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Last Updated on March 7, 2023
Kate Kordsmeier
116: Business Networking for Women: How Authentic Relationship + Strategic Alliance Can Scale Your Biz, with Danielle Wiebe
Welcome to the Success With Soul podcast! In today’s episode, guest host Indira Shakti dives in with the effervescent CEO of Business Babes Collective, a global community for female entrepreneurs. In this conversation, Danielle and Indira get at the heart of how business networking for women can be its most powerful: by getting away from scarcity and competition and instead embracing strategic alliance, partnership, and collaboration with like-hearted women (yes, even your so-called “competition”) based on abundance and authentic relationship.
Table of Contents
It’s not uncommon for business owners to seek out networking organizations for the connections. That is, after all, a key way that a business women’s network can practically support one another.
But Danielle Wiebe wanted something different when she first imagined what would become the Business Babes Collective in 2015.
She wanted less corporate and way more fun. She wanted connections that were based on authentic relationships, not just professional opportunism. She wanted women to expand their idea of what strategic partnership and collaboration could look like.
And perhaps most of all, she wanted a place where women could embrace an abundance mindset when it comes to their success. Danielle found that when women can trust that there really, truly is enough money, clients, opportunities, and achievements to go around — that’s where the magic happens.
Danielle Wiebe is a community builder, collaboration expert, business strategist and the founder of Business Babes Collective, a global community for female entrepreneurs.
With over 11 years of entrepreneurial experience in multiple different industries (Including Sales for High-End Electronics, Health & Wellness, Weddings, Conferences & Digital Marketing), Danielle loves teaching women to create strategic alliance and profitable collaborations, as well as building a strong foundation and systems to be able to scale their businesses without having to work around the clock.
In the first 5 years of building Business Babes Collective, Danielle and her Team were able to launch into 5 chapters across North America. In 2020, the business was re-imagined with a huge emphasis on providing digital resources and support for Female Entrepreneurs.
I’ve said this many times, and I heard it in Danielle’s sharing, as well — but really one of the most significant shifts we can make is understanding the Abundance vs Scarcity Mindset.
And it’s about more than just feeling better (although you will) or getting more of what you desire (again, you will).
It’s also about how embracing an abundance mindset brings you into alignment with Reality.
What I mean by that is: the old patriarchal model insists that there’s never enough and the only way to get ahead is by playing by the outdated rules of a zero-sum game.
But the truth is, the Universe actually IS abundant. There actually ARE enough resources and money to go around. Practicing generosity and open-heartedness actually IS how we experience the deepest fulfillment in all areas of life.
So what can this look like in your real life and your real business? Here’s a practical example that Danielle touches on in today’s conversation:
Inside of a scarcity mindset, you might look at another woman business owner who is working in a similar niche and reactively see a competitor. If resources are scarce and there’s only enough room for one of you to be successful, then you’re very unlikely to recognize how both of you could work together and both experience benefit.
BUT — inside of an abundance mindset, your vision comes into alignment with Reality. You might notice:
The beauty of understanding abundance vs scarcity mindset and choosing abundance is that your view of what’s possible expands massively. You start to see growth opportunities all over the place, and you’re no longer stuck on the exhausting hamster wheel of “I have to do this alone.”
One other thing that happens when you decide to live from abundance: things like rejection and “failure” lose their ability to control your life and dominate your self-perception.
Why? Because you start to notice and trust that everything is happening for you, not to you.
That shows up in all kinds of life-giving ways, like:
Being a good fit matters more than someone saying “yes” to you right away. You’re open to the fact that they might have a bunch of stuff going on for them, and their lack of response is not personal. When you do reach out, it’s from a place of openness, curiosity, and wanting to be of service instead of being all wrapped up in “this has to work out.” You actually begin to experience the truth of what “failure” is: a chance to learn and grow. There’s a trust that if something doesn’t work out, there’s a reason for it that you’ll recognize eventually as a gift.
When it comes to the abundance vs scarcity mindset, you’ll find SO much more freedom and empowerment in choosing to see the Universe as generous.
