A holistic mastermind empowering female coaches to make money sustainably.


When I met Kate I was paying myself pennies. Thanks to Kate and the strategies I learned inside the Incubator, I made my first (of many) evergreen sales, had my first $10,000 month and tripled my income in one year, resulting in a multiple-six-figure gross revenue!! It is by far the best money I've ever invested into my business. It has paid off for sure, not to mention the time that it saved me being able to just copy/paste Kate's funnel right into my account. And I love that you get a lot of one-on-one support on the weekly group calls and direct feedback and critiques on your specific questions that are unique to your business. The Incubator isn’t a one-size-fits-all, business in a box approach. It’s so tailored to you and I never would have reached this level of revenue and ease without Kate’s coaching and support!



If you don’t know how to launch, manage and grow your coaching business in a way that feels good and true to you…

…if you’re struggling to sell coaching and consulting services, courses or programs online…

… if you feel like you're doing #allthethings and are totally overwhelmed and confused about how to actually get more clients in a simple rinse-and-repeat way…

You got certified. Have been incessantly posting on social media. Spent hours perfecting your branding, printed business cards. Your proverbial doors are open…

Buuuuut not enough clients are walking through, and you don’t know how to find them. Why isn’t it working? And where’s that effortless dream business they promised you?

You’re doing everything “they” said you “should”.

I get it.

You’re not alone,
and nothing has gone wrong.

You became a coach or consultant to help people, not master funnels and algorithms. You want to spend your time actually serving your clients, not stuck on the social media hamster wheel.

In fact, the 2015 Global Coaching Survey by ICF and PwC found that only 10% of coaches had launched a successful business.

BUT, and here’s the good news, since then, the global coaching industry was valued at more than $2.8 billion in 2019 (a 21% increase!) and is projected to reach over $6 billion by 2026, with a compound annual growth rate of 9%.

AKA there are more opportunities than ever before for female entrepreneurs. More clients are looking for coaches every day, ready to pay YOU!

So you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be, your potential is LIMITLESS, and the coaching industry is just getting started.

In 2020, the average annual revenue from coaching in North America was $62,500. Are you making at least that much?! If not YET, don’t worry.

You just need, well, a coach! (we’ll help you make a lot more than that!)

Where Soul Meets Strategy

AND a customizable blueprint and supportive community to help you sell a scalable digital offer with sustainable systems. Even better? This soon-to-be profitable business of yours will actually be aligned with your authentic self!

Our holistic, soulful and feminine approach ensures you understand and care for yourself so deeply, and approach your business with such fine-tuned strategies that your success becomes inevitable.

No hustle, overwhelm or icky bro-marketing sales tactics required.

I’m a client and student of the Incubator, the most amazing program that I've ever been on in my entire life. This program has been amazing for me. My mindset, my business, my progress, and the wins that I've had since joining the program. I've grown more confident in myself as a business woman, as a person, and my expertise and my ability to run my business. I was recently able to launch my course for language learners, I have my evergreen funnel running, selling my course in the background, and made my first few sales ever! Within my business as a whole, I've been able to create a system for content creation and streamlining that process in a way that works for me and my business. So I'm less stressed out about what to post, when, and how. The Incubator has given me the tools to be able to focus my time and attention on the things that really move my business and help my business grow, but also take time to take care of myself because if I'm not well, I don't have what I need, then I can't serve the people that I want to serve. So I 1,000% love the incubator program and I'm so glad that I joined!

I have loved being a part of the Incubator. Not only have I increased my revenue by 150%, but being surrounded by people who are going through the exact same thing has been absolutely incredible. The Incubator is a group of women entrepreneurs, a lot of them are moms, some of us are in different seasons of life and just understanding the struggles between work life balance, and balancing motherhood and balancing a career has been so wonderful. This is a community where we are able to share our wins and losses and be vulnerable and ask questions and I have loved that so much. I also love the ideas that come out of the incubator, not only ideas that come from Kate and her team, but also again, being surrounded by those like minded entrepreneurs, being surrounded by women in different industries with different levels of experience brings different ideas to the table and that has been invaluable.

Since I started working with Kate, I went from making $400/month to now around $2500/month with a) no social presence (I hate Instagram) and b) working a full-time job. It truly is the most comprehensive [program] I’ve taken (and trust me, I’ve taken A LOT of them). One of the main reasons I enjoy Kate’s teaching style is her focus on not just gaining traffic for traffic’s sake, but really putting value behind that traffic. I really enjoy Kate’s business-minded approach, which I feel like is missing in [this industry]. And I just landed a $30,000 contract YESTERDAY for something I would have been too scared to do [without Kate’s guidance].”

