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Last Updated on September 14, 2022
when it comes to creating more wealth and building a sustainable business.
If you find yourself getting overwhelmed when you think about finances, or ignoring your money situation hoping it will go away or resolve itself, or if you carry shame around your money management, spending habits, or history with money–then you’re never going to be able to create a stable, lasting business.
But money doesn’t have to feel that way.
Money is a tool and a means to an end. It doesn’t have to be scary, bad or hard.
When you learn how to celebrate money and work with it in a way that feels the most natural to you (NOT what some random expert tells you to do), then everything shifts and your abundance can flow.
One incredibly useful framework to help you understand your motives, patterns, and how to step into a healthier version of yourself is using the sacred money archetypes. These eight archetypes show us how we filter and make our money decisions, where our strengths and challenges lay, and reveal where we’re in alignment and where we’re in conflict with ourselves.
The good news is that every archetype has the ability to be very successful with money, so long as they’re working with their strengths and coming up with action steps that are super authentic and very personal to them.
has been one of the biggest game-changers in my business, my mental health, and just understanding myself and my business better. I can’t wait to share them with you today!
My podcast guest, Kelly Marshall, has spent over 20 years in the corporate accounting world, doing everything from regular accounting to internal auditing to banking to working with an investment management company. While she really enjoyed her corporate experiences, she discovered that her joy lies in helping small business owners and purpose-driven women who are bringing their own dream and visions to life.
Today Kelly works with heart-centered female entrepreneurs who find the financial part of their business completely overwhelming. She provides them with the tools they need to take charge of their finances, ease their money worries, grow healthy and profitable conscious businesses and—ultimately—gain the freedom to focus on what they truly love.
Working with Kelly over the past year has totally transformed my business, my reporting, my tracking, my projections, my understanding of my finances, and–most importantly–my money mindset! I can’t wait to share her wisdom with you today.
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Kate Kordsmeier 0:00
Well, hello there.
Welcome back to the Success with Soul podcast. This is episode eight, and I'm your host, Kate Kordsmeier. How many of you can relate to the idea that managing the finances of your business is totally stressful and overwhelming? I know this is super common. And I've definitely dealt with my fair share of financial woes. Whether it was debt, or just bookkeeping and taxes and incorporating and all of those complicated, difficult to understand, hard for the creative spirited entrepreneurs to get really down and dirty into the numbers and the nitty gritty of that, right. So I was so glad personally when someone on my team introduced me to Kelly Marshall. This was Back at the end of 2018, I had just come off of a great year for my business, but my taxes and finances were a mess. And I had been working with this firm that just made it even Messier. And I was looking for a new accountant. And so a friend referred me to Kelly, and fast forward a year and a half later, and she has totally transformed my business, my reporting, my tracking my projections, my understanding of my finances, and my money mindset Most importantly, so if you haven't guessed already, Kelly Marshall is going to be our guest today. And a little bit about Kelly before we get started, Kelly spent over 20 years in the corporate accounting world. So she did everything from regular accounting, to internal auditing to banking to working with an investment management Make company. And while some of those corporate experiences were rewarding, she discovered that her joy really lies in helping small business owners and purpose driven women heart centered female entrepreneurs who find their financial part of their business completely overwhelming. So Kelly provides you with the tools to take charge of your finances easier money worries, grow healthy and profitable, conscious businesses and ultimately gain the freedom to focus on what you truly love. And I can absolutely say that that has been the case in my business and I am so grateful for Kelly and the work we've done together. So today we are talking all about your money mindset. We're going to be replacing some limiting beliefs and mindset blocks with empowering mantras because truly when we celebrate our money rather than ignore it, the shame goes away. We get into some details about how to change Charge what you're worth. And then my favorite part is going over the sacred money archetypes and how knowing yourself in this way can help you work in alignment. So without further ado, let's get into the interview.
You're listening to the Success with Soul podcast with Kate Kordsmeier ex journalists turned CEO of a multi six figure blog in online business. But it wasn't that long ago that Kate was a struggling entrepreneur who lacked confidence, clarity, and let's be honest money. But all those failures, experiments and lessons learned helped Kate create a thriving business that impacts thousands and brings freedom, flexibility and fulfillment to her life. If you're ready to do the same and make something happen with holistic, soulful, step by step strategies from Cade and other experts, you're in the right place. Here's your host Writer, educator mom recovering perfectionist, bookworm and sushi connoisseur Kate Kordsmeier.
Kelly, I'm so glad to have you on the show today.
Kelly Marshall 4:12
Thank you so much for having me. I'm so excited to be here.
Kate Kordsmeier 4:16
I know I have been looking forward to this episode so much. I mean really any excuse I have to talk and work with you is always so wonderful. Thank you, Kelly and I met well virtually met I should say we've never actually met in person which seems last year, one of the beautiful woman that works with me, Sara, she introduced us and Kelly has been handling our books and we've been doing these monthly coaching calls where she helps me with my mindset and that has been extremely powerful. And I do feel like we were just talking before this that last 2019 was a really hard year for my business. And I really don't think I could have gotten through it without our coaching calls. So I'm so grateful to you.
Kelly Marshall 5:09
Well, thank you for that. I've enjoyed our time together. And I'm very grateful to have that opportunity to work with you during that time.
Kate Kordsmeier 5:17
Yeah, good. We won't spend too much more time gushing over each other. Because that all day, I'm really excited to share with you guys just all of Kelly's wisdom. And, gosh, we have so much exciting stuff to get into. So one of the things that you wrote in before we got on the call was kind of this focus on identity and belief and how it affects every decision you make in your business. So you said, for example, if you see yourself as a beginner blogger, you're going to make decisions from that perspective. But if you see yourself as a badass CEO or a six figure business owner, you make decisions from that place. So I
thought that was
so powerful, and a great way to Start with just talking about like, how does someone's identity or how you think of yourself influence your decisions and business?
Kelly Marshall 6:09
Well, I just I think it's the starting point. I think it it. Like I said, if somebody sees themselves as a starter blogger, it's almost a hobby, the business side of things, the thoughts about how to make decisions and what to invest in, how they spend their time, even how they value themselves is very different than somebody that's on track to become a six figure business owner, even if they haven't made six figures yet. That's the track you're on. If that's the mindset you have, if every day you wake up and you're like, I understand SEO, I run my business, then you're paying attention to your numbers you're paying attention to when you invest, are you getting a return on that? You're paying attention to how you spend your time, you're here negotiating a deal. You understand your value, you're going to ask for more money than you would if you did this as a hobby and I just do it for fun. You just approach every single decision in a different way. And it's one reason I love the name of your, your course that you have that you set a mindset. And maybe you didn't even do that intentionally, but it sets the mindset that people coming into it. It's a six figure Academy. It's not I'm doing this on this, you know, as a hobby blog Academy, this, you know, your own. And I think it's critical for every business owner. I work a lot with helpers and healers, and they're there for the passion of what they're doing. They're there. They want to get people healthy. They want to, maybe they're an artist, and they're creative. And so it's very easy to discount the business side of things because that's not their focus. That's not their passion. But they may have a vision of, you know, this freedom lifestyle or making a certain amount of money or the impact they can have. And if they don't line up their identity of who they are that I'm I'm not a health coach working for somebody else. I'm a business owner and a health coach and I'm helping people and I see so many good, they need to intentionally make that decision. about who they are so that they're making the decisions to get where to get where they're to match their vision that they have for themselves. Otherwise, it stays a vision and a vision board instead of a reality.
