My January 2018 Monthly Income Report: $7,534.92

February 11, 2018

Kate Kordsmeier

Blogging, Income Reports


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  1. Sarah Newman says:

    Thank you for the glowing shout out! Love how easily we found each other. 😉

  2. Lisa says:

    Thank you for this detailed post! I recently started blogging and have no desire to do it for a living. However, one of the reasons I started blogging was to learn. And I’m finding there is a lot I can learn! I am doing it for fun as well. I find the entire blogging world fascinating! This helps me understand how people do it for a living, and all the possibilities out there in Blog World! Thank you! 🙂

  3. Stacy says:

    Thanks so much for sharing. I am definitely inspired! Congrats on getting over 100,000 pageviews!

  4. Sarah says:

    Hi Kate, in future posts I would love to hear more about how you obtained the relationships with the brands that sponsored posts. Thanks!

  5. Kristina says:

    Great post, I’ve been following you for awhile and heard you on a few podcasts and love your approach to blogging. Can’t wait to reach more!

  6. Nikole says:

    Fantastic post! Thank you for sharing this information. You are truly an inspiration!

  7. This is really helpful. Do you mind sharing your bounce rate? Do you work to improve this?

    • Over the last 90 days it’s been 78.42%. I keep an eye on it, especially when running ads as I’ve found that with Outbrain, for example, my bounce rate increased so it didn’t seem like it made the ads worth it.

  8. Allison says:

    Hi Kate!
    Thank you SO much for these income reports. They are so inspiring and helpful for navigating this crazy blogging world! Social media is not my strong suit and, like you, I hate spending so much time on my phone.

    Would you be able to share the name of the Instagram firm you used to help grow your account? I’d like to focus my time on content, so I’m looking for help in the Instagram arena.

    Thank you so much!

    • Hi Allison – so glad you find these inspiring and helpful! I honestly don’t feel comfortable sharing the name of the firm as I don’t think they used authentic methods and, while I grew quickly, I think I’ve ultimately had negative consequences from it. Instead, I highly recommend Molly Cahill – she’s my current IG coach/manager and she’s amazing! @mollycahill or


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