Bront’e Singleton
Linguistics Coach


Kristina Todini



P.S. We’re not for you if…

Life Coach, Health Coach, Business Coach, Money Coach, Relationship Coach, Parenting Coach or any other coach in any niche

Nutritionist, Dietician, Fertility Specialist, Wellness Practitioner

Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Energy Healer

Certified Yoga Instructor, Personal Trainer, Pilates Instructor

Marketing Consultant, Real Estate Consultant, Fashion Consultant

Course Creator, Membership or Mastermind Owner, Online Entrepreneur

You’re not 100% committed to and all in on your business

You work a demanding full-time job or are a full-time stay-at-home Mom without any childcare (aka: you have very little time to devote to your business)

You want to learn how to grow your business using social media (while you’re welcome to use it, we personally are a social media-free business and do not teach that kind of marketing in the mastermind…we have a MUCH BETTER way!)

You value vanity metrics like followers and short-term gains and want to build your business the freest or fastest way possible, rather than the most sustainable way.

You’re closed-minded, intolerant and already have all the answers, or aren’t otherwise open to coaching and new ways of doing things.

The Incubator was created by and for Coaches, Consultants, Licensed Practitioners, Trainers, Facilitators, and Educators. If you can check yes to any of these job titles (current or aspiring), you’re in the right place!

But more than just what you call yourself, the Incubator is a safe space to drop the hustle and learn how to make real money, real sustainably, selling a digital offer.


Sound familiar?

You knew exactly what to do and you had all the support you needed

You were making more money than ever before without sacrificing your life and wellbeing

You felt empowered by your feminine energy and could work from a place of rest, not masculine hustle

You felt so clear, confident, and aligned that you finally stopped overthinking, procrastinating and could confidently take imperfect action

You were making more money more sustainably than ever before, and actually felt GREAT while doing it!

You didn’t have to do this alone and were connected to other women in the exact same boat as you who could offer advice, encouragement, and accountability

You had more time for yourself between client sessions, school drop-offs, and doctor’s appointments and could learn how to say “no” without guilt so you can prioritize what matters most (our families, our bodies, our relationships, our spirituality, OURSELVES)

You actually had the energy and motivation to do meaningful work, be creative and move the needle forward

Now, imagine if...

You’re an amazing coach, but you don’t know how to really build your business and how to best spend your time

Things aren’t going as planned, you’re not making enough money and losing motivation by the day

Imposter syndrome is your middle name and your lack of clarity is keeping you stuck

You’re dealing with unexpected tantrums from your kids, customers, employees, and sometimes even yourself (why is this so hard?!)

You feel like you’re drowning as you navigate work/life balance, racked with guilt about not giving enough attention to either

You’re sick of constantly pitching and selling, and want a better way to reach potential customers without annoying them or coming off as spammy


We Got You! This is EXACTLY what we help our clients achieve!

We sold out our first launch, have exceeded our sales goals for our new course and, most importantly, we’ve become completely clear about what is important and what is irrelevant. We realized how many little details we were getting stuck on. Now we feel liberated to move forward with imperfect action and do what WE feel is right, instead of trying to find the "perfect" way.

My favorite part about being in the Success with Soul Incubator is I know no matter what roadblock I hit, whether it's a mental roadblock, something with tech, or just trying to decide what the next steps need to be in creating my offer, I can always reach out to the team and Kate and they're going to be there with heartfelt thoughtful advice that is catered specifically to my business needs and where I'm at in my business growth. The Incubator has completely transformed how I've been able to approach my business, and I really do feel like they've just become part of my team. I'm so thankful for being a part of the Incubator.


Katie Kus



If you're really wanting to start a business and you're feeling lost or overwhelmed about where to start or what to do next to create a business that is sustainable and meets you where you're at, then join this program. You will absolutely get the support, information and resources that you need to do it all.

I had [worked with Kate before] so I knew how thorough the content would be. There's so much truly amazing information in the [video lessons], but I think the live coaching calls are the most invaluable piece. And access to real people for questions were amazing since most programs don't have that. [It gives me] the belief that I can do this. Patience in the process. The knowledge that everyone is just figuring things out as they go. It's so much more about being consistent and keeping going rather than getting it "right". I like the reminders about the moon and how to incorporate that into or how that may be affecting our mood/energy. 

