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Last Updated on April 18, 2023
Welcome to the Success with Soul Podcast! Today we have a special bonus episode for you where Kate gets personal and shares about a big achievement she just accomplished, and how it helped her gain some invaluable insights about how goals are achieved in business. So if you are running a business (and especially if you are a runner!), listen in to hear some Kate share about what running taught how to achieve business goals.
Table of Contents
I’m coming to you hot off of something really exciting. I just completed my first 10k race. And I feel like such a mother trucking superstar queen who could literally do anything because I ran 6.2 miles and I didn’t die. Who knew that was even possible, right?
Before this, I could not even run a single mile without stopping. So when I got a treadmill last year to start running, I didn’t even have the goal to start to do a 10k. I just wanted to get moving. And it wasn’t easy!
But once I started running, I just loved it, so much that I decided to see if I could run a 5k. And then I did that. So then I thought, “What about a 10k?”
There were times when I thought my legs were going to fall off and I wanted to quit. But you know what? I pushed through and I did it.
But even more excitingly, I had this big revelation today. And I just had to share it with y’all.
Running is a lot like being an entrepreneur. Like running a business, running a race takes discipline, dedication, and hard work. Normally, you can’t just wake up one day and decide to run a 10k without any training.
It’s the same for business. You can’t start a business without a plan, strategy or training and then expect on day two that you’re going to be rolling in piles of money. It takes time.
And that strategy, that vision piece, is key, because both running and entrepreneurship require you to have a clear goal in mind. Like when I was training, I had a specific goal in mind to finish the race running the entire time.
Similarly, as a business owner, you need to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve and work towards that goal every day. Without a goal to strive for, it’s easy to get off track and lose sight as you try to achieve business goals.
Secondly, both running and entrepreneurship require you to have a super strong mindset and emotional strength, particularly determination and perseverance. Like the exhaustion I felt when training, when you’re building a business, there will be many times when you feel like throwing in the towel. I have faced just about every obstacle there is in building my own businesses. But if you can push through those tough times, you’ll come out stronger on the other side.
The biggest revelation I had about how building a business is like running a race was that success is not just about how goals are achieved. It’s also about who you become along the way. So during my training runs, I learned to push through those mental barriers and ignore that voice in my head that said I couldn’t do it or that I wasn’t good enough.
I learned to replace those negative thoughts with positive and motivating ones. As a business owner, I have needed that same emotional resilience and ability to feel uncomfortable, not letting setbacks and failures, or even just the fear that Imight fail, discourage me.
Literally the only secret to success is to just keep showing up every day, even when you don’t feel like it and when it feels like nothing is working. Because that feeling of finally crossing that finish line or hitting a business goal is when you realize that all your hard work and effort has paid off. And it’s an indescribable feeling.
Once you achieve business goals, remember to keep moving the goal post. The same day I finished my 10k, I knew I wanted to start training for a 25k. Then it’s on to 50k…in running and my business!
Along the way, embrace the process and enjoy those little wins, appreciating the hard work that goes into achieving your goals. Whether it’s a new client, a successful marketing campaign, a big launch, a positive review from a customer – take time to reflect on how far you’ve come and to appreciate the hard work and dedication that goes into building a successful business.
Lastly, another important thing that I learned from running a 10k is that it helps to have a coach. I trained for my 10k with my NordicTrack treadmill and a 16 workout series with a trainer with a coach. Having someone there to help correct my forum and keep me accountable was what got me through this process.
Similarly in business, a coach or community of people who can do the same will help you achieve business goals so much faster and effectively!
If you can relate to any of this, running or not, then you should know that as a coach, this is exactly what I do inside the Incubator, our holistic mastermind that empowers female coaches and course creators to make money sustainably. No social media required, either.
So if you’re not on our VIP waitlist, what are you doing? Get yourself on that list. Here’s the deal: as a VIP, you’ll get $500 off enrollment, early access to join before anyone else so we only open to the public twice a year, you have some special secret exclusive opportunities on the waitlist, and exclusive first look opportunities for other offers that are not available anywhere else, including free trainings and everything in between.
Plus as a VIP, you’ll get free portal access before the next cohort starts and an invite only training just for our VIPs so get on that VIP waitlist right now you can go to successwithsoul.co/VIP.
Thanks so much for listening in this week! If you enjoyed this episode, here are some ways you can join our Success with Soul movement:
There are many aspects in which running a business is like running a race: you need to have a clear goal in mind, mental fortitude to get through the hard times, and having a coach will help you achieve business goals you have set for yourself.
