004: Part 2, Time Management Tips + Productivity Tools for Women Entrepreneurs

May 7, 2020

Kate Kordsmeier



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  1. Mara says:

    This episode was a game changer! I’ve tried so many different productivity methods over the years and a lot of them have fallen short. I love your approach Kate to focus on the important things we need to accomplish and not allowing ourselves to get overwhelmed!

    • Hey Mara! I’m so happy you were able to take away some productivity tips from this episode. It’s so easy to overcrowd our plates with things we just don’t need to be putting our focus on.

  2. Renee says:

    Hi Kate. Thanks for a great episode. I was hoping to find a link to the moon calendar app you mentioned. I’ve tried a couple different ones, but they never have everything I need. Was curious if yours was better but didn’t see it in the short notes. Would you mind sharing?

    • Hi Renee! Thank you so much for tuning in – I’m so glad you loved it! I LOVE my moon calendar app. If you search in the app store “The Moon Calendar” it’s one of the first ones that pop up. The image will be a picture of a blue and white (almost marble looking) moon and it’s titled “The Moon Calendar.”


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