Hi, I'm Kate!

About Kate and Success with Soul

Want a coach who walks her talk?

And I’m on a mission to revolutionize the way women live and work!

I’ve made over $2.2 million in the last 7 years from my online businesses, including over $200k during my 7-month maternity leave. In 2021, I sold my blog for multiple six figures, and I’m also an ICF-accredited life and business coach, with other certifications in energy-healing modalities including Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Clinical Hypnotherapy, Reiki, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Tapping, and the TIME Technique, giving me the tools to help others reach their highest potential.

AND I'm a wife to my college sweetheart, and mom of two toddlers (and two fur babies!) who’s struggled with anxiety most of my adult life. Overwhelmed? I get you.

As women, we’ve been socialized to put our needs last, believe it’s weak to ask for help, and celebrated for being “superwoman”. But where has that gotten us besides burned out, unfulfilled, and lonely?

I truly believe every woman is inherently worthy and that the world is a better place for everyone when more women show up for and take care of themselves and create their own money, power and freedom.

As a business coach, I've been doing my part to dismantle the Patriarchy, one empowered female business owner at a time.

The Incubator, a safe space for women to feel held, seen, heard, and cared for, has been running since Spring 2021 and with a 55% renewal rate and clients making more money than ever before, I know I’m on track with my purpose.

If you’re looking for someone who truly understands your struggles as an ambitious woman trying her best every day, look no further. I am still in the trenches with you (read: I'm not one of those coaches who teach what they couldn’t do or haven't yet done themselves). I stay current with the latest trends, testing techniques, and finding what actually works so I can save you time, energy, money and mistakes! ​

Nothing lights me up more than watching my clients reawaken to their souls and experience true financial independence and success on their own terms.

On a personal note, I live in Atlanta, I’m a Libra, an INTJ, Enneagram 3w2, a Questioner, a treadmill-loving yogi, an outgoing introvert, a bookworm (especially psychological thrillers!), information addict, sushi fiend, obsessive planner, intuitive eater, former workaholic, and a hard-core recovering perfectionist who knows in my bones that we are better together.

A rising tide lifts all boats. Let us lift you up!

Where actionable business advice meets deep personal growth.

With a self-paced online course, a community of successful, wholehearted women, and support from professional coaches, spiritual healers + wellness practitioners, the Success With Soul Incubator gives you all the tools you need to uplevel your existing work and grow it into the business of your dreams…

A business driven by both purpose and profit.

A business that lights you up, not drains you.

A business fueled by rest, not hustle.

As working moms, we understand the unique struggles women business owners face. That’s why we created a one-stop-shop where female coaches can get the resources and support they need to achieve success at each stage of growth in both your professional and personal lives, complete with simple systems, soulful strategies and mindset tools that allow you to work WAY less and take care of yourself along the way.

Instead of buying a dozen different courses on business development, cycle syncing, SEO, funnels, email marketing, time management, team building + more, The Incubator includes everything you need to build a wildly lucrative business while intentionally serving your spirit.

Member Portal Access


Weekly Group Calls


Attendance to the LIVE Mastermind Kick-off Event


1:1 Coaching Opportunities


Weekly Critiques of your Work


Weekly Co-Working and Community Calls


Monthly Soul Sessions


Facebook Community






















The education that will make you hundreds of thousands of dollars. You get modules on holistic and soulful visioning, self-care, mindset tools and energy healing, launching your website and offer, marketing with SEO, selling with email, creating sustainable, automated systems and funnels immediately after your acceptance. Clients have used just these trainings to grow their businesses over 150%. You could make your investment back right away by implementing our Success Cycle process today, and go through every single past live event and coaching call and apply it all right now to your business. There is not one lesson in our portal that isn’t worth your investment alone.


High-level group coaching calls with live Q+As that mix core teachings to strengthen your biz plan, overcome challenges, go deep into developing your soulful business strategy and provide accountability, mindset shifts and energy breakthroughs to unlock potential. Harness the collective wisdom of the group as you learn from every business in the room. The clients who show up for these calls get better results faster!


To kickoff each round, we meet for the day to mastermind, coach, strategize, heal, and plan your next best steps, honing in on the most innovative beliefs and ideas in the online marketing industry today. You walk away with everything you need to create wild success during this round!