An important thing that I learned from running a 10k is that it helps to have a coach. I trained for my 10k with my NordicTrack treadmill and a 16 workout series with a trainer with a coach. Having someone there to help correct my forum and keep me accountable was what got me through this process.
Similarly in business, a coach or community of people who can do the same will help you achieve business goals so much faster and effectively!
Katie Kus 0:00
Hi, Katie Kus here with Oregon girl holistic skincare. And I am part of the Success with Soul incubator. My favorite part about being in the incubator is I know no matter what roadblock I hit, whether it's a mental roadblock, something with tech, or just trying to decide what the next steps need to be in creating my offer, I can always reach out to the team and Kate and they're going to be there with heartfelt thoughtful advice that is catered specifically to my business needs. And where I'm at in my business growth. The Incubator has completely transformed how I've been able to approach my business. And I really do feel like they've just become part of my team. So I'm so thankful for being a part of the incubator.
Intro 0:47
You're listening to the Success with Soul podcast with Kate Kordsmeier, X journalist turned CEO of a multi six figure blog and online business. But it wasn't that long ago that Kate was a struggling entrepreneur who lacked confidence, clarity, and let's be honest money. But all those failures, experiments and lessons learned helped Kate create a thriving business that impacts 1000s and brings freedom, flexibility and fulfillment to her life. If you're ready to do the same and make something happen with holistic, soulful, step by step strategies from Kate and other experts, you're in the right place. Here's your host, writer, educator, mom, recovering perfectionist, bookworm and sushi connoisseur Kate Kordsmeier.
Indira 1:35
Welcome back to the Success with Soul podcast. I'm your guest host Indira, and we're coming to you on a Tuesday today with a bonus episode. That's right, you get two episodes this week, y'all, Kate just finished her first 10k I'm so excited and proud of her. Our entire team as there was so much that she learned on her journey to building her new runner identity, and how much it relates to business and being an entrepreneur that she wanted to share it with y'all. So sit back, grab your headphones and get ready to be inspired by Kate's incredible journey on this special bonus episode of the Success with Soul podcast. Let's dive in.
Kate Kordsmeier 2:25
You guys. It's Kate, I'm coming to you hot off of something really exciting. So exciting that I actually had to sit down and record a podcast as soon as I finished. So here's what you need to know. First of all, I am a mother trucking superstar queen. I just completed my first 10k race. And I feel like such a badass who could literally do anything because yeah, I ran 6.2 miles and I didn't die. Who knew that was even possible, right? I mean, I am not a runner. I wasn't a runner rather. Now I'm totally a runner, that is my new identity. But before this, I could not even run a single mile without stopping. So when I got a treadmill last year, and had the idea to start running a little bit more, I didn't even have the goal to start to do a 10k. I just wanted to get moving. You know, I just wanted to move my body. And I'll admit it wasn't easy. But once I started running, I just loved it. I just loved it so much that I thought let's see if I could run a 5k. And then I did that. And then I thought, What about a 10k. And I started training for it using this running series on my treadmill home. And I mean, it wasn't easy. There were times when I wanted to quit times when I thought my legs were going to fall off. And times when I wondered why I ever signed up for this in the first place. But you know what? I pushed through and I did it. And as I was pounding the pavement trying not to pass out from exhaustion. I had this big revelation today. And I just had to share it with y'all. And so here it is. Running is a lot like being an entrepreneur. Now hear me out. So first of all, just like running a business, running a race takes discipline, dedication, and hard work. You know, you can't just wake up one day and decide to run a 10k without any training. I did not get a treadmill go from not being able to run a mile to saying let's run a 10k and then just do it. And that's the same for business just like you can't start a business without a plan or a strategy or training and then expect on day two that you're going to be rolling in piles of money. It takes time. And that plan that strategy, that vision piece, it's key, because both running and entrepreneurship require you to have a clear goal in mind. So like, when I was training for this 10k, I had a specific goal in mind just to finish thais race without stopping, or even walking, I wanted to be running the whole time. Similarly, as a business owner, you need to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve and work towards that goal every day, without a goal to strive for, it's easy to get off track and just lose sight of what you're trying to accomplish. Secondly, both running and entrepreneurship require you to have a super strong mindset and just emotional strength, particularly determination and perseverance. So when you're running a race, there are inevitably many moments where you'll feel like giving up, but you have to push through that pain and the discomfort. And that is just like when you're building a business, there will be times many. When you feel like throwing in the towel, there are going to