podcast. I'm your guest host Indira with Team KK and today we're doing a client spotlight on one of our very own incubator clients. Sabrina Gebhardt, Sabrina is a lifestyle newborn and family photographer of more than 12 years. In her journey as an entrepreneur. She's also found a passion in coaching photographers and other creative entrepreneurs on running a business that is both sustainable and successful. In her education space, Sabrina has an online course a monthly membership program, and a high level mastermind experience. Plus, she's finally launching her very own podcast very soon. Sabrina is a strong Enneagram three who loves color, caffeine and travel. She lives in Fort Worth Texas with her three kids, two pups and husband of almost 18 years. I am so excited to dive into this episode with y'all today. Let's do it. Yay, Sabrina, I am personally so excited that you are here with us in Success with Soul I actually follow you. I enrolled in your newsletter yet. So just a little bit. You know, I am currently the chief operating officer for Kate. However, once upon a time, I was also a photographer with my own photography business. Love that. I did lifestyle, family shoots. And then I transitioned into real estate, which is actually something that I enjoyed immensely. So I will Oh, real to have the opportunity to interview you. And so tell us a little bit about yourself, your business, your entrepreneurial journey. Yeah. Okay.
Sabrina 2:53
So I have been a lifestyle photographer for almost 12 years, and I'm in Fort Worth, Texas. And so lifestyle photography, it's kind of a buzzword in the industry. But the general population doesn't really know what that means. Basically, I'm not a traditional portrait photographer, I want to come into your home and I want to watch you play with your kids. And I want to see the dogs get crazy. And I want to see snuggling and laughing and just real moments, but levelled up a little bit like you know, we're gonna coordinate outfits and have makeup on and all that kind of stuff. So it's really emotionally driven and moment driven. And I've been doing that for a really long time. I absolutely love it. And for the past six years, I've been stepping into the education and coaching space. And I had been dabbling in mentoring for a while and then COVID happened and kind of like everybody else, I jumped into the digital education space, because what else are we going to do? So, since 2020, I've have built a course and a mastermind and a membership. And I've really kind of dived into that space and public speaking and everything. And I have absolutely loved fostering that kind of community with other female entrepreneurs and creatives.
Indira 4:09
I love that. That was actually a segue question, which is, like, how do you go from, you know, being a photographer to building a business around mentoring other photographers. So you kind of mentioned that that was pandemic driven? Yeah, yeah. Which I can totally see. I know, in my State of Florida, you are not allowed to do photo shoots for a long time. Right. So how did you decide? Okay, well, let me start mentoring other for 10 years in the middle of a pandemic. Yeah.
Sabrina 4:44
So I had kind of had my eye on that for a few years and quite frankly, it was one of those things where it was imposter syndrome. Like who am I to teach and coach and I didn't used to be a teacher and I don't have an education background and that My heart was there, you know, attending conferences and attending workshops and learning from others. And I was like, I really think I could do that. I really love that. And when everything shut down, a friend actually was like, I think you should take this opportunity to do like an online group coaching thing, and just make it like a beta program, just wing it and see what happens. Maybe you won't even enjoy the process, right? And so that's what I did for 10 to 15 women, and I asked people to apply, and it was totally free. And I was very honest, and upfront, I was like, I want to coach a group of photographers on how to build a successful business or grow their business. I don't know what I'm doing. Let's try it together. And I got so many applications. And it had an incredible group of women come through. And I mean, within weeks of doing it, we were like, Yep, this is a thing. I have a heart for this. I'm getting really positive feedback. And so that was just it just kind of took off from there and, you know, decided to start making this what I'm going to lean into,
Indira 6:07
is that you're frustrated to flourishing masterclass.
Sabrina 6:11
No, that is that little masterclass is just something totally different. So the mastermind that I created in 2020, that was like the testing the waters thing, I actually don't run that anymore, that the material I taught and that turned into my online course that anybody can sign up for now, which is called the organized photographer,
Indira 6:32
the organized photographer. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I did. You're frustrated to flourishing masterclass. Yeah. Yeah. So you are one of our thriving incubator clients. Yeah. What was your main reason for joining the and incubator like, what led you to the incubator?
Sabrina 6:54
It was a lot of things. I was one of those people who had followed Kate for a long time and was very intrigued by her. And the business that she had built and the things that she offered or things that she was doing things that she wasn't doing. And then Molly, who is in the incubator, as well, Molly and I were online friends before, and she kept pinging in my ear, you know, I think you'd be good for this. I think you should try it. And so then I started getting it from two different directions, you know, and I don't know just I finally got a stirring in my gut. And I was like, I think I do need to try this. This is something totally different than anything else I had invested in. And I'm a huge believer in continued education, I pay for it every single year. And this was so different. But yet, so what I needed for where I was taking my business, and so I just decided to jump in.
