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Last Updated on April 2, 2023
Welcome to the Success With Soul podcast! In today’s episode, guest host Indira Shakti is sitting down with functional nutritionist, women’s health expert, and Incubator client Sarah Jane Sandy to talk about finding your niche and what to do in business & strategy when you find yourself stuck in seasons where income has slowed or your business strategy is not aligned with your current needs.
Table of Contents
When Sarah Jane Sandy first got into working as a functional nutritionist, she initially had a fairly easy time of it.
While she made a first attempt in corporate out of college, she quickly realized the PR lifestyle was not for her. So she left Chicago and gravitated towards something she knew and loved well: whole-life wellness.
She moved back to Colorado, enrolled at the Nutrition Therapy Institute and did a two year graduate degree. She was in her early 20s and definitely experiencing hormonal imbalances. And although she wasn’t trying to get pregnant at the time, she knew that in the future, she wanted a family. She kept thinking that if she was trying to get pregnant, she definitely wouldn’t be able to conceive.
She wanted to figure this out. So she dove into the research around how to increase fertility naturally, using mind body therapies and food and lifestyle modifications and nutrients. For six months, she was deep in the research and then started to apply all of the things she’d learned in school to restore her own hormones and get her own cycle back.
She knew she’d found a passion, a deep calling, and a unique business niche.
Sarah Jane Sandy is a functional nutritionist and women’s health expert focusing on fertility, pregnancy, postpartum and hormonal health.
She works with clients remotely all over the world through 1:1 consultations, as well as through her highly innovative online program, The Fertility Code – a 12-week fertility course designed to prepare the body for conception and a healthy, full-term pregnancy.
Sarah developed this online offering to teach women the necessary tools to address the multiple facets that need to be taken into consideration to optimize fertility: food; lifestyle; adrenal, thyroid and gut health; environment; exercise; egg quality; sperm quality; conscious conception; complementary therapies; and more.
Sarah runs a busy private nutrition practice in Boulder, Colorado and is passionate about using food as therapy — to heal, to transform, to change, and to nourish. She emphasizes the importance of eating whole, real, pastured, wild caught, traditional, nutrient-dense, properly prepared foods, and believes these are the keys to unlocking one’s most vibrant self — preconception, during pregnancy, post-birth and beyond.
One advantage of growing up in a household that valued holistic healthcare was that Sarah was surrounded by real-life models of people who had been successful in this industry. After she got her degree, she was part of a business cooperative with other holistic healthcare practitioners, and because they marketed together, it was easy to attract clients with less effort.
Even when she moved to Boulder and opened up an office space on her own, her business organically grew — through referrals, and through working with a lot of fertility doctors who gave her lots of word-of-mouth clients.
In addition, she had a website developer build a site for her in 2016. As she says, “He must have done really well with SEO, because I started to get a ton of traffic just from Google.” She created a lot of blog content, and her site ranked really well. From that site, she got lots of organic leads — again, with very little effort except for putting out good content.
By 2017, she’d taken her business completely online — no office spaces, much lower overhead, seeing clients remotely.
The truth was, she never actually had to spend any time or energy or effort on advertising, marketing, or SEO. And because she didn’t know about what was going on in the background with her site or her business, she also didn’t realize how incredible that was at the time.
In those early years, business was just humming along.
Two things happened in a short time that made Sarah realize that having a great business niche isn’t always enough to make things keep working. There’s finding your niche… and then there’s making sure your business strategy is aligned with your life and with the current business climate.
The first thing was that COVID happened. The second was that Sarah had a baby in August of 2020.
So her participation in her business shifted with a new baby. And the landscape of the Internet hugely shifted with COVID.
She was already fully remote before COVID. But Google’s core algorithms and Instagram’s algorithms were changing rapidly, and she didn’t know what was happening in the background or why, or how to respond.
She had (naturally!) stepped away from her business to spend more time with her baby. And at one point, she sort of woke up in 2021 and realized: her business was actually not doing great. The numbers were not good. Sales for her course had declined significantly. And her site wasn’t getting the organic traffic from Google anymore.
For the first time in the her working life, she saw her business struggling. She needed to focus on lead generation and niching down again… but she wasn’t sure how.
Out on a walk one day, Sarah was listening to a Success With Soul podcast episode, and she heard a promo spot for the then-new Incubator program. She knew immediately that it was exactly what she needed.
She joined the Incubator in June of 2021, when it was brand new and she was with just two other women.
With Kate’s one on one attentiveness and the small group energy, Sarah got both the business & strategy help she needed, PLUS the community and support she was craving. She’s now in her second year with the Incubator!