Kate Kordsmeier 8:12
Yes, I love that so much. And I wish I could say I was very intentional and like wanting to put that into action from the beginning. I mean, I think my intention was more so that this is a course that teaches you how to make money blogging, it's not just like, how to start a blog, right? But the mindset is something that we do talk a lot about in the course and I do think just shifting your mindset to say this is a business this is not a hobby, this is not something I'm just gonna like, try out and see what happens on the side. And if I make time for it, you know, a lot of people that don't end up with successful blogs or businesses it's like because they never treated it as such. So how did you get so wise about all of this The money mindset stuff. Tell us a little bit more about your story and your background.
Kelly Marshall 9:04
Well, I think truthfully, it came from my my journey as a business owner, and my experiences early on with my first few clients. And so I have kind of a, I don't want to bore people, but I have a long corporate background. And I had a little part time bookkeeping business for years during that time. And when I decided I was really tired of making other people millionaires that weren't my clients, decided I wanted to create my own thing. And, and I started that out, I always have the mindset so so I kind of naturally had that mindset that I was in it for the business side, I was ready to be I don't even use six figure I'm, I'm a millionaire business owner. That's not my reality in this moment, but that's my identity. And I make decisions in a way to get me there. Right. And I had a lot of that going in, and I think that's in your nature too. So we'll get into some of that. Within our core, so we naturally maybe have that identity. But as I started working with people and I started out working, mostly with health coaches and life coaches, they didn't have that piece they had, they had a business they were passionate about, they were helping people, they were making money. But it wasn't translating into the business, they had a lot of shame around the fact that they didn't, you know, they weren't paying attention to their numbers and where that came from. They were making the decision to do that. And so it took me a little while to figure out why that was happening. And it came through a lot of my own money, money mindset work, so I'm gonna get the identity down, but I had some beliefs to work out. I really felt like I had to work super hard to make money. If I didn't put in a good we'll say eight hours a day, but in reality, it was much more than that. I didn't feel good about myself. There was this tie between the hours I worked and the value that that I thought I deserved. And we all you know, we all know a lot of us having to clean but what I that didn't line up with the vision of what I wanted to create. So I had to work on that mindset. And so I got some help myself. And it was during that journey, that somehow, you know, at some point, I stumbled on the identity piece. And when I started helping my clients with that piece, just that little shift along, made it possible to get into some of the other money, beliefs and other things that were holding them back. So that's kind of where that came from. It came from my own money, mindset work and wanting to, I probably will never stop. I keep learning ways to help my people. And it was in just continuing education for myself that I got more training with this piece of it. And it just, I saw it open up so much in my clients when we added that piece of it was it's crazy how effective it is.
Kate Kordsmeier 11:45
Yes, I can speak from personal experience with that, but I'm so glad that you mentioned some of these common mindset blocks or limiting beliefs because I do think that so many people I mean, really, all of us don't think there's anybody out there that doesn't have at least a little bit of like, some kind of mindset block around money. And I know that so many people I was just at this workshop recently. And it was all about money in your business and so many of the women there in particular, were like, I don't even know what's happening with my finances because it stresses me out. I can't even look at it. I'm overwhelmed by it. I just like ignore it and hope for the best. And obviously, there's really nothing in life that if you ignore the best is going to come.
Kelly Marshall 12:39
Those are my people. By the way, those are the people that I and I you don't fall in that camp, if there's a group of my clients that are like that, I want to help so bad and I do help them through that because when somebody's holding your hands to look at some of that stuff, it's a lot easier. And and I think they find when they stop ignoring it, and we can actually celebrate it every month. You know, we can look at it work through it, especially on the revenue side celebrate it, it's a, it's a complete shift. And, and that's the moment that that shame totally goes away. It's like, okay, I can do this. And that's part of that, then they start believing in that identity, right, this thing that I can be a business owner.
Kate Kordsmeier 13:17
Yeah, exactly. And I love that your story, too, is so much comes from your own personal experience and how you help clients, I think we always end up teaching what we need to learn. And then also, once we've kind of learned it, not that I mean, I think you and I are both like lifelong learners. We're always seeking out more information and education and that kind of thing. But once you get a little bit of a grasp on it, you're like, I have to share this with the world. This is so powerful. So I love that. So let's talk about some of those common mindset limitations that you see in your clients. I have a couple that I wrote down, that we talked through, but I'd love to hear just first what are the most common ones You see? And how can we help to shift those beliefs into something more empowering?
Kelly Marshall 14:05
Yeah, I want to start first, you know, I think of the name of your podcast. And when you have soulful in there, you know that it's going to bring in spiritual people. And I talked about helpers and healers, creatives. And that group of people often brings in this block, that it's not right for me, this is my, my gift. This is my passion. It's not right for me to want to make money off of that, you know, they feel they're so drawn to help people or just to create that there's this other word about profiting off of that, and I get that I get where that comes from. But my belief in that piece is when I think that coupled with the idea that money is the root of all evil, we've heard that saying all our lives, you know, I want to knock that belief out right away. It's amazing. Because money really is just a tool. So it depends whose hands it's in, right? So if the helpers and the healers are the ones with the money, they're going to choose to go do good things with that. I mean, there's proven you know, you can look at even people that we admire in our lives, and everybody can pick their own. But I think the people with a lot of money like Ellen and Oprah, that do good things with their money, and they're certainly even better examples than that than them. And I think right now, and I don't know when this podcast will air but right now we can look at what's going on in the world and see the companies that are doing good with their money, versus people that are in you can see the wealthy people doing good with their money. And so I would just encourage people that are spiritual, that are looking to help people to know that they can have an impact and help people and make good money for themselves. And then they can go on and have a greater impact and choose to put that money into the world in a beneficial way that's going to help everybody but it ain't Poor doesn't support anybody, you know, hey, families.
Kate Kordsmeier 16:04
Exactly. And I think, sorry, go ahead. I just
Kelly Marshall 16:08
that's a that's a huge belief I run into that.
I wish we could just eradicate that belief entirely.
Kate Kordsmeier 16:15
I know. And it does make sense that it comes from people that are really in soulful business industries and are helpers and that kind of thing that that would be one of their mindset blocks. And I think something I didn't fully have this belief like, I don't, I didn't believe that money is evil, but sometimes I could believe like, Well, a lot of rich people are assholes, and I would sort of my block sometimes. But I think what one of the things that we've worked through so much in the last year or two is this concept of more money as more impact and it's on both ends. It's like the more revenue I'm bringing in that means the more people I have brought into my program and helped and made a positive impact and difference And their life. So that revenue should feel good because I was helping somebody and doing that. And then once I have more money, I'm able to do better things with my, with my money and my resources to help others, whether it's friends and family, you know, even in your own household or things like donating to charity and doing more, you know, community work, and even on a global basis. So I think once I made that shift that was very empowering to me to really like, okay, I don't have to feel guilt about making money. I don't have to feel shame. I don't have to feel bad charging people for this. All good things are coming from this. Another one that I hear a lot. And you mentioned this too, is you must work hard and long hours to earn your money. You know, it's not just like you have to have this sacrifice. It's this trade and so People often feel, again, there's that guilt or shame of, you know, I didn't work hard enough for this and or if I'm not stressed by my work, then I don't deserve this money. So do you see that a lot? Or Sure, then there's two parts to that one, too. There's that belief. And it's also coupled with the fact that, you know, the generation before us, and several generations before us had to work so much harder. Like, really, it's never been easier to make money.
Kelly Marshall 18:29
Going to YouTube, advertisers, revenue streams and know that that's very true. You know, you can open toys and make millions. But you know, so. So I think there's this skill, like, my dad, my mom sacrificed everything to make money that she made to provide the life for us, and how, how can I just go create this thing that I'm passionate about and love and and make, you know, five times as much and and i think that that's kind of a I really think it's a generational shift. Right now, I think it's just a change in the economy. So people are bumping up against that. And when that happens, the money comes in. And it goes out just as fast because they feel you feel funny about it. And so you find that either they are blocking it coming in, or they're getting rid of it right away, because they don't feel good about it. And I don't know if you want me to talk about a little bit about how to kind of get rid of that one.