Indira 7:49
of it. Yeah. So what would you say was the biggest risk you've taken or, or the biggest challenge you've overcome in your business since being in the incubator, since
Sabrina 8:01
being in the incubator, I will tell you going from the photography space, to the education space is really hard. Not that that's not a natural progression, because it is, especially when you've been in the industry for so long. But the fact that I still actively take clients, and I still actively shoot and work as a photographer, but I'm also over here, marketing, this other thing is hard. As far as Google and the internet and SEO, you know, I'm kind of confusing, because I am serving two different things under one umbrella. And so working through that, being able to ask questions about well, how am I going to do this? And how should I do this, and SEO and websites and funnels and all of that, and kind of getting a clear plan for how I can do both and how I can speak to two different audiences. That has been invaluable. Absolutely.
Indira 8:55
I love I actually was going to ask you that because I of course, I went to your website, and I saw that you could still book sessions. So I was definitely a little confused. Like, oh, you're still working as a photographer? Yeah, how you find the time to do this. I don't know. You are a Wonder Woman. That is amazing. And your photography is amazing, too. So Kim,
Sabrina 9:21
thank you. It's, it's definitely a balance. I have a very particular schedule of how many sessions I can take, because I am balancing the education piece and there's all these other things going on. But I personally like to learn from people who are still actively doing the thing that they're teaching. And so I want to be that as well. Not to mention, I still love doing it. My heart is still very much in it fills a creative void. And so I'm not ready to step away from that yet. So I really am 5050 right now in my business when you look at my numbers and where I spend my time.
Indira 9:56
Wow, that's amazing. I love that too. I Definitely love that. Kate is a blogger as well. And she does a podcast as well. Like she's doing everything that she's teaching. Exactly like the incubator, which I love. So what immediate impacted being inside the incubator, would you say that you've had on your business or or the biggest impact? Yeah,
Sabrina 10:24
I would say, I mean, the community aspect is forever and always going to be my number one thing. Having a peer group of women who are not necessarily in the same industry you are, but are very much in the same season of life, we all have the same passion underlying passion. We all want to do things differently. We're all willing to put in the work to build something that not only serves ourselves and our families, but our communities. I mean, just having a group of like minded peers to be able to ask those tough questions and complain when things go wrong, and celebrate when things go right, you know, and ask not only the technical questions of, hey, how do you do this one thing, I'm stuck, but also, you know, being able to tell stories, and just the community of understanding because I can talk to my friends about business and all that. And they, you know, can nod and shake their head and say, That sounds exciting, but they have no idea, right? They have no idea. So that community aspect, being able to step into the incubator and immediately be welcomed with open arms immediately have a cheering squad, I immediately have people sending Voxer messages and emails and chat stuff through the Zoom calls supporting I mean, that is invaluable right there just to be able to walk into a new group, and they're like, come on, come with us. Let's do it.
Indira 11:49
Oh, I love that there is definitely so much power in that to be in that kind of community where everyone is there to support you and literally wants to see you succeed. Yet, there's definitely something to be said about that.
Kate Kordsmeier 12:10
Hey, hey, Kate here, pausing for a quick interruption, I just wanted to talk about something that's been on my heart lately, and that is that I feel like sometimes in this online media landscape, the digital world, that human connection is sometimes missing. I don't know if you feel that too. But one of the things we've changed in my business to account for this is that we're doing discovery calls. Because sometimes you really just want to get on the phone with somebody a real human being, and have an actual conversation where you can talk about where you are in your business, what your hopes, fears and dreams might be, what you would do if you knew you couldn't fail, and how maybe we could help you or somebody else could help you, you might just need a little bit of guidance or that little push or a confidence boost. Or maybe you have questions that you just need answered before you make a decision. Sometimes we feel like we just need more information before we're ready to take that next step. And if that resonates at all with you, I would love for you to book a call with my team. Just head over to Kate kordsmeier.com/talk and book a free 30 minute discovery call today. We can't wait to hear from you. That's Kate Kordsmeier/talk.