The biggest wins for Sarah came in four different critical areas of her business:
None of these projects was simple. They all took time, energy, and focus. But inside the Incubator, Sarah had the guidance and support she needed. When she was feeling discouraged, she was given permission to take a break — and when she decided to keep going, she found a community that rallied behind her and the practical business & strategy help she needed to stay on track.
In two years, she’s gone from feeling helpless as she watched her business struggling to really leaning into her business niche and investing her energy into creating a business that feels soulful and that serves her whole life.
I just feel like I have so much more direction now. I don’t feel overwhelmed. I actually feel excited and motivated. And I know what I need to do. And therefore, I can stay on task, which feels so much more invigorating in my business.
Sarah Jane Sandy
Founder + CEO
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Thanks so much for listening in this week! If you enjoyed this episode, here are some ways you can join our Success with Soul movement:
Finding your ideal business niche — and getting it as clear and narrow as possible — is a critical element of what a good business strategy is built on. But it’s certainly not the only thing you need to focus on. You also have to develop a plan that works for you, for your life, and that can be nimble as the economy and tech shifts.
No — and I’d say it’s important to know exactly which aspects of your business you don’t want to be checking on every day. Delegation is key to both your sanity and your efficiency as a business owner. That said … it is crucial that you at least understand how each part of your business works. So, for example, you may not have any interest in running the SEO of your website, but you should have a working knowledge of what SEO is, how it functions, and how your business is using it to grow organic traffic.
It can be scary to take the leap and invest in your business, especially if it’s not bringing in the revenue you’d like. But if you’re not sure how to get from Point A (where you are now, struggling to make ends meet) to Point B (a place where your business is reliably bringing in the income you’d like) … then not doing anything will continue to get you the results you’re currently experiencing. Investing in your biz and getting the right kind of help can pay for itself in a relatively short amount of time. Often, the cost of a solid program can be covered by attracting even just a few more clients over the course of a year — which, if you’re following the guidance of your coach, should be a reasonable result.
Katie Kus 0:00
Hi, I'm Katie Kus here with Oregon girl holistic skincare. And I am part of the Success with Soul incubator. My favorite part about being in the incubator is I know no matter what roadblock I hit, whether it's a mental roadblock, something with tech, or just trying to decide what the next steps need to be in creating my offer, I can always reach out to the team and Kate and they are going to be there with heartfelt thoughtful advice that is catered specifically to my business needs. And where I'm at in my business growth. The Incubator has completely transformed how I've been able to approach my business. And I really do feel like they've just become part of my team. So I'm so thankful for being a part of the incubator.
Intro 1:00
You're listening to the Success with Soul podcast with Kate Kordsmeier ex-journalist turned CEO of a multi six figure blog in online business. But it wasn't that long ago that Kate was a struggling entrepreneur who lacked confidence, clarity, and let's be honest money. But all those failures, experiments and lessons learned helped Kate create a thriving business that impacts 1000s and brings freedom, flexibility and fulfillment to her life. If you're ready to do the same and make something happen with holistic, soulful, step by step strategies from Kate and other experts, you're in the right place. Here's your host writer, educator, mom, recovering perfectionist, bookworm and sushi connoisseur Kate Kordsmeier
Indira 1:35
Welcome back to the Success with Soul podcast. I'm your guest host in Indira with Team KK. And with us today is Sarah Jane Sandy. Sarah is one of our very own incubator clients. She is a functional nutritionist and women's health expert focusing on fertility, pregnancy, postpartum and Hormonal Health. She works with clients remotely all over the world through one on one consultations, as well as through her highly innovative online program, the fertility code, a 12 week fertility course designed to prepare the body for conception and a healthy full term pregnancy. In today's episode, Sarah shares with us her entrepreneurial journey and some of the wins that she's had inside the incubator, including her ability to streamline all of her various back end programs into one having the ability to now have a clear task list and projective projects in the pipeline for her business. Now, when Sarah sits in front of her computer, she knows exactly what she needs to do and why she's doing it. She's also been able to have an active income generating evergreen funnel directed to her online fertility course. And she has successfully raised her one on one prices. I'm so excited to share this episode with y'all. Let's dive in. Sarah, welcome to the Success with Soul Podcast. I'm so excited to have you on here.
Sarah Jane Sandy 3:15
Thank you. I'm so excited to be here.
Indira 3:14
So Sarah, tell us a little bit about yourself and your business and your entrepreneurial journey.
Sarah Jane Sandy 3:24
Yes. So I am a functional nutrition therapist, I have a certification as a certified nutrition therapist, and I run a private practice. So I work one on one with primarily women primarily in the hormone healing trying to get pregnant during pregnancy postpartum space. And I also run I have an online group coaching program called the fertility code where I lead women and couples through a 12 week online based program to prepare the body for pregnancy and increase chances of successful conception and pregnancy. So I've been running my business now for 15 years, I've been in private practice. So yeah, I've been in this world a long time. And the evolution of my business has shifted and changed is what it looks like. But I you know, own my business, been a private entrepreneur from the get go, really? So here I am today.