Sometimes you just want to talk something out privately in a safe space that’s all about YOU. We get it. Not only do you get a dedicated coach who will be checking in with you regularly, but we also offer 1:1 Voxer coaching available every week AND you’ll get 5x 1:1 20-min calls during each 6-month round! We’ll have a private conversation where we can debrief on your results, review your progress, and co-create a plan for your next steps. Not to mention, help processing emotions and unhelpful thoughts so they don’t show up in your work. Plus get exclusive access to add-on any additional 1:1 support you desire.


This is the feature our most successful clients love and use the most! Submit whatever you’re working on for personalized feedback, and receive a tailor-made video critique of your work so you know you’re on the right track. Need help with your funnel? How about keyword research or your sales copy? Submit your work for custom critiques and we’ll ensure you’re set up for success.


Working with people is more fun than working alone, and if you need a little added accountability, this will be your favorite part! During our weekly co-working sessions, we go through a predetermined lesson together and then spend time taking action, giving feedback, and working together. You’ll always leave with something completed when you have your entire mastermind working with you!


These experiential soul sessions are with guest experts (think spiritual guides, energy healers, wellness gurus!) who will guide you through meditations, tarot, movement, astrology, breathwork, and other interactive exercises to nurture your soul and integrate your wholeness into your business. Plus, you get complimentary access to our Success with Soul monthly membership, where these soul sessions and more life coaching resources are available for you to make time for the mind-body-soul care that’s required to be an effective leader.


Be in community with like-hearted, like-minded women and connect with the other high-level members of this exclusive mastermind, surround yourself with successful coaches, ask questions and get support in our private group. You’ll meet ambitious friends, network with other experts, and see the inner workings of soulful, sustainable online businesses. This is the thing you think you don’t care about (“Really, another FB group!”), but ends up being one of the best parts.




"I see how my business will help fulfill a wonderfully satisfying life."

I wanted to say THANK YOU, Kate. When I justified the cost to my husband, I told him to think of it as a continuing education expense, and that I would be gaining a blogging mentor in the process. But, I actually feel that I’ve gained a LIFE mentor, and as I allow myself to go down every rabbit hole (manifestation, intuitive eating, cycle syncing, and so many other things that were introduced initially to me by you). You are improving my attitude, vibration, intuition and energy, overall. I see how they will help me with my business, but more importantly, I see how my business will help fulfill a wonderfully satisfying life all around. I love everything Kate stands for, and I love that it all comes from an authentic, soulful place.

Kristen Cummings, TRAVEL GUIDE

"Seriously so life changing. Like everything I needed to learn was all consolidated in one place."

The Incubator was one of the best business decisions I've ever made! I joined 100% to get an evergreen funnel built. Kate not only told me HOW to create an evergreen funnel, she literally GAVE me hers!!! Her 76-step funnel is now in my Kartra account, and I’m done! I cried literal tears of relief importing it into my account. But what I have received is SO MUCH MORE than I even expected!! Her whole program is worth the price because of how much time and confusion it saved me, [and she gives] doable, actionable steps to making your dream a reality. [It’s more than a strategy. You can get the strategy anywhere, but you need the support, soul, and community.]


“I had my first six-figure year!”

"I have been doing blogging and business for six years. And only after going through Kate's program, I had my first six-figure year! Kate's [program] saved me so much time and helped me set up everything right from the get go.

I'm talking about strategy—where to invest my time, how to work smarter and not harder, how to tell a story, what critical elements to include on the site, how to maximize affiliate income...and gosh, SO MUCH MORE! If you are serious about your online business and want to make it your full-time career, Kate will help you get there!" 

Lisa Fenessy, Lifestyle + Beauty Coach

“All the tools you need to grow a thriving online business.”

"Blogs are basically free to start, but you do need to invest in strategy and how-to. Getting on the right track will save you time, money, frustration and headache while bringing clarity. Kate gives you all the tools you need to grow a thriving online business. Trust me, this resource is worth every penny. I wish I had it available 5 years ago when I was just starting to figure it all out."

Suzi Swope, Health + Wellness Blogger

"The Incubator has given me the confidence to build my business beyond..."

The Incubator has given me the confidence to build my business beyond what I thought I was capable of, clarity in what to do to achieve, and the courage to push through the hard parts.


"It has helped me show up for myself...

The Incubator program has been exactly what I need to find my next steps and to put action to the things I had been curious about or trying for years. There are so many answers "out there," but they can only get you so far when they are bits and pieces. This program and resource have helped me show up for myself, find answers to questions that in the past have stopped me, and it's helped me listen to myself above the noise.


Check out this sneak peek to the incubator!

But that’s not all!