Indira 13:24
So how has your relationship to your business changed over the last six to 12 months? So like, for example, do you spend less time on social media? Do you get more organic traffic? Now I know that you just recently sent out a newsletter. It was your children are going into middle and high school if I remember correctly, and it was the first day of school a couple of days ago. Yep. And you gave yourself the grace to take the day off. Yeah. And I love that that that's the is very Kate inspired. I'm just gonna take the day and that's okay. Yeah. So I'd love to know, like, how has your relationship to your business changed be? Yeah,
Sabrina 14:10
you better so Kate and I are very similar personality types. We're both Enneagram threes. We both have our hands and a lot of different things. We both are very work driven, but also like really into the self care and the the holistic thing we're so two peas in a pod, which is great because she relates to me, she understands she can call me out because she's gone ahead of me, you know. And one of the things that I really struggled with before starting the incubator was really almost I wasn't intentionally doing this, but there would be times when, you know, I'd be right before launch or preparing something and I would get so wrapped up in the details and the success of it and what if it's running late? What if it's not perfect? What if it's the you know, that kind of thing, because Enneagram threes really tend to get their identity wrapped up in their work and their I don't know what they put out in the world. And she told me and this is not from her, but she passed it on. I don't know where she heard it. But she said, You have to remember that we are not in the business of creating oxygen. And she's like, literally everything you're doing is okay, if it fails. Number one, it's okay. If it breaks, it's okay. If it's late, it's okay. If it's not perfect, it's okay. If it has to be redone. Nothing we're doing is an emergency. It's not life or death. And that was huge. For me, I literally say that to myself, probably three or four times a week, especially if I'm not meeting a deadline, or I'm bummed that something's not working out the way I thought it was, or whatever. I just remind myself like, I am not creating oxygen, I am doing my best. And that is enough. And that is okay.
Indira 15:50
I absolutely love that. We say that at Team K K all the time, we have to remind ourselves less. That's definitely something that we've learned from run like clockwork, which is something that as you know, we use in our business. And so I'm wondering, like one of the things that we really teach you all inside the incubator is to like systematize your business? So how is your business in that regard? Are you a solopreneur? Do you have a team? Tell me a little bit about that?
Sabrina 16:19
Yeah. So coming into the incubator, I already had an assistant, she handles the photography side of my business. So the contracts, the invoicing, all of that kind of stuff with clients, and I've had her for a few years, I also really believe in giving tasks away, because I know that I can't do it all. So you know, I already have help around the house and I have childcare help in the summer. And as far as editing is concerned, photographers know, that is a time consuming thing. I have outsourced my editing for years. But coming into the incubator, it's been looking for ways to hand off tasks in the education side of my business, because that does feel very personal. And like, I'm the one educating so I'm the one that needs to, you know, like, it needs to be in my voice. And my hands need to be on everything. And that's absolutely not true. So since being in the incubator, I have handed off some of my blog writing, which has been really great. I have handed off some technical tasks like to technical VA, which has been wonderful. And I am starting a podcast very soon. And I've already hired and taken on a Podcast Producer. And even though, you know, that's just not making me any money yet. I know that I cannot manage that. And so I've already brought her on, and I'm really excited about the help that she's gonna bring for that. So oh my gosh, I'm so excited. Did you did you want to share with us here what your podcast is? Sure. Yeah. So it's going to be called the shoot it straight podcast. And we are recording this from the date that we're recording this it should be live in a couple of weeks, early September. And it is driven for creative entrepreneurs. And it's for sure gonna have some practical things and business things and all of that. But it's going to be really heart based. Because I believe that when we work on our heart, and we go deep, when you better yourself, you better your business. And so it is going to be teaching for me. And then I've also conversations with other creatives about the hard stuff, you know, being an entrepreneur, burnout, and overwhelm, and depression and struggles and pivoting and that kind of stuff like nothing's off the table. So I'm really, really excited about
Indira 18:33
it. Oh, I'm excited, too. I love podcasts. And so I'm sure you'll announce it in the newsletters. So to hear all about that. So if you could use one word to describe your experience inside of the incubator, what would that be?
Sabrina 18:51
I already said it, but probably community. I think that is the overarching most beautiful part of it. And I know that's not necessarily a big, maybe it is a selling feature for some people. But I think it's one of those things where you might sign up because you get all these lessons on different topics, you might sign up because of the guest educators you might sign up because of access to funnels and all these beautiful things that are very, very valuable. But when you get in there, it is all valuable and you will put it all to use but nothing will be the community. Nothing. Hands down.
Indira 19:25
I love that. Oh my gosh, I know Kate would be thrilled that you said that. So I'm so excited that you are part of the incubator. I'm excited that the other incubator clients get to benefit from you as well to have you in the community. And I'm thrilled that I got to interview you because I am a fan of yours. Um, so now we come to my favorite part of the podcast which is the lightning round and it's Just five questions that we asked all our guests. Don't overthink it, just whatever comes to mind. So you ready? Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 20:08
I think so. Okay, so
Indira 20:10
what's your favorite way to make time for self care while running your own business?