Indira 4:23
I'm curious how did you get into that space? That's a very specific space.
Sarah Jane Sandy 4:31
Yeah. So I originally was when I graduated college. In 2004. I was a public relations major. So my first job out of college was at a public relations firm and I was always into health and nutrition and all of a sudden, I'm like living in Chicago working in the corporate world. And the first account that I got put on was or write up french fries, and they were launching a new microwavable french fry.
Sarah Jane Sandy 5:00
So I'm like calling magazine editors etc. Like trying to get them to write about this product. And inside I was like, This is against, like, every moral of my being right now that I am like asking people to promote this product, which I think is like, awful, you know. So anyways, that was like a big awakening for me of like, this is not my career path. And as I said, I grew up in a household where health and nutrition were like the staple, like the backbone, we had a garden, my mom, you know, made everything homemade. Like none of my friends wanted to come to our house, because we were like, had the healthy, weird food. You know, my stepfather was a general surgeon, but had a strong emphasis on holistic medicine and actually ended up leaving his surgery practice and starting a holistic medical practice. So this was like the background of my life. And when I was, you know, in my early 20s, figuring out like, what am I going to do with my life, I was like, I'm not going to working in the corporate world doing public relations is not my shtick. And so I googled holistic nutritionist, and at the time, there was like three schools, one in California, Colorado, and New York, and I'm from Colorado, originally. So I applied, I got it. And it was a graduate, a two year graduate studies program for nutrition therapy. So I moved back to Colorado, enrolled in nutrition therapy Institute did this two year graduate degree. And for our final thesis, independent study paper, we had to pick a topic. And at the time, I was in my early 20s, definitely experiencing hormonal imbalances not trying to get pregnant by any means. But I knew that in the future, I wanted a family. And I kept thinking, if I was trying to get pregnant at this point, I definitely wouldn't be able to conceive. So I want to figure this out. So I basically dove into the research around how to increase fertility naturally, using mind body therapies and food and lifestyle modifications and nutrients, etc. And so for six months, I was just like, deep in the research, and then truly, like, started to apply all of the things that I learned in, you know, in this research process to my own life, and was able to restore my own hormones and get my own cycle back. And that led me into a, you know, obviously graduated school and my first job was still in Chicago, but at an integrative fertility clinic where I was basically like, working with the more allopathic Western medicine model of fertility, along with the center that I worked at, we were hand in hand, and we had acupuncturist and massage therapist and nutritionist and, you know, practitioners doing Reiki and we were working with the same patients, as you know, as they were going through their, like, more traditional fertility treatments. And it was just like, Oh, my God, this is, this is totally my calling. And so that's the world that I dove into. And I pretty soon I stayed at that clinic for two years really got like a foundation. And then I started my own business, I moved back to Colorado, and have been in the fertility space. And like the hormone healing, I work with a lot, a lot of women who are not trying to conceive, but are just trying to get their hormones in balance, because truly, they're one in the same like, if you're trying to get pregnant, you're, you know, you're up leveling your hormones, if you're not trying to get pregnant, but your hormones are a mess. You're doing all the same things. So I love it. It's super rewarding. I mean, helping couples who want nothing more than to have a child and for whatever reason are struggling and then helping them to actually conceive this baby of their dreams is like the greatest gift in the world to do for sure.
Indira 8:41
Yes, I'm happy that you asked this question. Because I think a lot of people have a lot of snap judgments about what Taro is without really understanding. And you know, different readers can treat it very differently. Like, like any tool, it can be used in a variety of ways. I use it as a tool for introspection. So it's really the equivalent of holding up a mirror to yourself, and hopefully being able to see yourself in certain angles, different angles than you might normally see yourself, you might be able to see, get different insights that you wouldn't get from how you normally see yourself, it's really a tool to give you more to reflect on about yourself in the present moment and about your past that has brought you to this present moment so that you can feel empowered to create the future you actually want to create. I think a lot of people, Taro can get kind of bad rap, because people just kind of write it off as like fortune telling or, you know, it's like looking at a crystal ball. And a tarot reader is going to tell you that, you know, this is when you're gonna die, or when you're gonna get married. Are these these things, you know, very future focused. And I don't really like to work that way. And I also think that's not the best use of tarot, it's, that's a limiting approach, as opposed to an expansive approach. Yeah, that answer your question?
Indira 6:46
Oh my gosh, I imagine that you have baby pictures that people send to you.
