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Last Updated on September 14, 2022
Think your Myers-Briggs type is just a fun personality test? Think again! Learn how to lean into your Myers-Briggs type to market your business with ease. With this framework both you, the entrepreneur, AND your business thrive!
Are you finally ready to achieve the
Believe it or not, you can actually approach your marketing in a way that not only feels great to you, but that ACTUALLY works!
If complicated sales funnels make you want to scratch your eyes out, it’s time to say sayonara. If Instagram stories stress you out and deplete your energy, well, no biggie!
Today we’re talking about how to work with who YOU naturally are, as the implementer and entrepreneur, and what feels easy and exciting to you. Forget your traditional, one-size-fits-all approach to digital marketing.
Instead, this revolutionary framework is designed to match you with your best marketing strategy based on
This four-letter acronym tells you about your preferences and gives you key insights into how you naturally prefer to show up in the world.
In short, your Myers-Briggs type tells us what you like. If you know what you like, you can work that into your marketing so you can finally feel good about it.
(Don’t know your Myers-Briggs type? Take the free quiz here!)
To help you get clear on what kind of marketing works best for you, it’s useful to break the 16 Myers-Briggs types into four tribes:
Found your tribe?
Great! Next, it’s time to dive into this week’s podcast episode where you’ll get some key takeaways on how to apply this knowledge in your business.
Brit Kolo, today’s guest expert, is the creator of the Marketing Personality Type Framework at MarketingPersonalities.com and the Host of the Marketing Personalities Podcast.
Through her framework, designed to match you with your best marketing strategy based on your Myers-Briggs Personality Type, she’s here to shake up your approach to marketing and inspire you to grow your business in a feel-good way. Get ready to go deep, find your true self, and grow that business of yours WITHOUT feeling fake and salesy!
Thanks so much for joining me this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!
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Brit Kolo 0:00
When I feel good, my audience feels good.
Kate Kordsmeier 0:03
That was my amazing friend, Brit Kolo, the creator of the marketing personality type framework over at marketing personalities calm and the host of the marketing personalities podcast. And this is Episode 18 of the Success with Soul podcast. I'm your host, Kate Kordsmeier. And I am so pumped to share this interview with you today, if any of what you just heard resonated with you, you are in for a huge treat. So Brit has this incredible framework designed to match you with your best marketing strategy based on your Myers Briggs personality type. So this is really a cool and revolutionary approach to business. And what I love is that it gets rid of all of those shoulds that we're always telling ourselves or that others are always telling us right and instead, we're working with who we are first. One of the biggest takeaways I got from this episode is that despite what most marketing gurus and experts will tell you, which is know your ICA go where they are be what they want. Instead Britt takes a totally different approach. And she says that your ICA is not as important as knowing who you are as the implementer are when it comes to marketing. So we're going to work through reframing our conditioning to honor who we truly are. In this episode, we're gonna talk about how getting this insight of our true selves plus having customized implementation equals big results. We've got specific marketing advice for each of the four Myers Briggs tribes, and we're even talking about how to blend your types as you evolve as a person and a human. When you fall somewhere closer to the middle, maybe you're not super strong introvert or an extrovert, but your slight preference towards introversion like me. So what does that mean for your marketing strategy? So I'm really excited to share this interview with you. Let's do it. You're listening to the Success with Soul podcast with Kate Kordsmeier x journalists turned CEO of a multi six figure blog in online business. But it wasn't that long ago that Kate was a struggling entrepreneur who lacked confidence, clarity, and let's be honest money. But all those failures, experiments and lessons learned helped Kate create a thriving business that impacts thousands and brings freedom, flexibility and fulfillment to her life. If you're ready to do the same and make something happen with holistic, soulful, step by step strategies from Kate and other experts, you're in the right Place. here's your host, writer, educator, Mom, recovering perfectionist, bookworm and sushi connoisseur, Kate Kordsmeier. Hey, Brit, thanks so much for being here. Hey there.
Brit Kolo 3:13
Thanks for having me.
Kate Kordsmeier 3:15
Yeah, I'm so pumped to talk with you. I had so much fun on your podcast recently. And I've learned a few things about type and myself since then. So I'm excited to share some of those findings with you and, and then also just get into your expertise, which is so amazing and powerful and really helping people to understand their type and then use it in their business plan and marketing strategy.
Brit Kolo 3:43
Yeah, let's do it. Let's stick in there. Yeah.
Kate Kordsmeier 3:47
Okay, great. Tell me first, I should reference this. anybody listening? If you're unfamiliar with Myers Briggs, go back and listen to Episode Five with Jessica butts. We give a big primer on The different types and what each of them means and helping you figure out which type you may be. Today, we are going to kind of assume you already know what Myers Briggs is, and hopefully even what your type is. And we're going to get more into the strategy of how you can use this for your business. So tell us, Bret, why does your Myers Briggs type even matter as an entrepreneur?