If you’re trying to keep yourself safe, that’s never going to foster growth. If we do want growth, we have to be honest with ourselves: Do I want growth more than I am afraid of it? Do I want it more than I am I willing to fail, to make mistakes, to be embarrassed or rejected? We have to work through that. And your mindset is so, so important.
Danielle Wiebe
Founder + CEO, Business Babes Collective
In the business world, the concept of strategic alliance is often associated with big collabs like a JV partnership. And certainly that’s one option.
But working together can happen in countless ways, from quite small and temporary to large and long-term. Here are just a few examples that Danielle gives:
Really, the only limit is your creativity and imagination. As I always say: anything can work in your biz, you just have to figure out how it works for YOU.
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When you join, you’ll get monthly Soul Sessions with guest speakers (like Desi!), coaching calls, moon cycle guidance, journaling prompts, resources, and tools for living a cyclical, whole life.
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Thanks so much for listening in this week! If you enjoyed this episode, here are some ways you can join our Success with Soul movement:
Collaborations come in all shapes and sizes! They can be as simple as doing a guest blog post on someone’s website, podcasting, cross promoting someone’s brand, programs, or products with yours, doing bundles together. And then there’s larger collaborations, like hosting a virtual or in person event together. Really, they can be as creative as you want them to be!
The short answer: absolutely! And here’s why: because if you share similar goals and values, then you understand that there is enough for everyone. You can join forces in a strategic partnership, boost exposure and revenue for both of you, and trust that each person will get to serve in own her unique and powerful ways. Total win-win!
Nope! They can be, of course, and often in-person events are an amazing way to connect with people in your area. But an effective networking group can also be virtual, so long as the structures are in place to facilitate meaningful connection, mutual encouragement, and profitable strategic alliance and collaboration.
Molly Cahill 0:00
I had my first $10,000 month and now I'm having consistent $18,000 months. Thanks to Kate in the strategies I learned inside the Success with Soul incubator. It is by far the best money I've ever invested into my business it has paid off for sure not to mention the time that it saved me being able to just copy paste import Kate's funnel. And I love that you get a lot of one on one time with Kate on the weekly group calls and that you get direct feedback and direct critiques on your specific questions that are unique to your business. And also love that she doesn't give you this. One size fits all business in a box approach. She recognizes and appreciates that every business is unique. And she helps you walk through those unique challenges for your specific business. And on top of that, I love that she's just a real human who walks the talk so highly recommend Success with Soul incubator. Thank you so much, Kate.
Intro 1:00
You're listening to the Success with Soul podcast with Kate Kordsmeier ex-journalist turned CEO of a multi six figure blog in online business. But it wasn't that long ago that Kate was a struggling entrepreneur who lacked confidence, clarity, and let's be honest money. But all those failures, experiments and lessons learned helped Kate create a thriving business that impacts 1000s and brings freedom, flexibility and fulfillment to her life. If you're ready to do the same and make something happen with holistic, soulful, step by step strategies from Kate and other experts, you're in the right place. Here's your host writer, educator, mom, recovering perfectionist, bookworm and sushi connoisseur Kate Kordsmeier
Indira 1:49
Welcome back to the Success with Soul podcast. I'm your guest host Indira with Team KK and today we have Danielle Wiebe. Danielle is a community builder, collaboration expert, business strategist and the founder of Business Babes Collective, a global community for female entrepreneurs. In the first five years of building Business Babes Collective, Danielle and her team were able to launch into five chapters across North America. And in 2020, the business was reimagined with a huge emphasis on providing digital resources, and support for female entrepreneurs. In today's episode, Danielle teaches us how entrepreneurs can utilize strategic collaborations and partnerships to scale their exposure and revenue. She also shares why having an abundance mindset versus a scarcity mindset can really help us to find ways to collaborate with those that we view as quote, unquote competition. Danielle goes into why reframing rejection and failure in our journey as entrepreneurs is key. And she also shares her biggest failure so far in business, y'all. I am so excited to dive into this episode with Danielle and cannot wait to share it with you. Let's dive in. Welcome to nail I'm so excited to have you here as our guest on the Success with Soul podcast. Thank you so much for joining me today.
Danielle Wiebe 3:25
Thank you so much for having me. I'm super excited for our conversation.