Sarah Jane Sandy 8:41
Oh, yeah. All the time. I mean, it's, yeah, it's really. And a lot of it is just, you know, simple, like basic, foundational work. It's like not rocket science, to be honest. And I feel like we just live in a culture where, you know, we're over medicalized in my opinion, and it's like getting back to the basic like, what did you eat for breakfast today? How did you sleep? How do you move your body? What's your relationship with your partner like starting there versus you know, getting too deep into the weeds? I love it. So what was the main reason why you joined the incubator? Like what led you to us? Yeah, so my business had been you know, honestly, like, cruising along. When I moved back to Colorado after living in Chicago and working at the fertility center. I stopped when I started my own business and I was part of a collective another like integrative Fertility Center wellness, where it was a several different practitioners, but we all ran our own business. And so what was amazing as like, brand new back in Colorado in this space and starting my business is I was part of a collective where my business grew really fast because it was all referrals and we sort of marketed ourselves as a collective, which is a lot easier than trying to make it on your own straight out of the gate, you know. So anyways, I was part of that collective for seven years, had an office space, and then I moved to Boulder and opened up an office space here. And my business just really organically grew, it grew through referrals, I worked with a lot of doctors, like, you know, fertility doctors in the space and other OBGYN is etc. And so I got a lot of referrals that way, just word of mouth, other practitioners. So it was like I never actually had to spend any time or energy or effort on advertising or marketing or SEO or any of that, which looking back now Oh, my God, that was amazing. I didn't know how like incredible that was at the time. And I had a website developer build a site for me a new newer site back in 2016. And he must have just done really well with SEO, because I started to get a ton of traffic just from Google, you know, I put out a lot of blog content. And so my site ranked really well. And I got a lot of organic leads, again, without me literally doing anything except for putting out a lot of content, etc. And then COVID happened 2020 happened, I had a baby in August of 2020. So you know, my business, my like, just like my participation in my business shifted, you know, my priorities shifted, having a baby. And then the landscape of the internet hugely shifted with COVID. By this point, I had taken my business totally remote and 2017 I left all my office spaces, I was working with so many clients around the country in the world that it was like, I don't need to have an office space and have that overhead. So I was already fully remote before COVID. But just the landscape of the internet shifted so drastically, as well as Google, their core algorithms, changed Instagrams algorithms were changing, like, I was sort of stepped away from my business to having a baby. And so all of a sudden, I sort of like, woke up and 2021 sort of like the summer of 2021. And I was like, wow, my business is like actually not doing great. Like the numbers were not great. And for the first time in my life, I was like, I actually need to focus on lead generation. And I had an online program, or the fertility code, which I built out in 2017. Sales for that had super declined. You know, it wasn't getting the organic traffic from Google anymore, or not as much, you know, I mean, there was just like a definitely a decline. And I can't remember how I got on Kate's email list, or her podcast. But literally, I remember like, one day I was out walking. And I was listening to Kate's podcast Success with Soul podcast. And she had a little ad in there about the incubator. It was brand new, I think it was like just watching maybe in February, and this was like in May or something. And everything she said in that ad was like, what I want it like, do you want to run your business with soul? Like, do you want to, like get off the hamster wheel and like just, you know, really get reinvesting in your business, but from a place of like heart space and soul space. And I was like, yes, yes. Yes. So I applied. And then, you know, Kate, and I had a lot of back and forth, because my whole thing was like, I don't know if this can be fixed, you know, like, telling me that this can be fixed sort of thing. And Kate was just amazing. She was so attentive, so responsive, like, just really, you know, like, answered all my questions. Here's the deal. And so I thought, You know what, like, I have nothing to lose, I need to do the I need to like, get back in my business, you know, I was like, kinda had just been, for better or for worse, sort of, like, my business had been doing totally fine with a lot, actually not a lot of work from me, except for like my one on one work. And all of a sudden, that wasn't working anymore. And so I signed up, I started in the incubator in June of 2021. And at that time, it was just three of us. Like we were it was me and Molly and Caroline were the first three. And it was like such I think about that first year because we got so much of Kate's like one on one. I tend to nest because it was just like a small group. And then the incubator, you know, got super popular and she's done amazing. Like it's, it's rockin now that I'm signed on a second year. So I'm now in my second year, second and a half year. So yeah, so that's how I found the incubator. That's how I got here. And it's like done, definitely an incredible journey to be, you know, two and a half years into the incubator. And what would you say has been some of like, your biggest wins inside of the incubator? Yeah, let's see. I mean, my first is was just like logistical pragmatic stuff, which was essentially I had a lot of different back end programs going I had like my email lists or, you know, Active Campaign, I had my Click Funnels, I had deadline funnel I had like all these different systems running all of my back end and one I didn't know how to pretty much do any of it. So I was constantly like hiring people, you know, paying other people to do like little tiny things that I should have known how to do. But again, like I have kind of removed from that part of my business because I was like, it's doing just fine, you know, definitely was removed from like, my SEO of my blog, I mean, all of it. And so that was the first thing Kate was like, I recommend getting all of your systems in one place. So I did a