Kate Kordsmeier 19:22
Yeah, yeah. Love to give, like to help people replace these blocks and beliefs with something more empowering and positive.
Kelly Marshall 19:30
Yeah. Yeah, I think that one goes back again, to kind of looking around and realizing, like I said, it's a shift in the economy. I mean, we can make money from our phones, we can make money online. And it's first of all realizing if you have that belief, because some people might not even know that they're bumping up against that one. And then I think looking for evidence that it's okay and looking around and seeing the other people are there and just constantly reminding yourself, you know, maybe an affirmation every morning that, you know, I'm willing for this to To be easy, I'm willing for this to feel magical. And then coupling that again with a belief that you're doing good with their money and that you're maybe providing for employees and and who create leverage for your time. Right. So that kind of goes hand in hand when we add employees, we can create leverage, and maybe we don't have to do as much of that, you know, busy work that makes us feel like we're working hard, but really just has a spinning and so now you're taking care of another person with that, and there's just so much more possibility, again, to do good with your money to do differently with your money when it's kind of flowing in and it's okay that you didn't work 16 hours a day.
Kate Kordsmeier 20:39
Right. Right. Yeah. And that it is a different time and before the internet and before and really computers took over. And, you know, when we were in more of like the agricultural age and things were, things were just harder and required so much more manual labor and face to face to Hi, um, and things like that, that I think that is a really good point to say like, especially if your parents can sometimes be the ones whether they're saying it directly to you, which is sometimes the case or you just sort of have this internalized belief from having grown up and watched what they had to do to make ends meet. And yeah, I think that's really powerful. And I know it kind of relates to another thing that I've heard a lot from people, especially when they really start making money is this concept of like, an upper limit problem where they almost put this cap on themselves of like, okay, yeah, I'm willing to make six figures in my business because let's face it, and you know, in 2020 $100,000 for a family of four is not that much money. And, but then, when they say, Oh, well, it's not gonna make seven figures. That's insane. You know, that. They put that This upper limit on themselves and kind of goes hand in hand also with figuring out how to charge what you're worth, especially when you do step up to that next level, you're not in that startup phase anymore.
Unknown Speaker 22:13
Right? I would say to, you know, somebody that says that I'm willing to be a six figure business, but I'm not willing to be a seven. They're never even gonna hit six, because they've kind of, you know what I mean? Yeah, guys, that that lock on themselves, but I'm going to take this in a different direction. I know it's probably not where you're going. But I just wanted to mention to like, every single you'd mentioned that you don't know anybody that doesn't have a money back. And I think that's very true. And I think we finally every single level that we go through, a new one pops up, we just went Yeah, at this. You know, I figured this out, like maybe you get through that I have to work hard for my money and something else pops up and causes a guilt something triggers it. So that's something to be very mindful of to sorry to segue on that one.
Kate Kordsmeier 22:58
No, no I think that's so true. So let's talk a little bit about like how to know what to charge and charging what you're worth. And I think, especially if you're in a coaching or consulting or a role where you charge by the hour and people know what that is, or even having a day rate or something, you know, I was listening to Jenna Kutcher's podcast a few months ago, and she had Dean Graziosi see on, and he was saying that he charges I want to say it was like half a million dollars, or maybe it was $100,000. I'm gonna fact check myself here, but I feel like it was $100,000 for one day of coach with him. And of course, I had this belief pop up that I was like, What a jerk. I mean, Who does he think he is? Is anybody really worth $100,000 a day? So that's an extreme example, but you know, I know in my like, I have one on one coaching. with clients too, and sometimes I thought, well, I should really raise my rates. But then I feel bad. Like, you know, I'm just me who's going to pay me $500 an hour. I'm not a doctor, I'm not a lawyer. I don't have this fancy education like, What? How could I? Who do I think I am to charge that? Like, is that common thought that comes up?
Kelly Marshall 24:20
for sure. There are so many pieces to this that we could record for two hours and probably not. But a couple things come to mind is one thing. So first of all, I have struggled with this a lot because I came from a bookkeeping world which is, you know, traditionally very, our, you know, trading dollars for hours. It is shifting, thank God, but it is hard to get out of that mindset. So I would say probably the number one thing and I don't care if you're just coming out of the hourly or you've been doing this for a long time, but it's time to level up. And I don't say this because I'm a coach. coaching. This is I personally I do this all day long and If I don't get coaching, I under I underpriced my stuff, it's just in our nature. And you need support through this. So be careful to you know, I do recommend working with a coach that actually knows what they're doing with pricing. But you know, so be careful like to get coaching from your buddy, because they may not have, you know, a frame of reference. So if you're not going to get coach from somebody that professionally coaches on this, make sure you're talking to somebody in your industry who's charging at a level that you want to do.
Kate Kordsmeier 25:29
And I mean, I think that's good advice. Whatever you want to learn is like, go to somebody who's already done what you want to do, and you get coached by them.
Unknown Speaker 25:39
So beyond that, so that's just that's a caveat that I think it is challenging no matter what, and I just want to set that expectation. When you're thinking about it, there's a few things like absolutely you cannot think about the hours you're putting into it. It's our nature, you kind of think, Okay, well, it's gonna take me so long to prepare. I'm going to do this much on the phone. It is a nature of how we think about But it's not about that it's about the value you're providing. So you may not be a doctor or a lawyer or things like that. But you've got however many years of building your business, and all the mistakes that you've made during that time. You know, you've you get to shortcut that for that person that you're coaching. So, you, you know, might be saving them hundreds of thousands of dollars or 10s of thousands of dollars that you've invested in coaching and you get to distill that down for them. And and fast track that through them. What is the value of that to them? You know, what are you what is your deliverable that you're offering to them? That is the key piece of that. But it's hard to get there unless we really value ourselves, right? So there are some exercises that are very important in my mind to understanding your value. And one of those is that identity piece we talked about, you know, one of it is like reminding yourself of your credentials thinking about, you know, what has gotten you there and that comes from some of it might come from me It might come from awards it might come from, you know, leadership roles you held. But it might also come from, you know, things you've overcome. Where did you take your business, some of your stories come into that that's all part of you appreciating your value. And it's important that you reflect on that. And just how you see yourself, it goes back. So I talked about that identity, those decisions around how you see yourself, how you show up for work, how you're presenting yourself to everybody. That's all a reflection of how you value yourself. And those pieces all come together, you know, for your overall value. Does that answer is it?
Kate Kordsmeier 27:36
Yeah, yeah, I think that's super helpful. And I love that mindset shift of not just thinking about, well, what is an hour of my time worth? I have all of the knowledge and experience that you're bringing to that hour that took you years to accumulate, not just that one hour.