Indira 3:29
Wonderful. So why don't we start off by you just telling us a little bit about yourself and your business and your entrepreneurial journey?
Danielle Wiebe 3:39
Absolutely. So I actually started my very first business when I was still in university. And so I've always known that I wanted to run my own business on my own business. I saw entrepreneurs in my family. So I think it really kind of runs in our family. And I never really knew what I wanted to do, though I knew that I loved people. And I knew that I loved communicating and, and networking and being with other people and creating community. But I didn't really know like, what would that look like in the future. And so I did a lot of things. I tried a lot of things. And then in 2015, I had this kind of idea. And at first honestly, it was not a business idea. This was just like a an idea that I had because I was personally feeling lonely in my entrepreneurial journey. And so I thought, you know, there might there must be other people who feel like this who want to connect with other like minded people on their journey so that they can connect and collaborate and network. And so I started hosting these little pop up events in our local city. I live in Vancouver, Canada. So at the time, there was nothing really like that there were very structured, organized, networking events. But I felt like they were very corporate ease. So I wanted them to be fun and something that people would be excited to come to. And so it started there. And then we over the next five or so years, we built that community. We started multiple different chapters across North America. And the business is called Business babes collective. So we did that. And then of course, in 2020, we had to really reimagine what does this business look like? How are we going to still serve our community build that? And so that really forced us to figure out, Okay, what's the long term goal of what we want to do here? So we ended up really figuring out our online presence and our online community, and building community online, and now that we're able to do in person events. Again, it really feeds into each other. So what I'm really passionate about is, you know, teaching mostly women how to create collaborations and how to create, you know, partnerships that can be beneficial for both parties, and can help each other grow. So I'm really big into community really big into collaborations. And so that's what we do.
Indira 6:16
That's amazing. Tell me a little bit more about your popup events where you mentioned, what was originally in the space felt very corporate to you, and you wanted to make yours fun. So what does that look like?
Danielle Wiebe 6:30
Yeah, so and I think too, like, it was one of these things where at the time, I felt like, I would walk in the room, and I would immediately feel like it didn't belong there. I don't know if anyone else has, has felt this way before, but you walk into a room and you're like, Oh, my goodness, because all of these business owners were so far ahead of me in their business, you know, like, they had been in business, 10 years, 20 years, even more, and I was just starting, and I felt like, Okay, I need to almost like pretend that I'm further along than I am. Because, you know, I would feel like awkward talking to these people like, oh, yeah, I've been in business 15 years, and we have this big team. And I'm like, okay, like, I'm just getting started. And so I wanted a place where no matter where people were at, whether they were, you know, far along into business, or where they're at, or just getting started, they were really open and honest with how their entrepreneurial journey has been, and sharing and really being like authentic. And so that's kind of what I wanted to create. And so the idea was, okay, let's get together, let's have food, let's have drinks, let's have a panel discussion, let's have time for networking. And so really kind of like bringing in all these fun pieces, we would have photo booths at our events. And you know, it really, it really developed over time, of course, it started really small, I think our first event was like, maybe 10 people, and then it really kind of grew over time. And so bringing in these kind of elements of these fun elements, so that people could kind of take their guard down, and really feel like excited to be there in the room and feel welcomed and, and communicate with each other in in an authentic way. So really trying to create that within the events space. And yeah, I quickly realized that that was something that was really needed, especially in in our city. So
Indira 8:28
I love that. One of the things that I saw in your website was your philosophy about really having an abundance mindset versus a scarcity mindset, and why we should look for ways to collaborate with your, quote, unquote, competition. I'd love to hear your thoughts and more about that. Because I think that as women, it's so important for us to, you know, we rise by lifting others. And so I really loved this mindset that you're coming from.