huge migration to kartra which was, I mean, essentially like recreating a lot of my sales funnels and sales pages and emails. I mean, it was a insane amount of work. I'm not gonna lie was crazy, and stressful. And the time because I was like, this is way more than I had, like, imagined our overhead the bandwidth, or to be honest, but I had a great team tech team that paid recommended in the incubator, that helped me a ton. So that was a once it was all said and done, it was a huge one, because now one, I know how to do all of it myself, like, Yes, I have a kartra va, who helps me with stuff that's like, just not worth my time. That's honestly, you know, but I know how to do pretty much everything, which was awesome. And that was Kate's whole thing she was like, not that you need to be spending your time doing all of those pieces, your business, but you should know how to do it, every single piece of your business you should know how to do, which I totally did. So that was like a real game changer for me. And just like seamlessly solidifying everything into like one back. So that was a big one. And then my next big project I took on was like getting into the fertility code, which is my 12 week course that I you know, first launched back in 2017. And just like getting in there and being like, what's working, what's not what needs to change, what's the price point needs to be excetera and Kate really, like held my hand through that whole process of like really reexamining and totally changing. Obviously, honestly, like a lot of the fertility code, the content was still the same, but the way that it was presented and structured and priced, etc, totally shifted, which again, I would not have known where to even start, you know, without Kate's help in the incubator, and then now I'm in the place where I just rebuilt my website, it needed to be like, redesigned and redeveloped because it was old had been, you know, built in 2016. So I just finished that project in December and now I'm like going through you know, I've like 280 blog posts from all these years So now again, with the incubators help and you know, Kate's like checklist I'm going through and really like revamping all of these blog posts and getting them super SEO optimized so that they rank again in the site ranks and just really trying to build that organic traffic that I had super strong and I haven't lost all of it I just had a little dip for sure. But now again my attention is way focus back on my business and so that's like my big project now and again, I would not have even known where to start without the incubators support on like, how to get in there and like do SEO myself without Yes, I have an SEO company that I have helping, but I know how to do it myself which is like super huge and I just feel like I have so much more control and like knowing what the heck is going on in my business, which I feel like for a lot of years I was just like well everything's gone good so it's not broke don't fix it kind of thing you know, but looking back I feel like yeah, I look at some of the I look at a lot of the new members in the incubator are not new members, but women who are like really early on in their early stage of their business and I'm like God, you guys are in the best place possible because they're you know, they're putting in all of the right tools straight from the gate like building such a solid foundation because the incubator teaches you how to do that. And for some of us who have like more established businesses, I mean it's been amazing because we've like you know, really learn the tools but are having to go back in and be like fixing some of those cracks that were in the foundation that never really got established again. So yeah, absolutely. I think about migration I have dealt with like Active Campaign migrations to other things and boy the bigger your list the more of a headache it is so totally am with you that how wonderful to straight out of the gate just have all your systems in place and no and I will say we are also going through our SEO on our blog posts so it's like everything Kate teaches y'all is because we are doing that as well. Yeah, well and that's what I love like she even oh sorry to mean to interrupt you but I was just like we had a call last week and you know she was saying that you guys are going through and like making sure all your blogs are properly formatted styled, etc. And you know, she shared her like template style guide for us, which is like, invaluable, you know, to have a template to work from, so that we can all go into our businesses and our blogs and be like, Okay, here's this creative style guide for your own blog and your own site and your own brand. But to create that from scratch, oh my gosh, like, I never would have done it, you know. So again, like, that's like, there's just so much invaluable resources that, like, you know, money, you go to you in front of prizes on it. So I love that.
Kate 20:32
Taking a quick break from regular programming to share with you a new piece of software that has revolutionized my business this year. So it's called kartra. And let me just say, this is truly an all in one platform. Unlike other platforms, which promise to be a jack of all trades, but function more like master of none. kartra literally provides everything you need to operate your business, all in one place. So earlier this year, I was using six different tools to manage my business, I was spending a ton of money on all this software. And yet, I was still missing some of the functionality that I wanted. And it was really confusing trying to get all these different tools to communicate. So after a lot of careful research, I decided to give kartra a shot and I am so happy I did kartra has enabled us to streamline our systems, simplify our processes, easily track all of our metrics, and finally achieved the advanced functionality we needed for automations like segmenting, tracking and getting even down to subscriber value. And we saved a whopping $12,000 a year. So kartra has given me everything I needed. And with no sacrificing quality, no matter what stage you're at in your business. If you're looking for an easy to use platform that has all the features, you need to operate seamlessly and potentially save you 1000s of dollars at the same time, I highly recommend you give kartra a try, we've actually got a 14 day free trial for our listeners. So go to Kate kordsmeier.com, forward slash kartra. That's K a r, t r a to get started today kartra offers a 30 day money back guarantee. So don't be afraid to give it a shot. Again, that's successwithsoul.co/kartra.