Unknown Speaker 27:55
My main thing I want to share and it is kind of confusing. So bear with me and edit this out if this doesn't translate. But there is an idea, though, like, I'm getting an idea of, it's a reality check. So let's say you have a vision for where you want to take your business. Let's say you're at 45,000, and you want to get over 100,000. And you think of, you know, how many people can I serve in my week? How much time is that going to take? And really calculate out if you were at full capacity charging what you're charging now, would that get you to your goals? And if the answer is no, you're clearly under charging, if you want to hit your goals, and it does kind of it is creating this hourly mentality, and I don't want people to then use that for their pricing. But I find that to be a really good Reality Check for people that say I want to be a seven figure business owner, but when they look at their capacity and what they're doing to make money, they have no way of getting there right now. And it's like, what can we shift to start getting there? So that's another value piece. I don't know if that was too quick and conceptual to be helpful, but
Kate Kordsmeier 28:58
no, I think that was perfect. I love the idea of like reverse engineering your business too and I mean, that's such a great point. Like, I just thought to myself, okay, if I charge $200 an hour for my one on one coaching and I can only take on five clients a week at that rate, and I have this desire to be a seven figure business owner, well $200 an hour times five hours a week, times 52 weeks a year, which let's be honest, I'm not working 52 weeks a year is only $52,000. So how long I think I'm gonna get to seven figures charging that and yeah, I think that's really, really powerful. And I've always been a fan of reverse engineering, like you set your goal, and then you work backwards from there to figure out how could I make this happen, but that that's the second part and the second step, and I think so many of us, myself included, often try to start with the how, and then figure out the goal. And the result and it's like, No, no, no, you gotta start putting out your I keep hearing this phrase your BHAG - your big, hairy, audacious goal.
It was one of those things
where I had never heard it before. And then I heard it like two weeks ago. And now it's like
hearing it everywhere.
That's right. So, yeah, you set this big, hairy, audacious goal and then reverse engineer, okay, now I'm going to figure out how I'm going to get there. And maybe it's not even right away that you're figuring out how, you know, there's some manifesting that can happen in between that time to where you're just giving this setting this intention and giving it over to the universe and waiting for inspired action and that kind of thing, which I talk a lot about, and I think it's episode three. So go back and listen to that one. But yeah, I think that's beautiful and such a good way to run your business.
Kelly Marshall 30:55
Yeah. And then that helps you start to make decisions and then from that place, it's a part of the idea piece, because you've you kind of calculate that out. And you realize, well, I'm not going to get that all unless I'm really worth this per hour, not that you're charging in a per hour. But by writing I'm worth this now suddenly you're looking at your to do list and, you know, maybe you're entering people from your group into an email list. Was that the best use of your time? Or is that time Friday. And as you're able and ready for those steps, that helps you start to decide what to do. So there's a lot of reasons that that tools is pretty powerful and helpful.
Kate Kordsmeier 31:30
Yeah, I love that.
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Okay, this other one, my team and I've been talking a lot about that. And this also kind of brings in this aspect of parenting that I think will be interesting to touch on as well. So a lot of us were brought up with this belief that money doesn't grow on trees, right. And my parents really did teach me the value of $1. And in most ways, I think it's been super beneficial to my adult life. But there is this aspect of I have a bit of this scarcity mindset of like, one what we talked about already have like you have to work so hard for every single penny you make and to That money is not it is a limited resource, there's not enough to go around, either for everybody or even just for yourself, it could run out, you know that you have to be really diligent about saving and spending and making sure you're in this perfect balance at all times. But the flip side that I've seen a lot is, I've seen families whose parents have more of an abundant mindset, they end up not really teaching their kids like budgeting and the value of $1, so to speak. So as a fairly new parent myself, you know, I'm thinking, well, I want to teach my kids that like that you have to think about money that there is an aspect of budgeting that should come into play and trying to live within your means and being fiscally responsible and that kind of thing. But how do you do that without having this scarcity mindset, parent in it I'd love to hear your thoughts on that. I wish
Kelly Marshall 35:02
I had a perfect answer for that one.
Here's the other thing is, it also depends on the nature of the child. You know, we can look at two kids, and we've talked about this before, actually, we can look at two kids that were brought up by the same parents that were, you know, given the same ideals about money, we're given the same rules. I do look at myself and my brother, we handle money differently, we react to it differently. And that's because of who we are at our core. And so I kind of have to think about the nature of your kid. And it's pretty hard to tell at 18 months, you know,
Kate Kordsmeier 35:37
yeah, but I think that is really good point, too, because and, you know, we've talked about this, my brother and I were two and a half years apart. And so we were raised, right at the same time, very similarly, same parents same rules, but even at the time, like my parents when I was like, I don't know 12 I think put me on a clothing budget, you know what they would take me shopping for school clothes. And I just had no sense of like, I just, oh, I want this and it was like, Well, what does it cost? And you know, let's think about this, can we afford this and that kind of thing. So they put me on a budget. And right away I mean, I just took to it. It was like my brain was built for budgeting and like, spreadsheets and keeping track of stuff and you know, all that. And then so they thought, well, wow, this worked so well for Kate, let's put David my brother on a budget. And he didn't want for any, you know, he had no, he was like, I don't need clothes, whatever. So it didn't work for him because he didn't want anything and I was you know, I was a teenage girl that wanted all the stuff. And so even that practice, worked really well for me and I as a kid, it didn't work at all for my brother because of our difference. And I don't know, I guess I was more materialistic.
Kelly Marshall 37:00
But I think you Yeah, I think you're just, you are more of a budgeted budget minded person. And I think there's multiple reasons that work. But it's in general. Like I said, I wish I had a perfect answer for this. But I think the most important thing, and I think this is a culture thing, too, and your parents did talk to you about money, that that's beautiful. But I think what you find with most people that struggle with money is is their families didn't talk about it. without going into too many personal details in my life. Money was hard for me to talk about. That's a big part of why I've done the work I've done. When I first got married, or may 1, nothing has been in fact, I would still struggling with talking about money. And I know that that comes from family stories. And my mom would try to talk to me about money and I would just shut her down and just didn't even want to talk about it. And there was something healing in my relationship with my husband that as you know, as we came together and we have our money merged in there's there was a lot of struggles with budget. I did the budget for a while. He's done the So we've had this Evan flow are both accountants are both accountants. I didn't know that. Yeah. And so we get this Evan flow in our relationship with it. But we were always able to talk about it or we became able to talk about I should say it was not always there. And that was a huge healing piece for us. And we bring forward in with our daughter, too. So we're not afraid to talk about money in front of her. I'm not afraid to talk to her about a woman making money. I think that's a big piece in my relationship with her is, you know, mommy's the boss, like there's been this process of her understanding that and what that means and how do you get paid? And you know, so we've had she's seven and a half and she's asking these questions, and I do too. If you do, that, that girl's not a leader. I don't know who is but an entrepreneur. But, you know, there's so I think talking about it, I think, absolutely. I don't know not every kid's going to respond to a budget, but teaching them those skills is so important. And even if it's not for them, teaching them about how do we make decisions? How do we know how much we can spend on groceries? How do we know how much you know when it's time to afford a family trip? You know, having those conversations and not it doesn't have to mean scarcity. It can be responsibility, you know, it doesn't mean that there's not enough in the world at work caring for the part that we have right now. Right. That's really the message and I think it's, I think for so long, it's been so rude to talk about money or it's been culturally you don't want to talk to you know, nobody want to talk about you weren't allowed to say how much you made, it was such an odd thing. I think that transparency, especially in your family is critical. And I think that they learn from that. And I I have seen so I used to work in an investment management company and the new partner. These old money as they say he came from a lot of money, and each of his kids worked at the firm as interns and they worked and they knew the value of the dollar and I always respected that, that they weren't just handed everything. So I think there is some of those lessons are still, I think very valuable and applicable. It's but I respect what you're saying about the scarcity piece. And I think you can do that also in conversations are taking the manifestations teaching affirmations thought I think about that if you were taught some of the affirmations that you apply to your life now, if you had those in high school that might have shifted that, you know, scarcity, my app. So true, so true.