Timely Bonuses to Accelerate Your Success


Monthly subscription to the Success with Soul Membership

A $528 Value!


1-hour 1:1 Coaching Call with Team KK

A $444 Value!


Kick-Off Party

A $555 Value!


Access to Bonus Modules

A $2,222 Value!


Access to Expert Masterclasses

A $1,777 Value!

  • Workshop with Kate + Amy Porterfield: How to use your blog to sell your course

  • How to 10x your publicity to sell more courses masterclass with Selena Soo: Learn how to pitch the media, fast-track your visibility, and target your ideal customers so you can sell more courses without paid ads!

  • The Fast Guide to Launching with Elizabeth Goddard’s

if you pay in full

if you pay in full

if you pay in full

  • Passive Income with Affiliate Marketing
  • Building Self-Managed Teams
  • Paid Ads


Different tiers are available and payment is due upon acceptance (we also have affordable payment plans available for as low as $200/month).


It’s a big investment. I get it. I have been where you are.

And friends, you simply cannot create something out of nothing WITH NOTHING.

It does take money to make money. I chose to invest in my business and bet on myself and that is how I’ve made $2.2 million. What’s possible for you when you trust yourself enough to figure it out?

For the right person, this investment will continue to pay you back for the rest of your life.

You pay $10k and not only can you make hundreds of thousands of dollars, but you’ll also reconnect to your authentic self, live a life aligned with your values and experience more wealth, power and freedom than ever before–all while working from a place of rest.

That may take you three months, a year, or eight rounds. We tell our best clients to plan on working with us for at least 3 years.

But once you make it, you know how to make it for life.

And the skills you’ll learn, the coaching you’ll receive, the mastery you’ll have over your mind and emotions, that deep inner knowing and peace... You’ll have that for life, too.

“But, Kate, what if it doesn’t work for me?”

Listen. This all really comes down to trusting yourself and committing to your goal.

Because here’s the truth: if you believe in yourself and are committed, then your business, your investments, they are going to work BECAUSE you are committed to making them work, BECAUSE you won't stop until it works, BECAUSE you will get what you came for, no matter what. Your success is guaranteed when you're committed.

How cool is that?




(personalized mastermind)


(VIP 1:1)

Ideal if you're someone who thrives in a self-paced environment and wants immediate access to all the materials so you can get started + making progress ASAP, even if you're on a tight budget.

There are 3 ways to experience Success with Soul with us


Private FB Group Community

BONUS: 1 month free in the Success with Soul Membership

BONUS: Personalized Video Roadmap after Onboarding

pay in full


Your Investment:

Ideal if you like a group setting but also want a high-touch level of live, personalized support to get your specific questions answered every week. If you’re committed to achieving your goals and willing to invest in yourself to get there, this is the best of both worlds: a supportive community, 1:1 attention and immediate access to the self-paced trainings.

Everything In Silver PLUS…

Weekly Group Coaching Calls

1:1 Voxer coaching every week

5x 1:1 20-min calls during each 6-month round

Weekly Critiques of your Work

Weekly Co-Working and Community Calls

Monthly Soul Sessions

Attendance to the LIVE Mastermind Kickoff Event

Complimentary 6-month access to our Success with Soul membership



Your Investment:

Ideal if you thrive with more private, 1:1 support to move the needle faster–imagine how much more efficiently and easily you can achieve your goals when you have a dedicated coach supporting you with customized, individualized plans for your progress, goals, and growth.

Everything In GOLD PLUS…

6x 1:1 60-Minute Coaching Calls with Kate

PRIVATE Platinum Slack/Voxer Channel

PRIVATE VIP Day for SEO (in-person option available)

PRIVATE VIP Day for Funnels (in-person option available)



Your Investment:


The education that will make you hundreds of thousands of dollars. You get modules on holistic and soulful visioning, self-care, mindset tools and energy healing, launching your website and offer, marketing with SEO, selling with email, creating sustainable, automated systems and funnels immediately after your acceptance. Clients have used just these trainings to grow their businesses over 150%. You could make your investment back right away by implementing our Success Cycle process today, and go through every single past live event and coaching call and apply it all right now to your business. There is not one lesson in our portal that isn’t worth your investment alone.


Be in community with like-hearted, like-minded women and connect with the other high-level members of this exclusive mastermind, surround yourself with successful coaches, ask questions and get support in our private group. You’ll meet ambitious friends, network with other experts, and see the inner workings of soulful, sustainable online businesses. This is the thing you think you don’t care about (“Really, another FB group!”), but ends up being one of the best parts.