Danielle Wiebe 9:04
Yeah, yeah. So I think it's one of these things. And I don't know whether like where we really get this from. But it's this idea that we are worried that if we collaborate or if we work with or if we share resources with someone who we maybe see as competition, that there won't be enough for us. And so we live in this mindset of, oh, I can't share that or I can't, I don't want to share that resource that I have, or I don't want to communicate with this other business or this business owner. That is my direct competition. And what that creates is it creates this fear and it creates this like us holding back. And it also creates this idea that we actually don't want to show up. Like we ended up not actually showing up as powerfully as we could. Because we think well if we show up that way if we share What we've learned or the knowledge that we have, someone's going to steal that, and they're going to take it and they're going to, you know, copy us whatever that looks like. And, you know, of course, that happens, it happens everywhere it happens, you know, in every industry, but the thing is, is that no one can replicate you as a person, right, we all have our own unique gifts, we all have our own unique abilities, and talents, and connections, and all of that. And so I think it's important to recognize that the world is abundant, there is more than enough for everyone, there's more than that than enough business for everyone. And if we can come together and actually support one another, we can all grow together faster. And I think there's something so beautiful about doing business in community. And you know, I've experienced this, and I know a lot of people in our community have experienced as to when they actually have conversations and talk to people who could be seen as their competition, they actually, like create really incredible friendships, and connections and relationships. And the amazing thing is, is that a lot of times, they're like referring to each other. So maybe they have a full workload at that moment. And so they can refer to someone else. Or maybe they're doing an event, and they're like, oh, you know, what this person's perspective would be really helpful, I want to bring this person on board, you know, with this event, or whatever that looks like. And it's just, I think that we limit our own growth, when we look at others, when we look at everyone else as our competition instead of someone we could have a relationship with, and potentially collaborate and work with. So I think that and it's cool, because I've seen this happen again, and again, where people will even like, partner up like different businesses that are that are actually competitors, they'll partner up and do something together. And it's so refreshing to see that, and I think it serves both businesses really, really well, too. So that's, that's kind of my philosophy on it, I think that we just, we need to whatever, like it's, if it's ingrained in us, we have to actually work to push through that fear. And we have to work to actually overcome that. And I will say that, of course, building that relationship, and building that trust over time, is important to right, not just getting into business with everyone and anyone build that relationship, build that trust, know that you share values. And then I think then at that point, you can be like, Okay, let's work together, let's do something together, let's make this happen.
Indira 12:43
So some of the key takeaways of like, what you just said, for me was definitely like reframing, you know, rather than competition, let's collaborate. And also something that you just said, really stuck out to me. And that was the idea of values. That is huge. Here. At tiene que que Success with Soul, we have our values, front and center. And I think it's so important, I see many people that they are not first going to someone's website and checking out, okay, what are their guiding principles? What is their why? And how does that align with me? So I absolutely love that you made a point to redirect that values are key, and that really should be a guiding force as to who you are deciding to collaborate with?
Danielle Wiebe 13:39
Yeah, yeah. And I think to like, just because I you know, I'm, I'm an advocate for collaborations, I feel like that's how people know me, but I don't believe that you need to collaborate with everyone and anyone. I know that. And I think, too, a reason why people feel a little bit hesitant sometimes to collaborate or to work with another business is because they've potentially been burned in the past. And so I always encourage people to look at that situation, reflect on that experience, and think to yourself, Okay, what about that experience did not go well? Was there some red flags that I saw that I chose to ignore? Right was the communication, maybe the communication wasn't there, where you felt maybe that you were being taken advantage of, or that you were giving more than you're receiving whatever that looked like, but you didn't maybe step up and communicate that or share those thoughts. And so there's lots of things that can kind of break down when it comes to collaborating and working with other people. I mean, we're human right? Like, it's not going to look perfect every time but really reflecting on that and figuring out Okay, where did that go wrong? Because if you want to grow your business especially if you're looking like you have your established business, and now you're looking to grow to that next level, collaborations are going to be really, really key like working with other people with other business owners or other, obviously, like having people join your team, that's a collaboration as well, right? Working with other people that way. And so practicing that is really, really important. Just saying, Well, you know, what, I've been burned in the past, so I'm not going to work with anyone else, then really, you're just, you're closing yourself off from so many opportunities. And I think I see that a lot. And it makes me really sad, because not only are you blocking some of those amazing things that can happen from those conversations and those collaborations, but also, it's really lonely, like, entrepreneurship can be really lonely. And if you're doing it on your own, especially if you work from home, or, you know, maybe you have a co working space that you go to, but it can still just feel very isolating. And so I just think that if we can figure out, okay, how do we do collaborations in a way that is in line with our values, like you mentioned, so, so important, with people that we have built some level of trust with, and then having really, really good collaboration throughout that, or sorry, communication throughout that whole collaboration, whatever that looks like, whether it be, you know, hosting event with someone or cross promotion, and then that is when the collaboration succeeds.