Kate Kordsmeier 40:28
Yeah, I love that. So last mindset thing I want to go over and then I'm really pumped to get into sacred money or archetypes, is this idea of I can't afford it, or I never have enough money. And I definitely have have experienced phases in my life where I felt that way. And I have friends who have as well and it just seems like very pervasive. So I'm curious, have you seen that as well? And what's a good way? Yes. That you mentality? Yeah,
Kelly Marshall 41:00
that's a challenging one. What I, I get a little triggered because I see a lot of people, a lot of the money coach type people out there, their systems would really try to shut that down. Or really, they would encourage that mindset. And I don't want to encourage that mindset. But the reality is there, we can't afford everything in this moment, right, as you often are current reality. So I think the best thing to shift that is I'm choosing not to invest in that right now. Because the reality is, you could figure out a way to afford anything, but you're choosing not to make that decision right now. And staying in that energy. It's a slightest little shift, because it really is the same result. But it's that idea that this is my decision not to find a way to afford that right now. I'm not trying to manifest everything. I'm not making that happen right now. Maybe in the future and just kind of moving it the day at a time. And with that mindset that if it is something you want that at some point, you're going to invest in it, but it's just Right now, does that
Kate Kordsmeier 42:02
I love? Yeah, I think that's great. And even on the flip side, I mean, I think what I'm hearing mostly is that it's an intentional decision that you don't just have this thought that goes, I can't afford that. And then you just move on, that you really sit and think, well, what is my intention? If do I really want this and it is now the right time, then I will figure out a way to afford it. And if not, then I'm intentionally choosing not to do it. But making that distinction instead of just, you know, tossing it off after you have the one limiting thought of I can't afford it,
Kelly Marshall 42:37
or feeling defeated by that, you know, or rightly like, and like really, that's a way to spiral into scarcity. So I love that that the way you define that making that intentional choice, yeah. Can we I want to jump into for a second to how that relates to business decisions because that's where it's challenging to in a few ways, one being when to invest in coaching. for yourself. And the other thing kind of when to grow my team when to invest in marketing, when to invest. And we've talked about this a lot, too. And every month,
I think
and I, you know, I think what you said there like that intentional choice and when it comes down to that moment, there are going to become times where people choose to invest in themselves, and they might choose to put themselves in fact to invest in themselves. I've done it before. And I think when you do that place to really power from and choosing that is, I'm going to do this, I'm going to make this investment. I may be taking on debt, how how quickly can I get a return on that investment? How quickly can I pay off that that like there's a power in that decision at that point, and really using that to fuel your fire and get that and get that moving and get out of it out of every little bit out of it that you can because you chose to make that investment in that even if it was a stretch for you at that time. And I think That's, that's what a leader does, or that's what you know, I'll say a ruler, we're going to say that they use that that fuel for their fire, and they get every bit of that investment out of it. And more. So I think because that's a scary point that a lot I think of your listeners have either been yet or are going into, you know, in the next six months, I'd say things to invest in before there may be ready and it can be challenging. So just go for it. If you're going to go for it, make that decision and potentially put everything into it so you can get the return now and make it work for yourself.
Kate Kordsmeier 44:36
Yes, I think that's such a good good advice too to say if you're going to go for it, really do it, you know, do the work because I mean, even you know, I'm as a coach and of course creator, I am often trying to convince people that this is going to be a worthy investment that you can make this money, this investment back much quicker than if you were trying Trying to piecemeal everything together on your own and all that. And I'll convince people and then I see them get into the course and they don't do anything. And you know, even if they don't say it, I mean, I start feeling guilty, which is my own stuff
that I need to work on. I can't control what
other people are going to do. But it's like, I want to personally reach out and say, Hey, I know that this was a big investment for you, why aren't you doing the work? You're not going to make a return? And then you know, then you're going to feel like, Well, that was a waste of money. But it's like it wouldn't have been if you really went all in. So I think that's a very good sanction to make.
Kelly Marshall 45:40
Yeah. And I'm going to Yeah, that's often a pattern for that particular person. They've invested in things before and not and not done the work. It might have been why it was hard for them to make the decision in the first place. So even if you've done that in the past, with your next decision, to set that intention and go for it with everything you got if you're going to invest in something.
Kate Kordsmeier 45:59
so let's talk about sacred money archetypes. This is an I don't know what the right word is an exercise a body of work, body work. Thank you. That's much better. So the body work that Kelly introduced to me last year during our coaching sessions, and it has been the biggest game changer I feel like for my business and my mental health and just understanding myself and my business better. So give us a quick primer on just what is sacred money archetypes, and then we'll get into kind of the different I think there's eight different types so we can talk about those each. Yeah.
Kelly Marshall 46:40
I love to, well, sacred money archetypes is a body of work that was created by Kendall Summerhawk to give her full credit. It's absolutely brilliant work and what it is, if you've heard people have heard of archetypes before, there's a lot of assessments out there that use archetypes and archetypes is really it's a similar are a set of patterns that we can kind of recognize, you know, really globally, like, you know, in the terms of one of the archetypes is a ruler and somebody hears rule or they'll think leader confidence. I think Empire. My number one archetype is nurturer. When they hear nurturer they're going to think caring, maybe loyal, reliable. And so there's by naming the archetype. It creates an understanding for those that hear. And so there's sacred money archetypes, is, you know, these eight archetypes that we can identify it and it really shows us the filter that we use to run our money decisions through. So, you know, as a nurturer, we'll get into that, no, we're going to get into the type more of it as a nurturer. There are certain ways that I'm going to look at a decision very different than a ruler. It's just inherent in the nature of who I am. And what amazes me about this work is that it Put together in a way that you can't cheat at like you make up some ideas about these ideals or things that you've kind of habits that you've formed in your life that you've identified, you know, you value about certain ways you handle money. But it doesn't matter when you take the assessment and kind of almost it's like a backdoor into, you know, real insight into, you know, how you value money, how you make decisions about money. Really, like I said, that lens that you run all your money decisions through, it's really powerful because it, it's insightful, because you're not in your conscious mind, you might have certain beliefs about how you handle money. But the assessment has this way of accessing this unconscious pieces so that we really find out who we really are, how you really look at it. And then after going through that, you know, understanding there's an assessment, like I said, and you get your results and once we understand what your top three architects are, we can use that to figure out what your strengths are to figure out maybe what your shadows are. So Every one of every archetype has strengths and challenges. And what the goal really is to do is not to work against, you know, your strengths. And it's really to uncover what the challenges are and try to shift things and really get into authenticity with the strengths. Because in reality, when every archetype has the ability to be very successful with money, so long as they're working within their strengths, and using systems that work within their strengths, and coming up with action steps, steps that are super authentic and very personal to them. And that's what the exercises that come out of the sacred money archetype work. That's what those exercises do is get as aligned with the strengths of the air so that we're man money decisions in alignment with it, we're creating money boundaries, and all boundaries, in alignment with archetypes so that we're, like I said, taking action steps in alignment with our
Kate Kordsmeier 49:53
Yeah, and I think part of why I love this so much is because just like everything In life nutrition, it's not a one size fits all. There's not one right way to do money or to do business. And when you can really understand yourself better and where you're coming from, then you can work with that. Embrace your innateness, and like you said, start working more in alignment. So I love that. Okay, so let's talk about some of the types.
Kelly Marshall 50:25
Do you want to share what yours are?
Kate Kordsmeier 50:27
Yeah, yeah. So I am a ruler, and accumulator and a maverick. So maybe we'll start just explaining what those three types are and then we can get into the rest. Okay?