This is our self-care subscription where more personal development resources are available for you to make time for the mind-body-soul care that’s required to be an effective leader.

personalized ROADMAP

The Incubator is a one-stop-shop program and there is A LOT of material to cover. If you’d like some personalized coaching and feedback identifying the best place for YOU to start based on your unique needs and goals, simply submit our intake form and we’ll give you a custom video roadmap guiding you through your specific journey and how to maximize the trainings to fit your goals.


High-level group coaching calls with live Q+As that mix core teachings to strengthen your biz plan, overcome challenges, go deep into developing your soulful business strategy and provide accountability, mindset shifts and energy breakthroughs to unlock potential. Harness the collective wisdom of the group as you learn from every business in the room. The clients who show up for these calls get better results faster!

1:1 Voxer Coaching:

Sometimes you just want to talk something out privately in a safe space that’s all about YOU. We get it. Not only do you get a dedicated coach who will be checking in with you regularly, but we also offer 1:1 Voxer coaching available every week AND you’ll get

5x 1:1 20-min calls:

We’ll have a private conversation where we can debrief on your results, review your progress, and co-create a plan for your next steps. Not to mention, help processing emotions and unhelpful thoughts so they don’t show up in your work. Plus get exclusive access to add-on any additional 1:1 support you desire.


This is the feature our most successful clients love and use the most! Submit whatever you’re working on for personalized feedback, and receive a tailor-made video critique of your work so you know you’re on the right track. Need help with your funnel? How about keyword research or your sales copy? Submit your work for custom critiques and we’ll ensure you’re set up for success.


Working with people is more fun than working alone, and if you need a little added accountability, this will be your favorite part! During our weekly co-working sessions, we go through a predetermined lesson together and then spend time taking action, giving feedback, and working together. You’ll always leave with something completed when you have your entire mastermind working with you!


These experiential soul sessions are with guest experts (think spiritual guides, energy healers, wellness gurus!) who will guide you through meditations, tarot, movement, astrology, breathwork, and other interactive exercises to nurture your soul and integrate your wholeness into your business.

LIVE kick off EVENT:

To kickoff each round, we meet for the day to mastermind, coach, strategize, heal, and plan your next best steps, honing in on the most innovative beliefs and ideas in the online marketing industry today. You walk away with everything you need to create wild success during this round!


This is where we can really go deep and look at not only your business strategy with a hyper-personalized action plan, but the woman behind the business. As a certified life and success coach, with additional certifications in NLP, Hypnotherapy, Reiki, EFT Tapping and the T.I.M.E. Technique, I’ll support you in identifying and overcoming limiting beliefs, and creating a mindset of abundance and success, all of which translate into BIG tangible results for your business and your life as you overcome every obstacle and create the life you’ve always dreamt of.
To kickoff each round, we meet for the day to mastermind, coach, strategize, heal, and plan your next best steps, honing in on the most innovative beliefs and ideas in the online marketing industry today. You walk away with everything you need to create wild success during this round!

PRIVATE Platinum Slack or Voxer Channel with access to Kate and Team KK (Mon-Thurs 10-4 EST)

With Voxer access, you'll be blown away by the results you can achieve in just a few messages. Our clients rave about the clarity and focus they gain through our thought-provoking Voxer support–we're not afraid to ask the tough questions that will make you reflect on areas you may not have considered before. No more feeling confused and overwhelmed - we'll help you get laser-focused and create a clear plan of action. With Voxer, you'll have immediate access to answers and responses that cut right to the heart of the matter, enabling you to make changes right away. Our clients love the practical ways we approach challenges, and you can even re-listen to our convos when you need pep talks in the future.


Get ready to harness the power of SEO and organic traffic with our VIP Day, a done-with-you intensive! Say goodbye to social media and paid ads and hello to increased organic traffic, leads on auto-pilot, and a money-generating website. With our expert guidance, you'll develop your brand voice, establish content pillars, and create an editorial calendar complete with SEO optimized keywords. Walk away with the framework to master SEO and watch your business grow!To kickoff each round, we meet for the day to mastermind, coach, strategize, heal, and plan your next best steps, honing in on the most innovative beliefs and ideas in the online marketing industry today. You walk away with everything you need to create wild success during this round!

