Last Updated on September 8, 2022
My favorite way to quickly monetize a blog is to sell a digital offer online. Here are 4 reasons why it’s the best way to grow your business income.
There are so many ways you can monetize your blog, from running ads and taking on sponsorships to partnering with brands as an affiliate. But the very best way to turn your blog into a business is by selling a digital offer right on your website. After years of running my own business, it’s become my preferred way to make money online.
Why Should You Sell a Digital Offer Online?
You can monetize your blog in a bunch of different ways, but selling your own digital offer is the best choice to achieve the growth your business needs. Here are four reasons why you should sell a digital offer online.
It’s a Much Faster Way to Monetize
Honestly, selling a digital offer is a much faster way to monetize than running ads or taking on sponsorships (though they’re both still great streams of revenue!). It took me three years to make six figures from my blog through ad, affiliate, and sponsor revenue. But it took me less than a year to make multiple six figures selling my online course!
You can start promoting your offer by just sharing it on your blog. As you start to grow your audience, you can build momentum to quickly increase your revenue.
With a digital offer, you don’t have to play the volume game like with ads and sponsors — you can start selling your digital offer right away, even with only one follower. You won’t have to spend all that time building up your blog traffic to monetize, and can even pre-sell before you’ve even created your digital offer. And, if you utilize evergreen funnels like we teach in the Success with Soul Incubator, it’s easier to create more consistent income, unlike the unpredictability of sponsorships and affiliates.
You Can Expand Your Blog with a Fourth Revenue Stream
If you’re running a blog, you’ve likely already set up multiple streams of revenue within it. The most common ones (and the ones I’ve used for years) are ad revenue, brand sponsorships, and affiliate marketing. But those revenue streams depend on a traditional blog where high traffic and page views reign supreme.
When you add a digital offer as your fourth revenue stream, you can focus on becoming a conversion site. These blogs need way fewer page views to make the same amount of money because they’re focused on promoting a product or service instead of retaining the audience’s attention. This means you can monetize faster with a fraction of your usual traffic and don’t need a constant stream of repeat viewers to turn a profit.
If it only takes a few purchases to make more than you would in a week of ad revenue, why wouldn’t you add a digital offer to your site?!
You Get to Keep ALL of the Profits
When you’re selling your own digital offer on your website, you keep 100% of the profits. There are no selling fees to worry about (like when you’re using another platform) and no one is going to take a chunk of your earnings.
With affiliate marketing especially, you’re only making a small commission on the sale of whatever you’re promoting. The original seller is the priority and you’re receiving a slim percentage of the profits.
But when you’re the original seller, that all disappears and the profits are fully yours to keep.
No One Needs to Approve the Digital Offer But YOU
I enjoy taking on sponsorships and sharing products I love with my audience. But it can be tough to work with other brands. You’re beholden to their desires and they have final approval of your content.
Even back when I was a freelance journalist, I hated having to report to an editor. I was stuck in a cycle of pitching stories that needed to be told and getting rejected constantly. And when I did land a piece, I would have to change it up to fit whatever the publication’s advertisers wanted that month.
But when you sell your digital offer and create marketing content yourself, what you say goes. I mean, you should always consult your team and get feedback from people you trust. But you never have to put out anything you’re not proud of or don’t completely love. If you’re passionate about an idea, you can run with it as far as you want and share it with the world in the exact ways you intended.
What Can You Sell Online as Your Own Digital Offer?
There are a lot of options to choose from when developing your digital offer. But the fact of the matter is this: there’s no right answer or magic money maker.
All of these offers work and can bring in incredible revenue. What matters most is that you’re excited about the product or service and it works for you.
If one day you decide it’s not working, then pivot! You can always launch a new offer and start fresh. We walk through the exact steps to do this in my Launch It With Soul Mini-Course. To help you on your way, here are a few of my favorite digital offers to sell online.
Digital Courses and Memberships
One of the most popular digital offers that business owners (like me!) sell is an online course.
By no means do you have to be a certified expert. If you have something valuable to say that others can learn from, you can launch a digital course! The subject options are endless. And you can use a written, audio, visual, or combination format. So it’s completely customizable to your knowledge and your audience’s needs.
You could also take your expertise and turn it into subscription content, whether as a companion to your course or on its own. If you have a digital offer idea that could be stretched out over months and years (like recipe books if you’re a chef or educational videos for other professionals in your niche), it may be a better idea to create a membership program. Make sure it’s something that is sustainable long-term, though; subscriptions need a constant stream of new content, so create a service that you know you’re passionate about.
Coaching Services
Whether you have a specialized skill, are a frontrunner in your niche, or have a powerful success story that others want to replicate, offering a coaching service is a great way to quickly monetize your blog.
As a coach, you’ll use your expertise to guide your clients through their highs and lows while being a source of inspiration and motivation for them.
You could teach clients new skills, advise them on their own business ventures, or help them improve certain areas of their lives. Like with digital courses, your options as a coach are endless. Once you nail down what makes you unique, you’ll stand out from the competition in your niche.
1-on-1 Vs. Group Coaching
One major thing you need to figure out before starting your coaching service is whether you’ll do 1-on-1 or group coaching sessions. Neither method is better than the other; go with what works best for you and your business.
1-on-1 coaching is highly tailored to the individual participant. This allows you to build a strong relationship with them and dedicate yourself to helping them find success. But such specialization has drawbacks! Since you can only work with one client at a time, the sessions may take up too much of your day to be worth it, unless you charge a high fee. It can also be difficult to scale an individual coaching service with those time constraints.
Group coaching allows you to take on the role of advisor with your clients. You’ll work together to talk through problems, offer each other solutions and encouragement, and form their paths forward. You set the limits on how many people can participate. The more people join, the higher the revenue for that session. Though the lower time commitment makes this digital offer easy to scale, you’ll have to really strengthen your marketing to bring in more and more clients.
You don’t have to be a professional writer to sell an e-book as a digital offer on your blog! If you have something to say, whether that’s a creative story or valuable knowledge of your field, you can create an e-book to easily monetize your website.
E-books typically have a lower, more accessible price point, making the digital download an easy purchase for prospective clients. Many will actually buy your e-book before enrolling in one of your other digital offers to get a better feel for your style and expertise.
Tiny Offers and Tripwires
Tripwires and tiny offers are low-cost digital offers. They set your clients up to buy larger, more expensive products or services later on. These tripwires are focused on bringing in new clients with a low-risk purchase that still delivers a ton of value.
You could offer a mini-course that sets clients up to enroll in your membership program. Or sell a bundle of templates that will motivate people to join your coaching sessions. As long as you’re giving your audience the value they deserve, the possibilities are endless.
I honestly haven’t looked back since adding my first digital offer to my online business. Creating that fourth revenue stream has transformed my blog and my income. If you want to launch your own digital offer, be sure to enroll in my Launch It With Soul Mini-Course. It gives you all the tips, tools, and strategies you need to succeed.