Indira 16:33
So that leads me to my next question, which is, how can entrepreneurs like utilize through strategic collaborations and partnerships to scale their exposure and revenue?
Danielle Wiebe 16:45
Yeah, okay. Such a good question. So there's so many different ways to do this. This could look as simple as doing a guest blog post on someone's website, right? It could look like podcasting, it could look like cross promoting someone's brand with your so if you have like aligned businesses or aligned brands, whether that be service based or product based, that really align in value, what if you did, like a promotion together, or I've seen people do bundles together, where they cross promote each other's programs, or cross promote each other's products on each other's email lists or social media accounts. So that could be a collaboration. And then there's larger collaborations, like hosting a virtual or in person event, of course, you know, that's the world that we've done, you know, hundreds and hundreds of collaborations over the past eight years, and started with in person events, doing hundreds of collaborations with businesses for that. And then also, of course, with COVID, we started to do events online, and we started to collaborate with businesses online for virtual. So there's so many different ways, and really, it's figuring out, okay, who are the communities? Who are the businesses? Who have aligned audiences who have similar values? Like you said, as well? And how can we come together? How can we support one another? And the biggest part that I always really try to encourage is, how can you make it a win win? For both parties? Like, where is their value on each side? And what does that look like? So, you know, some people come to me, and they're like, oh, but you know, I don't have an audience. And so I don't think I have anything of value to offer. Well, you probably have experience, you probably have connections, you might have a service that you can offer someone like there's so much value that you have that doesn't necessarily have anything to do with your audience. So don't limit yourself just because you think, Well, I don't have enough followers, or I don't have enough email subscribers, whatever that is, I see people holding themselves back for pitching themselves or creating those collaborations. And when I started my community, and I was wanting to host my first event, I had zero connections, like we all start with zero, right? Like I had zero connections, I had zero social media following nothing. And what I would do is I would connect with people, and I would find people online that inspired me, and I would ask them, like, hey, you know, and I would specifically say, What about them really inspires me and I would say, Hey, can I treat you for a coffee? Or can I take you for lunch? Or can I hop on a quick call and I'm gonna send you a gift card? Like I would love to just learn a little bit more about you and what you do, I have this vision of what I want to create in our local city and I'd love for you to be a part of it. And I would love to see if it's a good fit. And so I was just and you know, I got no, I got no responses I got, you know, but there were those two people who reached back out and they said, oh my goodness, this is amazing. Yes, I'd love to connect with you. And that's where it started, really. And so it was just one person to one person. And a lot of those relationships that I started over eight years ago, I'm still connected with today and we still connect and support each other. So, you know, everyone starts with 09 enrichment.
Indira 20:21
I absolutely love that. You say that because having been in the space, I was an entrepreneur, and coming here to tiene que que once again became an intrapreneur. There's always that I don't have the following. I don't have the email list. I don't have the social media followers that a lot of people think that they they need to have.
Kate Kordsmeier 20:45
Well, hey there, it's Kate Kordsmeier, and I wanted to play a quick game with you. Let me know which of these you can raise your hand for? Are you wanting to reconnect with your authentic self, soul and purpose to become the woman you want to be? Be wanting to create aligned habits for more rest and less stress? To live intentionally and take control of your daily life? To connect to other women who are on growth journeys, and rediscover your inherent worthiness and value so you can step into your power? Are you wanting to get clarity on life's decisions and your direction? Are you wanting to partner with your mindset to achieve your goals and find the balance between your priorities and all of the competing roles you serve? If you're saying yes, then you're going to absolutely love our Success with Soul membership. This monthly membership includes monthly soul sessions with energy healers, spiritual guides, wellness gurus and other guest experts. Monthly mindset coaching calls cyclical living guidance, journaling prompts and taro and other resources and tools for living a soulful, whole life. Head on over to Kate kordsmeier.com/membership to join us today. That's Kate kordsmeier.com/membership.