be a lot, a lot hear me a lot of obstacles and challenges that you'll face along the way. But if you can push through those tough times, you'll come out stronger on the other side. Okay, but here's the big revelation, like my biggest aha moment, running taught me that success is not just about reaching your goal. It's also about who you become along the way. So during my training runs, I learned to push through those mental barriers and ignore that voice in my head that said, I couldn't do it or that I wasn't good enough. Or this was too hard, or I'm just tired. And why does this even matter? Anyway, all those negative thoughts, I had to ignore them, right, I had to replace them with positive thoughts with motivating thoughts with thoughts that would let me keep going. And similarly as a business owner, that emotional resilience and just the ability to feel uncomfortable, and not let setbacks and failures, or even just the fear that you might fail, discourage you. It's literally the only secret secret in air quotes, you can't see me secret to success, to just keep showing up every day, even when you don't feel like it, even when it feels like nothing is working. And even when it feels like you couldn't be further away from your goal. Because that feeling of finally crossing that finish line or hitting a business goal, that moment, when you realize that all your hard work and effort has paid off. It's just an indescribable feeling that makes it all worth it. And that runner's high is really all holy cow. And so is the energizing feeling of accomplishment and joy and fulfillment of hitting your business goals. Embrace it, celebrate it and use it to keep pushing forward. But remember, just like running, once you hit these goals, you're just going to move them right 10k Check. Now it's on to a half marathon. Like it's the same day I just did my first 10k And I'm already like, Ooh, what's next 10k months and my business check. Now it's under 25k Check Now it's on to 50k. Right? Like, we're always moving the goalposts life is always changing. And when we continue to move those goalposts, that brings new challenges and opportunities. And it's just it's cheesy, maybe, but it just hit me so hard that the journey is just as important as the destination, or really that there is no destination, right? So just enjoy the journey. Like watch who you are becoming along the way, how much stronger and braver you get with each day, how good it feels to challenge yourself to see what you're capable of, and to see progress in your abilities. And running really just taught me to embrace the process to enjoy those little wins along the way, and to appreciate the hard work that goes into achieving my goals. And the same goes for entrepreneurship, celebrate every small victory, whether it's a new client, a successful marketing campaign, a big launch a positive review from a customer just take time to reflect on how far you've come and to appreciate the hard work and dedication that goes into building a successful business. So with that, I'm going to close out here, but I have one last kind of PS if you will, because the other thing that I learned from running a 10k, it helps to have a coach. So I have a NordicTrack treadmill, and it has this I fit kind of training program thing on it. And so I did this whole the 16 workout series with a trainer with a coach to help me get to the place where I could actually do this. And it helped so much not only to share valuable insights and tips like how to improve your form so you know your tasks are easier and less painful, but also to encourage you along the way to be your cheerleader to help you get out of your own way your own head you know and bring better more helpful thoughts along your journey, and to help you stay accountable to your goals and provide you with support when you need it most. So, if you can relate to that, that's exactly what we do. Inside the incubator, our holistic mastermind that empowers female coaches and course creators to make money sustainably. No social media required either. So if you're not on our VIP waitlist, what are you doing? Get yourself on that list. Here's the deal as a VIP, you'll get $500 off enrollment, early access to join before anyone else so we only open to the public twice a year, you have some special secret exclusive opportunities on the waitlist, and exclusive first look opportunities for other offers that are not available anywhere else, including free trainings and everything in between. Plus as a VIP, you'll get free portal access before the next cohort starts and an invite only training just for our VIPs so get on that VIP waitlist right now you can go to Kate kordsmeier.com/VIP. And we will see you there. Thanks y'all.
Indira 12:10
Hey, are you a female coach looking to turn your passion into a sustainable business? If that's you, then you're definitely going to want to join us in April for our free four day challenge. From certified to six figures, four components to build your sustainable coaching business. The challenge starts on April 24. And throughout the four days you'll learn the proven strategies you need to build a successful coaching practice that generates consistent income. This challenge is exclusive for female coaches who are committed to taking their business to the next level. So don't miss out on this opportunity to achieve financial freedom doing what you love. Head on over to Kate kordsmeier.com/challenge to register and turn your coaching certification into a thriving six figure business. That's Kate kordsmeier.com/challenge
forward slash challenge
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