Kelly Marshall 50:41
So the ruler, we call your inner Empire Builder, and
your strengths would be courageousness. You're a visionary, you're very determined. So rulers are really they're created to achieve and in that can be a very powerful gift. But there's some challenges that come with that too, right? It can be, it can be so driven and you don't know when to stop, it can get create, like an imbalance in their life. They may not enjoy the things that they created, they may not take the time to just enjoy what's already there. They're always constantly chasing that achievement and wanting to make more money. And so with each archetype comes the sacred money contract. And so I'm just going to read it. And it says, to innovate, achieve and empower Well, with grace and ease, and further ruler, like that almost creates a breath. I don't know if it's with you. It's just like, Ah, yes, I can do this. It's okay to be driven to achieve, but with grace and ease, and it just, it just shifts, how you approach it, and that's what the exercises are designed to do is to bring you into that grace and ease. They're not gonna have you ever out we don't want to, but we want it to be enjoyable too.
Kate Kordsmeier 51:55
Right, right. And then my second one was accumulator which is This makes total sense to me, especially as we were talking about a little bit of my upbringing and how my parents talked to me about money. And and they're both definitely accumulators, I'm sure.
Kelly Marshall 52:12
But there it also brings a little bit of conflict and because there are some conflicting things between a ruler and, and an accumulator, so let's talk about what the accumulator is. Yes. I, before I go into it, I want to touch on what you said about conflict. I think that's almost I missed that when I was giving my intro. And that, to me is probably the most powerful. One of the most powerful things that comes out of this because you might not under like, this is who I am. You might not understand why do I have this inner conflict with it, you know, if I'm a ruler, one in yours really comes into in your third and I maybe I'll touch on that conflict there. But you may have one part of your archetype that's driving most things, and it's, you know, the thing is through this filter, but then there's this other piece of it that looks at it a different way. And so you're got this war going on inside yourself, and it's so hard to understand. That, and you're looking through your story in your upbringing, your culture, and it may be there. But more than that, it's just inherently in who you are. And so understanding that conflict can help you bring those things into alignment too, right? And yeah, your accumulator, your accumulator we call your inner banker and this is the one that everybody just Well, first of all, they assume accountants or accumulators, and we are not necessarily a key numbers. But in fact, most of my accountant friends are not accumulators. Maybe that's why we got into it anyway. These are the ones that we just think they're good with money. And in a lot of ways, they are like we think about, you know, accumulators crates, security, they're very conscientious with their money. They're very trustworthy and disciplined with their money, it's easy for them to save accumulators are in most cases, much better able to handle 2020 a lot of people so there's look at them and just be like, I want to be an accumulator. But the flip side of that of that is that it can create like a lack of trust or lack of generosity. This Like needing to hold on to things and obsessiveness or compulsion about it. And then, you know, feeling guilty or doubt about investing. So they may it creates a lot of safety for accumulators, but it also can hold them back because they're afraid to invest. And that can be challenging.
Kate Kordsmeier 54:17
And one of the biggest challenges I had last year with being an accumulator is when I had to take on some debt after an investment went poorly. And I had never had a cent of debt in my entire life and as an accumulator, who values savings and security and having this safety net, and having that ripped out from under me, oh, man, it was so mentally tough for me. So I think understanding more about my archetype in this way really helped me get through that and we came up with some mantras and affirmations of how it could how it can move past so I know there's a I forget what you called
Kelly Marshall 54:56
it the money contract. Yes, yeah. So the one for the accumulator is to respect the power of money by investing to create freedom. And we really dialed into that for you so that you could feel safe making that investment. But we also leaned on your ruler, who's who's confident and visionary, knowing that the investments you were making, you are going to return on them, like there was nothing that was going to hold you back. So we leaned a little bit on some of your other archetypes to create some confidence for your accumulator, so that you could get through that time and you did it beautifully. You know, that's my favorite part of your story, like, you know, and I love that you're so vulnerable and admit that and share that with people because it was challenging and you saw through it and you got through to a successful side, I mean, you so easily could have you could have right then spiral down into scarcity. But instead you made investments, and then you made sure you get a return on those investments and you totally changed the trajectory of your business, which anybody can see when they go to your blog and read your income reports. You should A lot of that there too. And thank you
Kate Kordsmeier 56:03
just to be clear though to everybody listening it wasn't like every day I was you know in this great headspace where was like a month period for sure where I did just think I think I'm just gonna quit like I'm not cut out for this I'm not good enough you know I'm pregnant with my second kid maybe I'll just be a stay at home mom I had people in my life that I loved and respected saying you're so stressed out just don't work anymore as if that was a solution to my problem which like if you know me, like yeah,
that's not gonna happen either.
Thankfully, I had people like you and a few other a few others in my life that were like, absolutely not you are not quitting. And yeah, and and doing this work helped me get out of that hole because it was dark for a while and yeah, so I am so grateful for you obviously and in this work in general because it has been so powerful in my life, especially recently.
Kelly Marshall 57:09
That makes me so happy.
Kate Kordsmeier 57:11
Yeah. So then the last one on my top three archetypes was Maverick. Yeah,
Kelly Marshall 57:18
I love Mavericks. I am a I love working with entrepreneurs. I love the entrepreneurial spirit and a lot of entrepreneurs are Mavericks. So this is the inner rebel with a cause. But really, what it comes down to is Mavericks is we're comfortable with risk. I'm a maverick, too. That's my second archetype. So I'm a nurturer, Maverick. And we're comfortable with risk and you really kind of have to be to be an entrepreneur to take that leap and go into that and the strengths that Maverick have, are is being clever, charismatic, even flamboyant, I like to call that the inner peacock. It's more about risk taking risk. We're willing to pay attention to numbers and financial details. The challenges can be, you know, maybe gambling with financial security taking too many risks. There's no one around this. And this comes back to that charismatic and the flamboyant, we're needing approval needing to win approval. But to me, the biggest thing is what I see most with people is being a little too late to take risks a little too bold with risk. And so our sacred money contract. Now one is to balance extreme with risks with financial security. And that's where, you know, this Maverick I think has caused you the most conflict with your accumulator. But also what I love about your three is that your accumulator really balances out your Maverick it keeps you It keeps I know, like it causes that pump, but it also creates that valence in you that has kept you safe. And then your ruler, I think, kind of rounds it out very nicely where you're going to get it done. You're going to be you're going to be that achiever. So it's kind of a nice melody, even though it's created some conflict for you in your life.
Kate Kordsmeier 58:55
Yeah, definitely. Definitely. So you said you're a maverick also, but you're First is nurturer.
Kelly Marshall 59:02
So nurture is the inner sponsor, we're very caring and compassionate, giving, devoted, reliable, generous, and I love all those qualities about me, but where it can get me into trouble is boundaries, you know, it's, it's, it will want to rescue and will go to the point of really hurting ourselves even and and so it's very important to self set healthy boundaries. And the other thing that comes into that is, you know, even if we're not really hurting ourselves, we'll kind of do things for people with an expectation of a return and when that return doesn't come back, we don't know how to ask for it necessarily. And we will get resentful and then that damages the relationship which is not what a nurturer wants. So, you know, a nurturer can really support themselves in their, you know, like for an entrepreneur support their clients for somebody that's an employee can support your employer by setting those clear boundaries. It really does it benefits everybody in the relationship and it's understanding that that can really help the nurturer be willing to set the boundaries create a contract, be very clear about expectations. Be willing to have a difficult conversation if things if if it's getting out of alignment a little bit. And our sacred money contract is to care for others by empowering oneself, which I think is really beautiful.
Kate Kordsmeier 1:00:20
Yes, very. Yeah, my mom is definitely a nurturer, too. I feel like if you're familiar with the enneagram also, like ruler is definitely type three, which is what I am nurturers. Definitely a type two. Yeah, so I love these kind of online up too. Yeah.