Indira 22:30
So Sara, what's been your biggest risk that you've taken or the biggest challenges that you've had to overcome in your business?
Sarah Jane Sandy 22:39
I mean, joining the incubator was a risk. You know, it was like, definitely, like, it was a big business expense at a time when my business was not making a lot of money. You know, like, it wasn't, I didn't invest in it at a time where my business was making plenty of money and everything was great. Well, of course I didn't because at that time, like I wasn't thinking anything was wrong. Of course, I didn't think I needed like a business coaching program, you know, so, at a time when my business was like, kind of on the down, I chose to make a pretty large business investment in my business, which again, I you know, I had a lot of conversations with Kate around that, and I listened to a lot of her podcasts, and that was a whole thing. It's like, well, if you don't invest in your business, then nothing changes. So you know, and I, that's what I like really got clear about it was like, Well, I can do nothing and nothing's gonna change, or I can take a risk, you know, make a business investment in my business, and hope that I get my return on investment here, you know, so and I have for sure, by far, but that was a that was definitely like, a big business investment risk at the time or, you know, I considered it a risk because I didn't know like, if I you know, what was going to come from it, essentially. I love that you said you did that at a place where your business actually was not doing well. And you took on this investment, you know, financially pretty big I'm sure at the time so tell me what you would tell someone in your position my business is not doing so well how can I possibly invest take this, you know, financial investment, you know, pretty big investment while my business is not doing well. How would you reframe that for someone as someone who has literally been in that spot? Yeah. I mean, I would say kind of going back to where I thought you know how I thought it through in my head, which was like, if I don't do anything, which means I don't make this investment, or I don't put any money into it, then nothing truly is going to most likely nothing is going to change. My sales aren't gonna go up my revenues not gonna go up. You know, the way that I feel about my business
isn't gonna shift or change. And I had enough, like just intuitive knowing and up from like, what I'd read about the incubator, everything I'd listened to what my conversations with Kate that like, I just really trusted that no matter what I'm gonna get something out of this for sure. And I truly think that in some capacity, I will get my return on investment whether that's in like actual dollars, or in just the shifting and changing and the nature of what my business looked like and what it felt like to me. And so it was worth it. You know, it was totally worth it of like, you got to put the effort and the time and the money often into something if you actually want change and shift. Absolutely. I love that. So how would you say your relationship to your business? How has that changed over the last six or 12 months? That's been interesting, you know, even like, I think we've maybe a year into the incubator, I kind of just had this like, sort of pretty low point, I remember actually being on a call with Kate and Rachel being like in tears, I mean, like, I can keep doing this, like I had was just like I'm working harder at my business than I ever have. And yet, I'm not seeing the rewards, which was just like, This is crazy, you know, and now, you know, that was maybe six or more months ago. And I think both Kate and Rachel were like, well, what do you want to do? We'll take a break. You know, what, why don't you take a break. And then sort of giving me the permission to do that. Actually, for me, it was like, I don't want to take a break. I actually like wanted to get more invested and more motivated to change things because at the end of the day, I truly love what I do. I love working with women, I love changing women's lives, I love being this advocate, this educator, this resource for women at a time when they're a women are like, you know, desperately seeking support around their bodies and their hormones and how they feel and you know, whether they're trying to have a baby or not like women are really seeking super attentive, supportive medical care more than ever, I think, and I offer that for them big time. And I truly love what I do in that regard. What I also realized was like, that I actually I don't love all the like business, you know, which I don't think is unusual. Like, I'm like a health and wellness practitioner, you know, the business side of things is definitely not in my comfort zone. And yet, through the incubator, what's been great is I know what I need to do, like I have an actual task list, and I have direction so that when I sit down at my computer, in my like, dedicated, you know, work time, or it's not client interfacing time, it's like working on my business time, I know what I need to do, were for years and years, I actually didn't know what I should be doing. Like, I'm like, I don't know what I should be doing. For my business, I knew I should probably be doing some things, but I like truly didn't even have a direction. So therefore I didn't have a task list. So when I sat down, I didn't do get anything done. Whereas now you know, I my task list is huge. So a lot of times I'm like, Oh my God, I feel like I have so much to do. But I can like just break it into little, you know, manageable pieces, which again, I learned a lot about that in the incubator is like looking at the year and separating it into quarters and setting goals, you know, per quarter or per month, or however you want to set it up. But I just feel like I have so much more direction now. So that I don't feel overwhelmed. I actually feel like excited and motivated. And I know what I need to do and therefore like I can stay on task, which feels so much more invigorating than just being like, yeah, I don't even know what