Sabrina 20:16
Okay, so I mentioned earlier, I do all the self care. So that's not hard for me. I love it. What's necessary. And this is going to sound counterintuitive, but this is what came to my mind. I do two to three times a year, I will check into a hotel for a working weekend, where I have no distractions. And I know you're like, that's not self care. But being able to knock out a project without mom guilt, without guilt about not doing things at home is wonderful. And on the back end of that, I come home and I am free of the stress of whatever I was doing. I'm super hyper present. I sleep better, I rest better. I'm not stressed. I'm there for my kids. And so it ends up being this really great gift. And I actually love doing it. You know, that
Indira 21:03
sounds pretty amazing. Actually. People that do that on flights? Oh, yeah, that's great, too. Yeah. I love that. Yeah. So what is one tool or strategy like, you know, the Eisenhower matrix, or the cycle thinking that we use inside the incubator that you use to help with time management?
Sabrina 21:24
Yeah, I love batching. Especially writing and social media, anything that's word driven, really, for my brain works really well in batching. But when I batch I use the focus keeper app, I think it's a free app. And it's a 25 minute on five minute off just a timer. And it's just a visual thing that you can put on your screen, Turn all your notifications off. And it allows you to really, like really dig in and get into flow and whatever you're doing
Unknown Speaker 21:53
25 Five, love it. Yeah, I have to check that app out. Yeah, that's great.
Indira 21:59
What's the most powerful business mindset entrepreneurial book that you've ever read? The one that you reference again and again, and has made the biggest difference in your life?
Sabrina 22:10
Yeah, that changes depending on the season or the year, you know where you are. But currently, my favorite is we should all be millionaires by Rachael Rogers. I love that book so much. It is. It's so good on so many levels. It's real talk. It's real stories. It's practical. It's mindset. It's all the things. So that's my current favorite right now.
Indira 22:32
Yes. Love it. Love her. She is amazing. Love that book. So as far as like mindset, what's your favorite, quote, mantras affirmation for when things get tough, and you feel like giving up? Well,
Sabrina 22:50
I say what Kate says, right, I really do say that to myself a lot that I am not in the business of creating oxygen. But something different is I tell myself a lot. Trust the process. Trust that I am where I'm supposed to be making the mistakes or the progress that I'm supposed to make and that I am moving forward. Just trusting the process.
Indira 23:10
I love that something that we say a lot in Team KK also is failure as feedback. Yeah. Without it, you just won't know you know what to do next. So I welcome it. Yeah. And then finally, what is Success with Soul mean to you?
Sabrina 23:27
I think it's being brave enough to build a business that strives toward your personal definition of success. What is success for you personally, for your family, for your life, without paying attention to what everybody else is doing? Being brave enough to say, You know what, I don't want that. I want this over here. Yeah,
Indira 23:47
love it. Love it. So Reena, I love this so much. Please let our audience know where they can find you. Yeah,
Sabrina 23:56
my website is Sabrina gephardt.com. It's kind of hard to spell. I'm sure you'll have that link in the show notes. And then on Instagram, I spend a lot of time there and get really personal love. Love that space. So I'm at Sabrina Gebhardt photography, and I do Q and A's and all kinds of fun stuff. So I just try and keep it fun over there.
Indira 24:17
Great. And where is the podcast again? Yeah, so
Sabrina 24:22
it will be Sabrina gephardt.com backslash podcast.
Indira 24:26
Perfect. Yeah. Great. Sabrina. It was a pleasure being with you today. Thank you so much for sharing with us what your experience has been inside the incubator, and I know I personally cannot wait to hear your podcast.
Sabrina 24:42
Thank you, friend. Appreciate it. Thanks for having me.
Unknown Speaker 24:45
Thank you.
Kate Kordsmeier 24:49
Have you been wanting to start an online business but you just have no idea where to start? Maybe you're completely overwhelmed. You feel like you have a million different passions and ideas and you're not sure which direction to go, you've heard that you should pick a niche, you don't really know what that means or how to do it. And you just want to feel confident and get some clarity that you can actually do this thing. Well, I have some exciting news. And this is actually something we have never done before. On January 5 2023, we're going to be kicking off a 30 day sprint with anybody who is ready to make 2023 your best here yet. And finally, launch your website and your first offer out into the world setting you up for Success with Soul. We're going to give you select access inside the incubator to do your 30 day sprint. So you will be getting certain modules that will help you complete the checklist for what you need to do. There's going to be tons of accountability and support to make sure that you actually do the work. We know how isolating and lonely it can be sometimes when you're in this trying to figure things out by yourself. And so this is our solution to best serve you. The best part is you'll have guided support from our amazing program coordinator, Rachel who will meet with you once a week and there's more. You'll also have access to all of our coaching calls and support during this 30 day period. So you do not have to do this alone. Sign up now to take advantage of the three payment plan option only available through the month of November. With just a $777 deposit you can secure your spot now and pay the balance off by January. Get all the details at Kate kordsmeier.com/sprint. We also have a pay in full option available where you'll save 20% Again, you can get the details at Kate kordsmeier.com/sprint
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