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there's a few others left we've got what's the alchemist,
Kelly Marshall 1:02:17
Alchemist, a lot of my clients are optimists, so optimists, you'll find this a lot in helpers and healers. It's all about illuminating positive change. So transformation you know, they'll be very idealistic and they can be really great at creating ideas and seeing possibilities for for other people championing others they do not like to pay attention to money necessarily, this is where that piece of that spiritual feeling you know funny about making money so that might not have related to everybody that heard that but those that are alumnus might have a hard time charging money for for, for their gifts and for serving people. They sometimes will rely on others for financial support and they really do Will these are the people that will rebel against creating those money, goals and habits. So this is a challenging one. And it's no surprise that a lot of alchemists end up needing help with money coaching. But it's also a very powerful one for coaches and for helpers and healers, because they're so good at that transformation piece so they can really serve people. And their sacred money contract is to transform ideas into financial success, which is kind of a beautiful way to look at it. And yeah, you need to align with is the better they do in the world, the more they can help others. Right. And he, they're not driven by money. So some so a ruler or an accumulator might be driven by earning money, but an alchemist can be driven by what you can do with that money. You know, I can't just talk about the dollars with them. I have to talk about what that means for them and their family and for others, they can help and then they can really shift into that. It's awesome.
Kate Kordsmeier 1:03:54
That's really interesting. We have an alchemist on our team. And, even just understand that in this moment has made me think. Okay, so now I know how to structure her compensation plan a little bit better geared towards her.
Kelly Marshall 1:04:11
Yeah. I love that. So we have done that with your team. And I think that's another way to look at it like the under any, you know, assessment, I think it's so important to know where your team members are at, like, what a beautiful way to communicate. And this comes into spouses too. I've done this a lot, I'll have my clients let their spouse take this assessment. And it's eye opening. And it's really helpful if you we know this with any assessment you take when you understand the place they're coming from. You can have a different conversation versus you're an accumulator. And then you have to spend there I will talk about romantic max like an accumulator and romantic totally clash. And if and where the other one's coming from. They just never can meet level ground. And so I love that we've done that with your team. And I think that's it.
Kate Kordsmeier 1:04:59
We don't typically have too many conflicts about money. A lot of that is because you just let me handle it. I don't know what he is. And he's whatever one is just like, yeah, somebody. I think he's probably in that like, I'm just going to ignore it and
out Okay, yeah, he's probably a connector and a little bit we'll see if that one brings some bells that you think that's him. Yeah, that's going Oh, is it okay? Yeah. Okay.
Kelly Marshall 1:05:27
Yeah. You mentioned romantic Yeah, there, this
is my third. So that's why I kind of went here. romantics enjoy the pleasures of life. You know, when you think about some it's like, well, I got it because I deserved it. That's a romantic. I've had we like abundance and pleasure seeking, you know, believing that there's always more really trusting in that there's, you know, more money, enjoying what money can buy, not always paying attention to so the challenges are not always pay attention to the finances and the consequences that will come from spending money that way and that You know, the spending comes from that place of, you know, trying to make yourself feel better. And you can see this with food to spending to like, to feel better to feel more deserving or appreciated or loved. Like there's an emotional piece of the spending comes in from romantics. Mm hmm.
Kate Kordsmeier 1:06:18
I think people that say I got shopping for like motional therapy kind of thing or it probably
Kelly Marshall 1:06:25
That's something you just shake because you're such You're such an accumulator. Like, that's just not how you exist.
Kate Kordsmeier 1:06:31
But why and I'm like, that's not logical.
Right? What do I mean?
Kelly Marshall 1:06:38
Yeah, it's they've learned to comfort you know, me. And I'm in the camp like, I can see myself doing that. I've had to create behaviors and mindset. Understanding this is hugely helpful, but it only to were primarily to help me support behaviors I put into place like cash management and things, some things that I put into place that support this piece and I don't have to fight myself so much, it's kind of becomes an automatic. That can be a technique to help with romantics in here when it comes down to the sacred money contract to create financial security while living life to its fullest. So somebody that's in this camp, there's, I won't name names, but there's a money coach out there that's very leaving in like things off and you get things paid off as quickly as possible. And there's a lot of good in that program. But it can trigger things in in romantics, that's not going to work for them. They need to, you know, to balance things out to still enjoy life while they're going through but find ways to start moving things in the right direction. So that they are creating security, but they're not going without like, that's like, you know, putting off their arms or pulling their heart out. It's just not going to work for them. It'll work a little bit in the long term. That's not the solution for them. It's not sustainable,
Kate Kordsmeier 1:07:52
and even understanding what archetypes you're not. That can be helpful too because I was just thinking, you know, I just can't really relate to a lot of these feelings and thoughts. And I just looked at my list and when I took the assessment romantic was seven out of eight for me, meaning it was like seven. However you say it archetype that like I was the least, like a romantic.
Kelly Marshall 1:08:15
Wow, what your least? I can't remember
Kate Kordsmeier 1:08:17
a celebrity
Kelly Marshall 1:08:20
Why don't we go right there? Yes.
Kate Kordsmeier 1:08:22
But I was like understanding that that's not who I am and thinking about things like I remember when when I had closed my January launch of six FBA, and we had a six figure launch and one of my friends said, you better go out and buy some like Jimmy choos.
I was like,
No, why would I do that? Like I couldn't even celebrate my own win with some enjoyable because I was already like, No, no, no, this is replacing some of the debt that I got into last year and I got to rebuild my stockpile and my safety net. And so I think then we talked about this that then when I was on a retreat in February, I treated myself to a facial and a massage. And I was just like so proud of myself for leaning more into that romantic side of just going, what I would normally do is like, I don't need this, this could be irresponsible.
Kelly Marshall 1:09:15
Yeah, I got to enjoy some and that's very empowering do is to is to go just like for somebody that's romantic when they can find a way to create a savings account and build that, that is very beneficial to them. And it might not be in their nature, but it's just as important for you to enjoy your money as it is for them to say, you know, and I know that you haven't you know that you we're doing both. And so the celebrity the shift from celebrity to romantic is really trying to kind of in the intention, all about the impact and recognition so they also like to spend money. It can make more simple more about the status and but they're their strengths that they bring in is they're extremely radiant, they're confident or magnetically pull people in and they can be great leaders. They make a great impression and they can stand out. It can lead to compulsive spending, you know, it can be you talked about status, they value that status or whatever financial security, that's when it turns to an unhealthy place. You know, that person that's buying the Jimmy choos, because they think that's going to lead to, you know, impressing people and getting the six figure launch when they didn't have the money for the Jimmy choos. That's the difference there, you know, and so their sacred money contract is to accumulate wealth while being admired and valued in the world. And so not having to spend all their wealth to get that admiration. So that their creating more security for themselves.
Kate Kordsmeier 1:10:35
Yeah, yeah, that makes a ton of sense.
Kelly Marshall 1:10:39
It comes down to them believing in themselves and, you know, finding love and acceptance for themselves outside of just the money spending.
Kate Kordsmeier 1:10:46
Right. And part of me is surprised that So, celebrity was my number eight to my least resonating archetype. And part of me is a little surprised by that in some ways, because to me What I hear a lot about celebrity is like that external validation. And as a type three, I hate to admit, but external validation can be really important to me. So I'm surprised that it didn't come up at least a little bit higher for me. But I guess it all comes back to more of that saver mentality that I that take over.
Kelly Marshall 1:11:23
Yeah, but I think it's not so much. This is my take on on that with you is it's not so much about showing the achievement through material things. It's more about having achievement itself, you know, it's more judgement versus the like. So if you think about just what you said in January, like it was about creating a six figure launch and what that meant and your your goal was to create security in your company so that you could keep investing and keep growing, versus needing to show it off to the world with the shoes. God me. So then yeah, the celebrity would handle it differently. And I don't mean that judgment of that celebrity. It's just a different way of how you would approach That, so yours was more about the achievement.