Indira 22:06
There's something that you said which was like, I got no responses, some people didn't even respond. So how do you reframe rejection and failure? Right, and your journey as an entrepreneur? And what has been your biggest failure so far in your business? Ah, such a great question.
Danielle Wiebe 22:23
Okay. So I think failure is such a funny thing, because we put so much weight on it. And, and rejection, too, we put so much weight on one person's response or lack of response, right. And I think we just need to recognize and realize, and this is something I always talk to my clients about in our mastermind members, like, you know, when we're reaching out to someone, it's very important to us, we have chosen to reach out to this person, but what I always teach is doing research about this person, making sure that it is a good fit, you know, if they have a blog, you're reading that blog, like you said, you're you're looking at their website, you're, you're listening to their podcast, if they have one, all those things, they actually do your research to make sure it would be a good fit. And so you're doing all of that time and effort to reach out to them, right. So it's really important to you. But you have to understand that coming into their inbox, as someone who they might have zero idea who you are, they have no previous connection to you. So you're coming in as a cold email, potentially. And I also teach like, if they have social media, like connect with them there and follow them and you know, but you might come in be coming in as a completely cold email. And so for them, the priority of them responding to you is at the bottom of their list. Right. And that doesn't mean that they hate you. That doesn't mean that they're not interested in being a part of what you what you're potentially proposing. Right. And it also could be that maybe it's just not a good time for them. Right. Like, there's been so many times where and we do a lot of pitching. So there's been a lot of times where people have responded and they they've said things like, Hey, I'm so sorry, you know, it took me you know, weeks or maybe even months to respond. I just I had my baby and it's like, oh, well, of course, you're not gonna respond, like I didn't even know you're pregnant. So, you know, things, life is full for everyone. And so it's not taking those non responses or those knows, personally, because it has nothing to do with you. It has nothing to do with your business. It's just the fact that it's not a good fit for them at that moment, or it's not a good time for them at that moment. And that's okay, so So I think it's just reframing that in your own mind to recognize that, you know, if you send an email out like let's say you want to do an event and you're wanting to get collaborators for your event, whether that Be speakers, or maybe it is, you're wanting to host it at a venue and you want to be in a pitch of venues to host your event, I think that if you're going to pitch, probably around 10 people, you're maybe going to get like one or two responses. Again, it depends on the level of relationship that you may or may not already have with that. But if it's coming from a cold place, then it might be about one out of every 10. And so if you have that expectation in your mind, then you won't be as disappointed when you either get to know or don't get a response at all. So that's what I'll have to say about that.
Indira 25:36
And what has been your biggest failure so far in business?
Danielle Wiebe 25:41
So good, so many failures? Oh, man. Okay, so I will share this one moment that I felt like a huge failure. So I think we were in about year three of the business. And I remember, we are hosting this event. And for whatever reason, this particular event was was very difficult for me to plan. And I think it was because I had been running on adrenaline for the previous three years. And really, like in this hustle, hustle mode really is how I would describe it. And so I was tired. And we're hosting this event, I remember, it was the morning of the event. And I woke up and I felt like I couldn't get out of bed. Like I was like, I don't want to do this. Like I don't want to go to bed right now. I knew that the attendance at the event wasn't what I had expected or planned or wanted. And I was just I was feeling like a huge failure. I was feeling like I've been doing this for three years, you'd think by now I would have this community of people who just no matter what would buy tickets for my event. And I think at that moment, I really had to reframe how I was looking at things. I had to reframe it in, who am I doing this for? Am I doing this for my community? Or am I doing this for myself? Right. And that was like a huge just mindset shift. And also, I had been running things on my own for three years without any help on my team. I had people come in, you know, as contractors or different things, but I didn't have anyone consistent supporting me. And so that was a huge turning point. For me. I'm like, you know, what I need, like, something needs to change this is I've been hustling for three years doing doing all these events, I would host one event per month, sometimes to inner local city. And it was just like event after event after event. And I didn't really have have that time where I would reflect and think how did that event go? What could be changed next time? Who am I serving? Who is my ideal client? Who is my ideal person who's coming to these events? How can I make it a better experience for them? You know, those questions that as business owners, we should be asking ourselves, and because I was running so quickly, I wasn't doing that. And I was completely burnt out at that moment. And so after that event, I was like, okay, and it was really cool. Because man, like, I had a couple people come up to me after that event and say, Hey, thank you so much for hosting this event like this. This was so I needed this. And I was like, like, this is why I'm doing this. I'm doing it for that person. And I need to figure out what does she want? Right? What is she looking for? Because I just need to find more more people like her who need this community. And so from there, I ended up actually that summer, I ended up hiring two people on the team, and really started to create some systems and get organized. Because man, when I started my business, I was the most disorganized person. I had pieces of paper everywhere sticky notes. I don't know if anyone can relate to this, like, you know, all my receipts are in some these random drawers and shoe boxes everywhere. So it was like, hey, I need to get organized. I need to create some systems and I need to hire on my team because I'm running from this place of chaos. And so that was what was showing up in my business was chaos. And so that was a huge turning point for me. I think.