to do. So I'm not gonna do anything kind of thing. So would you say that your business is more systematized now? Totally. Yes. And I hired there. Pete You know, I also got really clear with myself around like, there are certain things that yes, I know how to do. And yes, that's important. I know how to do these pieces of my business. And it's not worth my time to do those things. So I'm going to hire people to do the things that it doesn't make sense for me to spend my time and energy on. And so I've got a great team, you know, that helps me keep all of the systems running, so that I can truly do what I love to do, which is client interfacing. That's what I'm good at. That's like my magic. I don't need to be spending a bunch of time updating sales pages and kartra You know, so I also got super clear and I feel like that was a big thing with incubator it's like how to build a team how to hire you know how to like get help to run your business so that you don't feel like you're having
Do at all. Yeah. I love that. So I'm hopeful that you're feeling less stressed. Maybe now, business. Yeah. Yeah. And I mean, I think I'm still in the like, my sales are not where they want them to be yet. But I have finally feel like I've got all the pieces in place so that I know what my revenue generating activities are, you know, and I know that how much time needs to be spent on that. Whereas again, before the incubator was sort of like, yeah, I didn't know, any of that, or I didn't, I just didn't like, have that frame of mind. And so I was sort of, I don't even know, if I felt stressed before, I just felt really disconnected, which I guess then when I really did have to, like, kind of think about numbers, and, you know, sort of where all the pieces of my business were, that's when the stress would come. So I just like, chose to not think about saying that it's not a good idea, you know, or now it's like, I know, everything's transparent, and it doesn't feel scary, or stress producing anymore.
Indira 31:03
I love that I love that use the word everything is transparent. So if you were to use one word, to describe your experience inside the incubator, what would that word be?
Sarah Jane Sandy 31:14
Transformative, myself, and my business, I've transformed in my relationship to my business, and the way in which I participate in and run my business has been highly transformative. And I feel like, what my business looks like, and the products that I'm selling, and you know, the way that I generate revenue has been transformed, so transformative. I love that. So what is one piece of advice that you would give someone who's considering joining the incubator? Do it, take the leap and do it I mean, that, you know, I, as we you and I were speaking about earlier, like, I get it as a early stage, small business owner, or even like a more established small business owner, no matter what, you know, most of the time, it's like, every expense that's going out the door is like closely monitored. And so for a lot of women, it's like, I don't know, can I really make this investment in my business. And I think that, if you truly want to, like get inside and know all of the ins and outs and the dusty corners of your business, and how truly how to do it all I'm not saying that you have to do it all, like we were just talking about, like definitely, hiring, help and support is is beneficial, but like really just getting to know your business. That's what the incubator does, I mean, fully and from a place of, you know, what resonated with me all along is that this like, running your business from a place of soul from a place of heart, you know, not this like really masculine model of like, work harder work longer kind of thing, but more, this really intuitive, feminine model of running a business and generating money, you know, like, and making the money that you want to make whatever that looks like, it's very different for everybody, you know, and but yeah, I think my big piece of advice would be like, it's worth it, do it, you're worth the investment, your business is worth the investment. And truly, like, I don't even think it can be on the sales page for the incubator or any, like, it can't be explained the amount of benefit, the amount of like return on your investment is so much more than you could ever just like put into words for someone to read. Like, I've gotten so much more out of it than I could have ever imagined. So yeah, I would say just like, take the leap and do it.
Indira 33:39
Ah, love it. So Sarah, this is my favorite part of all podcasts, interviews, which is our lightning round. So I'm just gonna ask you questions, and you just tell me the first thing that comes up. So the first one is, what's your favorite way to make time for self care while running your own business?
Sarah Jane Sandy 33:59
I schedule exercise on my calendar, which means no one can no clients can schedule that time. My husband can't have that time. My son can't have that time. Like it's literally all week, like at the beginning of the week. Like I get in there and find little pockets of an hour 75 minutes for exercise, which to me is like my most critical self care.
Indira 34:23
Oh, I love that. What is your exercise? I'm curious.
Sarah Jane Sandy 34:27
yoga, hiking, running or like my babies.
Indira 34:30
Oh, love it, love it. What's one tool or strategy that you use to help with time management?
Sarah Jane Sandy 34:37
I mean, honestly, my calendar like I literally block I mean, I put like, you know, shower, make breakfast. Here's my exercise. Obviously all my client appointments on their dedicated like, work time, you know, where I'm like, just I'm not with clients. My phone's off. I don't have any dinging like I'm just really, you know, being creative, writing emails writing blog posts, writing social media content. So truly like time management is all about my calendar. And like actually designating specific times where I have a to do list. But then, you know, at the beginning of the week, I take that to do list and like actually put it on my calendar and in chunks of time so that it gets done.