PRIVATE VIP Day for Funnels

Get ready to streamline your email marketing game with our VIP Day for Funnels, a done-with-you intensive! Say goodbye to overwhelm and doubt as we work together to refine your offer and create an email funnel strategy that genuinely serves your clients. You'll walk away with a new automation system, top-of-funnel lead magnets, evergreen sales funnels, and a plan for weekly emails. Get ready to turn your funnels into a money-making machine!

(or get started for just $200)

(or get started for just $500)


“Which level of support and investment is right for me?”

Our three tiers are designed to meet the needs of every level of business. Whether you're just starting out or already making six figures+, we have a solution that works for you.

But here's the thing—you can't reach your full potential without aligning your business with your values, energy and Highest Self. That's where Success with Soul comes in.

Our process helps you identify and remove the obstacles standing in your way. The minute you figure out what’s not working, you can address it with the right system, support, and approach, and then, what’s really getting in the way of your growth DISAPPEARS like actual magic. With the limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck suddenly gone, your potential is limitless.

So, which tier is right for you? Ask yourself these questions:
  1. What could you achieve with 150% more revenue next year without working more hours?
  2. How much is never having to post on Instagram again worth to you?
  3. And what's the potential ROI of a program like this?

We've seen the Incubator deliver up to 10x the investment in returns due to the clarity, focus, and strategy it provides for your business growth. Imagine what that could mean for your business, your family, your community, and the world?

If you're still not sure which option is right for you, book a call with us. We're here to help you reach your goals and achieve your dreams. Let's do this!

Have questions about the Incubator but don’t want to hop on zoom?

(yeah, we know zoom fatigue is real!) AND we’ve got you covered!

Send your question to us using VideoAsk and we’ll get back to you with a personalized video answer
Click the widget at the bottom right corner of this page and share your burning questions with us!

Send your question to us using VideoAsk and we’ll get back to you with a personalized video answer
Click the widget at the bottom of this page and share your burning questions with us!

Joining the Incubator was a risk. It was a big business expense at a time when my business was not making a lot of money. But if you don't invest in your business, then nothing changes. That's what I really got clear about, I can do nothing and nothing's gonna change, or I can take a risk, make an investment in my business, and hope that I get my return. And I have for sure, by far. I just really trusted that no matter what, I'm gonna get something out of this and I will get my return on investment, whether that's in actual dollars, or in just the shifting and changing and the nature of what my business looked like and what it felt like to me. And it was totally worth it! You have to put the effort and the time and the money often into something if you actually want change and shift. I’m in my second round now and it’s been life changing!

Nutritional Therapist and Fertility Coach


Need more flexibility with payments? 

We got you!

We now offer 3rd party funding which means you could join for as low as $200/month (depending on your credit score).

There’s no money down required, no payment due for your first 30 days, AND you can pay it off early at any time with no penalties!

There’s no risk to apply as it’s soft pull, so your credit score is not affected. But you’ll get pre-approved in just a couple hours!



A Comprehensive Business Plan

that outlines your goals, values, mission, vision, strategies, and tactics for success.

An unstoppable mindset,

ultimate clarity, direction and confidence with your feminine energy (that’s intuition, creativity and flow) fueling your success (c’ya masculine hustle!).

Your signature offer

to stand out from the competition with a unique and compelling brand identity that attracts ideal clients every single day.

Efficient and automated systems,

tech and structures all businesses need (and nothing you don’t!) for your website, email list, training portals, sales funnels, project management, document organization, finances, and more! No more overwhelm; know what to use and how to use it.

An effective SEO and email marketing strategy

to reach potential clients and build trust by demonstrating expertise and credibility, increasing conversions, and generating revenue faster and more sustainably than traditional methods, like social media.

The best pricing model

for your offer so you can confidently charge what you’re worth and scale your revenue.

Time Management on lock!

It’s not enough just to know what to do; successful businesses need strong execution and effective time management techniques that will allow you to be productive while still taking care of yourself—so you don't burn out over time!

An invaluable support system!

Having mentors, peers who are experienced entrepreneurs, and a network of valuable contacts who can connect you with resources, solve problems, provide guidance on best practices along the way, and accelerate growth is essential for any coach, no matter what level you’re at.


Access to industry-specific experts, knowledge and experience

from trusted sources who provide unbiased perspective and personalized feedback helping ensure sound decision-making and allowing you to identify weaknesses and obstacles (usually our own thinking!) before they become major issues impacting profitability. Plus, helping you stay current on industry trends and best practices!

Accountability and newly developed skill sets

that will enhance overall performance both professionally and personally (think financial AND spiritual abundance!), ensuring long term growth, sustainability and fulfillment.