Indira 29:27
I love that. I love that. And I'm curious, do you do market research? Do you send surveys after your event?
Danielle Wiebe 29:34
Yeah, so that's something that we do now. And I think one of the one of the most impactful ways that we end up doing that actually is actually I will get on on calls with people. So you know, a lot of the times after an event, and what I'll do is I'll try to kind of like pick specific people that I know are kind of our ideal, like attendees who maybe I've connected with or maybe had a conversation with it. And I'll say like, Hey, can we hop on a phone call? I would love to hear your feedback. What did you like about the event? What do you feel like could be improved? Like, what would make this event? You know, if, say your experience at the event was, was a nine? Like, what would make it a 10? Like, what would make it just that much better. And we also do recaps for our team as well. And I always ask our team, like, hey, you know, ask the vendors, ask the sponsors, ask the people there, like, you know, ask them questions while you're there, like, how was their experience? Like, do you need anything, all of those things? And then we can kind of write down, okay, what's missing? What can we do better next time. And so it's always man, it's always a learning experience. You'd think, you know, eight years into running events, we'd have it like, perfect, but it's always we can always grow and do better is I think, the mindset that I tried to have.
Indira 30:55
Absolutely, I love that I was just telling my son today, you always can learn from something from sounds like the opportunity to learn is endless, right? There's always something that we can learn. So I guess I'd love for you to tell our audience like, I know that you're all about building a thriving community around your brand, and really fostering authentic relationships, and doing so what would you say has been like, the best thing that you have done up to this point where you could say like, that's something that you, I definitely want to pass down to everyone that I work with.
Danielle Wiebe 31:39
So good. I think for me, it's a couple of things. Okay. So number one, I would say, is, understand and recognize that challenges will always make you better. And without challenges without failures, you won't grow. And if you're trying to, like, if you're trying to keep yourself safe, you're trying to which we do in business, right, we try to keep ourselves safe, we try to keep ourselves in our comfort zone. But that's never going to foster growth. And so if we do want growth, we have to just be honest with ourselves, like, do I want growth more than I am afraid of it? Do I want it more than I am I willing to fail, am I willing to make mistakes, and I'm willing to maybe be embarrassed or rejected or whatever that is an experience growth because as we grow, we're going to experience different types of challenges as well. And so it's really working through that. And you know, your mindset is so, so important. It is one of the biggest things that I've realized in business, it can make, make or break an experience for you 100%, if your mindset towards something is like, I have to do this, and you're dragging your feet, and you're, you know, you just you just have this kind of you feel resistance towards it, you're not going to do your best. And it's not going to have the result that you want it to have. Whereas if you think, Wow, I can't believe I get to do this, I'm so excited, I can't wait to follow up with those people, I can't wait to, you know, do this service for my client, whatever that might be, whatever it is that you're working on, be excited about it, and switch your mindset to I get to do this, instead of I have to do this, and it will honestly, like make such a huge difference for you. And then the second thing, of course, is look for ways to collaborate and also support other people like how can you reach out and support other people within your industry, and build those relationships, because referrals and networking is always, especially as you grow as well, are so important. And they're so incredibly valuable. Because when you're in a sticky situation, or if you need that support, if you've built that network around you, you can always reach out and ask for help. Whereas, you know, you can't really reach out to people if they don't really know who you are, and you haven't really built that relationship. So build yourself a support network, get in community, whatever that looks like whether it be joining a program that you know really aligns with you or a mastermind group or whatever that is be around other people who are dreaming big who are doing scary things and who actually want to see you succeed. Like genuinely they want to see you succeed and that will make all the difference.