Indira 35:21
That sounds a lot like something that we practice in Team K, K, dot, Kate all todos, and that was Monday, our one which is basically like a Monday. First thing you do Monday morning is like what is everything that needs to happen this week and just start plugging it in, in the calendar. And when I mean everything, I mean, literally everything why I have to go to the mailbox, because at the end of the day, it's still time, and you have to allot that time somewhere. So it's it sounds very similar to what we practice here at Team KK. Yeah, yeah.
Indira 35:57
So what's the most powerful business mindset or entrepreneurial book that you've ever read? This is the one that you're gonna reference over and over again, it's made the biggest difference in your life.
Sarah Jane Sandy 36:08
The atomic habits book, I'm blanking if that's the exact game clear, I think, yeah, if it will, I can't remember if it's like just atomic habits or theater, I don't know. But that book was really changing for me in terms of just like, how to establish habits that will move the needle, you know, and it's like, the little things that we do, but doing them consistently, truly changes the needle. And that's like, for my personal life, but definitely for my business.
Indira 36:37
Yeah, yeah. It's the compound, right. The little ones and then add up yeah, I love that. Everyone a team KK has read atomic habits. It's one of our books, like a part of our onboarding.
Sarah Jane Sandy 36:51
Oh, really? Yeah. I mean, it is. It's truly and I like to, like, go back, like sometimes I've read it, you know, hardcopy, but I have that audio. And sometimes, like, when I'm out on a walk, and I just need a little like, reviving and like, reinvigoration. I like listen to it, because it's just a good reminder of like, yeah, it's just the little things that we do day after day after day that make the biggest shift.
Indira 37:14
Absolutely. So what's your favorite quote, mantra or affirmation for when things get tough and you feel like giving up?
Sarah Jane Sandy 37:23
We can do hard things. Glennon Doyle says that, and I like think about it all the time when it's, you know, whether it's like, personal life hard things, or like in my business when I was like, Yeah, had a pretty low point. And this past year, where it was like, we can do hard things, I can do this. And all I need to do is make the next right, choice decision step like just one, and then another one, and then another one. So yeah, Goodman Doyle. Both of those are from her.
Indira 37:52
I love Glennon Doyle. And I love that quote and I use that with my kids a lot more things. So Sara, we're in the Success with Soul podcast. What does Success with Soul mean to you?
Sarah Jane Sandy 38:06
Success with Soul means having, for me, having financial success, meaning living the life, that I want to live without having financial stress, while also being in love with my business in the way that I'm doing.
Indira 38:24
It sounds like my definition of success to Sarah, it's been such a pleasure to have you here on the podcast. I mean, I know you from inside the incubator, but it's really learning about your business and your journey has been amazing. And tell our listeners where they can connect and find you.
Sarah Jane Sandy 38:47
Yes, so my website is my full name so that Sarah Jane sandy.com sar H. Sarah Jane sandy.com is my website. As I said earlier, I have a ton of content on their blog content on every subject related to female hormones that you can imagine the fertility code.com Is my online fertility product. So that's a 12 week module module based online on demand fertility program to set yourself up for pregnancy success. And then on Instagram, it's also my full name. So at Sarah Jane Sandy, and same with Facebook, it's, you know, facebook.com backslash Sarah Jane Sandy. Okay, so those are all the places to find me. Yeah, and I offer one on one consults. And then I also of course, offer my online group coaching through the fertility code.
Indira 39:42
That's awesome. We will definitely include everything in our show notes, so our listeners can find you. Thank you so much for being with us today. Sandy. It's been a pleasure. Thank you so much. Bye.
Kate 40:02
Well, hey there, it's Kate Kordsmeier and I wanted to play a quick game with you. Let me know which of these you can raise your hand for? Are you wanting to reconnect with your authentic self, soul and purpose to become the woman you want to be? You wanting to create aligned habits for more rest and less stress? To live intentionally and take control of your daily life? To connect to other women who are on growth journeys, and rediscover your inherent worthiness and value so you can step into your power? Are you wanting to get clarity on life's decisions and your direction? Are you wanting to partner with your mindset to achieve your goals and find the balance between your priorities and all of the competing roles you serve? If you're saying yes, then you're going to absolutely love our Success with Soul membership. This monthly membership includes monthly soul sessions with energy healers, spiritual guides, wellness gurus and other guests experts monthly mindset coaching calls cyclical living guidance, journaling prompts and taro and other resources and tools for living a soulful, whole life. Head on over to Kate kordsmeier.com forward slash membership to join us today. That's successwithsoul.co/membership
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