Kate Kordsmeier 1:12:02
Got it? Okay, that makes sense. So the last one is the connector.
Kelly Marshall 1:12:07
Yeah, I get a lot of connectors too. So connectors are all about relationship. They're our relationship creator, they are very trusting very innocent. Sometimes I don't always see that peace resilient. They don't worry about money. This is this is where my husband falls in, like there's a lot of faith and optimism, they, you know, just kind of expect that to be there, which can really be in that abundant mindset. And it can really be nicely partnered where somebody, somebody that's a connector, if they can find a way of building their business around those relationships and getting the money flowing in that can be very positive for them. It can be really beautiful. where this can be troubling for them, especially as an entrepreneur as they don't want to pay attention to the money. They don't feel like they're good with money, they get very overwhelmed by it. Certainly not driven by it. And so that can be really challenging. And, and the goal with the connector is to get more comfortable with money. And this is the one where I really talked about getting them to step into that identity, like I really want them to see themselves as a business owner. And that, you know, we create habits of where they're just paying attention to it as the kind of everyday practice in their business or weekly objective in their business. Because the more they get comfortable with it, the stronger they are with it, and they're, they can let go of that chain and the hiding from it, it just totally shifts their empowerment with their money in their business. And so their sacred money contract is to empower financial independence through the value of relationships. And that's where I was talking about when they can figure out a way to create that in their business. Like maybe it's in creating a membership community, or you know, maybe it's in coaching and it's their relationship with their clients or even just like kind of how they build referrals and things like that, who really support them in their mental health and well They have to make it fulfilled. And they can make good money too. And they just have to get comfortable with paying. And then they're, they're upset, you know, they can really fly. Yeah. So this is making me wonder too. And I don't like saying like these types should be entrepreneurs and these types shouldn't be entrepreneurs, because I think anybody could be anything but some people might find more ease with it. And some people might struggle with it more, you had to choose, you know, a couple types that are really well suited to be entrepreneurs. What who what archetypes would those be? I think it's more natural for rulers and Mavericks to be entrepreneurs. Primarily, I think because of the first leap of the fact of actually doing it. People that don't have the risk taking may have to take a different path into entrepreneurship. So they may really have to build it up while they have a job and I never think that's a bad idea. I always support that. The build it up while they have a job so that they can get to that to the point where there's a comfort to take the They've kind of proven to themselves that they can make it. And outside of that, I really think that's it. Other than that, I think you just have to find, you know, find that place where you fall into, to into the strengths, you get into alignment with the strengths. And so maybe that's where they'll need more support, and somebody else might need and that's okay, it's there. And I fully believe it does not matter what your archetypes are, you have the ability to be super successful and meet your goals and make great money, as long as you start to work with yourself and not against yourself. And that's where I can come in and really help people with that. And
Kate Kordsmeier 1:15:37
that's what I was thinking was, there might be types that are gonna have more struggles, but by learning your type and understanding yourself, those struggles will become less and less. Because you'll know where you're starting from and how to work through those things.
Kelly Marshall 1:15:53
Yeah, yeah. Trying to implement somebody else's system that's just not built for you, you know, to crash. We can start to create systems that are going to support you as an individual on your type. And I won't do work with anybody anymore unless I understand their sacred money archetypes because I can't, I can't help you now that this I know this tool is there. And I started to work with it. It's just too powerful. I mean, who's not going to want to find out so it always works. Well. Yeah. It's been such a change in how I approach people and we can move through things so much quicker because I know how they tick when it comes to me. Absolutely.
Kate Kordsmeier 1:16:33
Well, this has been so fun. We have we end every episode asking everybody the same five questions. It's just like a quick, round. First thing that comes to your mind. So first one is what's your favorite way to make time for self care while running your own business? Hmm,
Kelly Marshall 1:16:54
I have to be super intentional with this because as a nurturer, I would just want to take care of everybody else firsthand. would be giving myself space for reading and movement. Those are my two most powerful self care places because I relax and I get my body going.
Kate Kordsmeier 1:17:09
Okay, I know your answer for probably is like sacred money archetypes but if there was another tool or strategy, I guess actually this may not be because the question is, what is one tool or strategy that you use to help with time management? Mm hmm.
Kelly Marshall 1:17:27
My time management. It is different than sacred money because my time management is truly a planner. I have an old fashioned paper planner. I look at it every night every morning. And yeah, I pick my top three things that need to be done that day. And yes or no. So it's nothing fancy. It's old fashioned. I do want to say one more thing. One thing I've worked a lot because that is a big one for me is time management. And I've really worked on my relationship with time and being open. When I look at a week and it's crazy and I have them. I think, okay, I trust it all. This is going to work out And things just magically shift around things canceled things move. So that my week work. So I think the tool, I think the number one tool will take me first answer is really working on my relationship with time. And then secondarily to that when I got that good place, enter and things like that really worked. Well. I don't really don't forget it.
Kate Kordsmeier 1:18:20
Right, right. Okay, what is the most powerful business or mindset book you've ever read? So Kelly, I have to say this too. Kelly has an amazing Facebook group, and they do a weekly, monthly book club and you always pick the best book, so I'm curious. What's been the most powerful?
Kelly Marshall 1:18:39
Yeah. Um, oh my god, there's so many. I would say Happy Pocket full of money, I think is super powerful. From a mindset perspective, I could list five others that are great and then profit first, from a practical, strategic standpoint. I think that's one of the most Powerful I think it's getting every business owner generate that one.
Kate Kordsmeier 1:19:03
Yeah, we'll have to have you back another time to do an episode on. Yeah, I haven't read happy Pocket full of money. So I'm gonna add that to my list. Love it. Yeah. What's your favorite quote or mantra or affirmation?
Kelly Marshall 1:19:20
I, I probably the one that sticks with me all the time is I'm willing for this to be easy. I'm willing for this. Yeah, I'm willing to make this easy. I've used that a lot at then. I love that.
Kate Kordsmeier 1:19:34
Okay, we kind of touched on this a little bit. But as you know, the podcast is called Success with Soul. So what does Success with Soul mean to you? Well, God, we have another hour.
Kelly Marshall 1:19:46
I am very much a believer in conscious business practices. And so Success with Soul means so much to me. I chose to serve the people I serve in my work. Because I knew that my skill set would be valuable to them. But I also knew that by helping who I work with so helpers, healers, creatives, that I could increase their impact. And by increasing their impact, it greatly increased mine. And so that to me, like the, what I gifted them they could give out to their people. Like that, to me is my, my sole calling. That's my fulfillment. And so Success with Soul means if I've achieved that, it means I've impacted a lot of people in a positive way. And to me, there's no point to do this. If we're, if we're not.
Kate Kordsmeier 1:20:36
Yes, we'll add me to the list of people.
Kelly Marshall 1:20:40
You like?
Kate Kordsmeier 1:20:42
Yeah, thank you so much, Kelly. Let's just end by letting people know where they can find you.
Kelly Marshall 1:20:47
Yeah, so Kate mentioned my my facebook group, which is prosperous and profitable, female entrepreneurs, which is a little bit of a mouthful in the show notes, thank you. My website is 238 accounting COMM And I'm pretty active on LinkedIn. I think LinkedIn is hugely valuable for business owners. And so you can just search Kelly Marshall on LinkedIn and find me there.
Kate Kordsmeier 1:21:14
Awesome. Thank you, Kelly. This was so fun.
Kelly Marshall 1:21:18
I loved it. I appreciate
Kate Kordsmeier 1:21:25
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This is SO powerful for so many entrepreneurs who may feel STUCK right now. The way you feel about money and making money totally effects how you show up! That energy is so contagious. LOVE this insight!!