Indira 34:45
I absolutely love that and everything you just sad described like our community inside the incubator where you know, these are women entrepreneurs and one of the things that we can consistently feedback that we get from them mez. We love the community, we love that there are other women who are going through the same things, and they are genuinely wanting you to succeed and to support you. So I love all of that. Yeah. So Danielle, this is a Success with Soul podcast. And we have something here called the lightning round. And I'm just going to ask you some questions. Don't overthink it. Sounds good. You
Danielle Wiebe 35:26
ready? Yeah, I'm ready.
Indira 35:27
Okay. The first one is, what's your favorite way to make time for self care while running your own business?
Danielle Wiebe 35:35
So good. I have recently started to get up early before my daughter. And that has been really game changing for me just to have some time before she wakes up to be calm and think about my day and do some prayer. And it's just for me, it really sets I feel like sets my day up for success doesn't happen every morning. I'm not perfect. But when I do, it's game changing. I
Indira 36:00
love that. What is one tool or strategy that you use to help with time management?
Danielle Wiebe 36:07
I actually like putting a timer on my phone when I'm doing tasks. So that if the timer goes off, and I'm distracted on Facebook, or Instagram, or like, oh, yeah, I was doing this one task. So I like to set a timer for myself and then see if I can get back on task.
Indira 36:23
Okay, what's the most powerful business mindset or entrepreneurial book that you've read? This is the one that you reference again and again, and has made the biggest difference in your life.
Danielle Wiebe 36:35
Oh, I think the compound effect by Darren Hardy, it's basically this idea of every step that you take all the small decisions that you make really lead to those big successes. So it's like the small little decisions that you're making every day that that make a difference.
Indira 36:53
I love that have never heard of it. So I've made a note. This is one of my favorite questions. I have like tons of books I've read. Just love that question. So I know mindset is huge. You You've mentioned that throughout the entire interview. So tell me what's your favorite quote or mantra or affirmation that you use when things get tough and you feel like giving up?
Danielle Wiebe 37:17
Okay, this one is I actually it's from a woman in our in our mastermind group, she she always says this, and I don't know whether she got it from someone else. So if we're quoting someone, like I'm not sure, but you can do anything that you want, just not all at once and not by yourself. I say that to myself, often.
Indira 37:38
I love that you can do anything you want.
Danielle Wiebe 37:42
Just just not all at once and not by yourself.
Indira 37:46
Yes. Love that. And then finally, what does Success with Soul mean to you? Hmm,
Danielle Wiebe 37:54
I love that. I think for me, it's not looking at other people's version of what success looks like for them, but really figuring out like, what do you truly want in your business, but also in your life. There's so many pieces of our life, that sometimes when we start a business we forget to prioritize. And so I think it's prioritizing our life first and having our business support us with the lifestyle and the life that we want.
Indira 38:23
Love that. Danielle, it has been such a pleasure getting to know you getting to know about your business. So let our listeners know where they can find you. Awesome,
Danielle Wiebe 38:36
thank you so much for having me. I really enjoyed this conversation. So you can find me on our website at business babes. collective.com You can find us at our podcast, which is just business babes collective. And you can find me on Instagram my personal account. So if you want to see you know, behind the scenes of mom life and all that fun stuff, business life, it's Danny Danny with an AI living life. Love it.
Indira 39:01
We'll make sure that we add all that to the show notes. Thank you so much for being a guest on the Success with Soul podcast. I can honestly say you have infinitely made this conversation. Just amazing for me, because we're in the process of really reevaluating what community is so I loved hearing your thoughts. And I appreciate you. Thank you so much, Danielle.
Danielle Wiebe 39:26
Thank you so much. I appreciate you. Okay,
Indira 39:29
great. Have a great day.
Kate Kordsmeier 39:31
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