How to Start a Blog (that actually makes money!) in 6 Easy Steps

November 12, 2019

Kate Kordsmeier



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  1. Sarah Newman says:

    What a great walkthrough of all the steps! Love how you break it down into easy and actionable pieces. I’m sure this will help many people get started with their dreams!

  2. Shani says:

    Thank you for this article. I was easy to follow and very straight forward. I am planning on becoming a food blogger, focusing on Family Friendly Budget Meals. I think I will call it The Recipe Box. I am also looking into become a food critic, well researching it to start.
    Thanks, Shani Dee

    • Hi, Shani – Congrats on your decision! I’m really happy to hear that you found this helpful, and I am excited for you and all that’s ahead! I was a food writer for a decade and share free freelancing + blogging tips in my new Business Series. If you haven’t joined, I’d love to have you!

  3. Jen Briar-Bonpane says:

    This is so helpful. Do you work work individually with bloggers? I’d love a couple of coaching sessions with you to get some guidance. Thanks!

  4. Didi says:

    Hi Kate,

    Didi again… What can I say, I’m simply in love with your blog! I too am a blogger, and we share the same health and wellness niche :)… Perhaps one of the reasons why I love this blog so much. I’m a nurse and health coach who also happens to have PCOS. I wanted to use my knowledge and what I’ve done to have my symptoms well-controlled. So our stories are truly similar I find.

    I find your tips about starting a blog quite handy. My blog is relatively new (launched in September 2017), and I’ve already implemented some of the suggestions you’ve made in this article. I too find that WordPress is way easier and more efficient than, for example, Wix, when it comes to building a blog. They have themes for every kind of bloggers out there.

    I’m going to keep digging through your blog to see if you’ve got any tricks to increase traffic 🙂 I feel that’s where I’m stuck right now.

    Keep rockin’ 🙂

    • Hi Didi – Thanks so much for your supportive feedback and I’m so thrilled to have you here! Welcome to blogging – it’s great that you’ve already implemented some strategies. Check out the income reports because I usually address traffic there. More important than anything is just providing quality content above anything else, and testing things out to see what does and doesn’t work for you. Best of luck!

  5. Chococraft says:

    Wow, Very good information posted by you. Its really good and useful for us. Thanks.

  6. Janice says:

    This actually really helpful! Thank you, so much!

  7. Thank you for all this great information. I can’t wait to start my blog.

  8. Lyndsie says:

    Hi there! I entered my email address to receive the 99 step Roadmap to a Profitable Blog, but it took me to a page advertising an e-book with no way to download the Roadmap. I was not sent anything to my email either. Help with this? Oh, and I love your blog. Thanks!

  9. james says:

    Great post Kate. Your are right to highlight that WordPress is the best option when creating a professional blog. These site builders such as WIX just aren’t worth it

  10. Nicely compiled and rightly narrated step by step process of creating a blog which cleared my doubts. Thanks for the post.

  11. Morgan Williams says:

    This is a great post to narrate the process! I have been binge listening to your podcast – Success with Soul – for the last 4 weeks sicne i found it(you are amazing!) and am ready to jump in and create a blog! RIght now it looks like the 21 day startup bootcamp is currently closed. Would you reccomend going through the steps in this post to start one’s blog , and then signing up for 6 figure fba course when it opens? Or in your opinion is it better to wait for the 21 day startup course to open ?

  12. Sophie Eden says:

    This was really useful. I have a blog already, but I wanted tips on making it more specialised. My blog is


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