REMEMBER: It’s okay if you don’t know this stuff yet.

You don’t have to know how to do it before you do it. If you already knew how, you would’ve done it already. If you could do it alone, you would have. That’s where we come in!

what you'll learn inside the incubator!

Hear more about



I don’t have time!

Of course you don’t, we’re all so busy! And you’re never going to find the time; you have to make the time. How bad do you want it? We all have 24 hours in a day, and it takes time, effort, and dedication to build a successful coaching business – don’t give up if it doesn’t happen right away! That's why masterminds are so great–they help you make the most of your limited time by connecting you with a group of like-minded people who can support each other in achieving their goals. Investing just a few hours per week in a mastermind can yield exponential returns as you tap into the collective wisdom of the group and expand your network—two invaluable resources.

Do I have to post on social media?

Nope! You probably think you “should” be on social because “everyone else is”, but here’s your permission slip to ditch the Gram if it feels better. I quit social media in 2021 and the Incubator grew over 830% during that time. You DO NOT need it. While you’re welcome to use it if you love it, we do not teach that kind of marketing in the mastermind…we have a MUCH BETTER way!

Do I need to be certified, licensed or otherwise accredited or have a degree?

Nope! The only requirement is that you sell, or plan to sell, a digital offer online.

I’m a Service Provider or Agency Owner. Will this work for me?

It might. While I’m not a one-size-fits-all coach, the general business model we teach is creating a scalable online offer, which means you can’t be 100% 1:1 clients and services, unless you have a team (some of our clients do this!). We do teach team building, delegation and leadership in the mastermind.

How long does the Incubator last?

Each round in the Incubator is for six months. However due to its cyclical nature, clients have the opportunity to do multiple rounds with us. We recommend you pick 2 targets to focus on each round so you can be hyper focused and get results faster. Plan on working with us for at least 3 years. Every new season in business brings its own set of challenges, lessons and needs. We’re here for you, every step of the way!

What is the refund policy?

Due to the nature of the program, there are no refunds for the Incubator. If you're accepted, you will receive a contract to review so you can make sure this is the right program for you. And if you have any questions, please email us at We want to ensure this is THE BEST fit for you as well, and we only work with a select number of women to maintain integrity and alignment.

Do I have to be a blogger?

No, though part of what we teach is using SEO and free content to drive organic traffic to your website. But that could include blogging, podcasting, vlogging (Youtube) and more. What it does not include is the need to be on social media (hallelujah!)

Is this only for newbies?

Nope! We work with businesses at all stages of growth, from just getting started with an idea (or trying to narrow down all your ideas into one viable offer!) to six-figures and beyond.

I wanted clarity and direction. That's why I joined [Kate's program]! I knew had a voice and had some influence already within my community of friends. I wanted to find a way to get my voice and insight out and to monetize it. I had pinned so many pins on how to make money blogging, but couldn't make sense of it all. It was all half information without clear tactical takeaways. I loved the idea of a course where I could self-learn combined with a real community and real voices to answer questions. I adore this community. The people I've met here are all so encouraging and all so willing to help each other. This is a true rising tide group! 

With all of the success stories and from Kate's proof that this program works, I wanted to learn from the best of the best on how I can also achieve the same success with my blog.
I love the [SEO Trainings]! She has been great in explaining SEO for any beginner. I have tried researching SEO on my own, but she has finally helped me solidify my understanding for SEO. From the training videos, I love her explanations and examples and always answering the questions viewers had.



I passed 150,000 page views which I was not expecting at all. I also earned the most I have yet from my [blogging business], fully replacing my teaching income. 

delilah orpi
Beauty Consultant and Literacy Specialist

This is a safe space to drop the hustle and work smarter while staying aligned with my personal AND professional goals with an expert who’s done this. Also, knowing Kate has both the course + blog credentials is a big one for me because I want to grow both. [And I’m so excited to finally be able to get] in FLOW with my business, stop chasing the next “launch model” or whatever to make my $$ goal and just actually flow.

Gut Health Coach

I have been doing blogging and business for six years. And only after going through Kate’s program, I had my first six-figure year! Kate saved me so much time and helped me set up everything right from the get go. I’m talking about strategy—where to invest my time, how to work smarter and not harder, how to tell a story, what critical elements to include on the site, how to maximize affiliate income…and gosh, SO MUCH MORE! If you are serious about your online business and want to make it your full-time career, Kate will help you get there!

Lisa Fennessy
Beauty Coach