Brit Kolo 4:25
Yeah. Oh, it's everything. So, you know, my story is bringing the worlds of personality type, together with the world of marketing, and why I have done that and how that came about, was through this realization that there are lots of different options of how to market our businesses, right. There are lots of ways to set up our businesses, lots of ways to market them, and there are plenty of people out there willing To tell us what we should be doing with our marketing, right, and how we should be showing up online and how we should be all these things. And lots of shirts and for me, I you know, my history was as a marketing director in corporate and then running a marketing agency and then being a marketing coach and consultant and with all you know, my world was marketing and with all of this experience, I, I realized that the best marketing advice and the best marketing strategies, were ones that aligned with the person that was actually implementing the marketing itself. Because I was I was in these marketing coaching sessions with my clients. And I was giving them marketing suggestions, advice, and some of them would be really excited about doing the marketing that I was suggesting them to do. And then Some were like, Hmm, I, you know, they would procrastinate, they wouldn't really do it, they wouldn't feel good about it. And I knew that my job was not to just put more shoulds on them. I knew that my job was to get them feeling good about what they were doing in their business in their marketing, so that it could actually work. And that's when I started to pull these two worlds together, marketing and personality types. And the truth of it is that, and this is really the mantra at marketing personalities. When I feel good, my audience feels good. That's what I encourage people to start seeing and believing over and over. When I feel good, my audience feels good, because it's true. I mean, there again, there are so many options, so many people shut telling you what you should be doing in your marketing strategy. But at the end of the day, your best marketing strategy is going to be one that feels Good for you to implement. Yeah. And I mean, we see this, we see this happen in marketing and business. But we also just know that this is true in our everyday lives, right? Like when you show up, feeling good, in your words, confident, happy to be there. people around you are naturally excited to be around you, they're attracted to you, you are magnetic. On the flip side, when you show up feeling like kind of awkward, not really want to be there, you repel people, the same thing happens in your marketing. So regardless of what people are telling you, you should do. So at the end of the day, it's all about finding a marketing strategy that feels good for you. Because if you can show up feeling good, your audience, your best audience members are going to be attracted to that and that's where our marketing really actually starts working. Marketing that feels good is marketing that works. Yeah, so that's why we're pulling together. Marketing and personality types because market when you know your personality type you Know what feels good for you, your personality type as, as your listeners already know, because they've listened to that previous podcast. Your personality type tells you about what you prefer,
Kate Kordsmeier 8:11
what you like how you naturally show up in the world, if we can take that Intel and align it with your marketing strategy, you're going to feel good when you're marketing that's going to make you magnetic, and boom, marketing results, the results that you've always been wanting. Perfect. I love that because it's not a one size fits all and you have this incredible assessment on your website where people can put in their type and you give them this free mini report all about, I mean, it's mini like you know, but it's about how they could take this type and use it to inform their marketing strategy. And then you can upgrade to the full report which is amazing. And we'll drop a link in the show notes to where you can take this assessment on Britt's site. But even just in the mini report So much out of it. And one thing that I that stood out to me is when you talk about so for my type, and I know you're gonna be surprised when I say this, I recently learned that I think I'm actually an INTJ. And when I was on your show, I was thinking I was an INFJ. But regardless, we'll get into that in a minute. One of the things that your many reports showed me is that when it's there's a section about what social media strategy I should use. And you say in the report, like a lot of people tell you, oh, wherever your ideal clients are, that's where you should be to. And in a way that kind of makes sense. But it also doesn't align with who you are and as the implementer. So your report tells me for you as an INTJ, we know that you naturally deliver quick to the point how to use to your audience, so your best social media platform would be Twitter. Like, oh my god, that's so interesting and probably why I struggle so much with Instagram, where I have to show up in such a different way, especially with stories. And it was just so eye opening to me. So I love this concept of figuring out who you are, and then coming up with a strategy that's based on your strengths and your preferences. And like you said, how you naturally show up in the world?
Brit Kolo 10:24
Yeah, let's talk about this ideal client thing for a second because this comes up all the time. I talk about it constantly because the system has taught us you know, the online marketing system has taught us that our ideal client avatar is the end all be all of developing a marketing strategy. If we can just figure out who that ideal client is, and what he or she wants from us. That's when our marketing starts to make sense. And here's the deal. knowing who your ideal client is asking the question, okay, who is my ideal It's not a bad question. I just think it's a bad first question. Because if you develop a marketing strategy solely based on who you think your ideal client avatar is, you could end up making Do you know, developing a marketing strategy that you yourself hate to implement? And then we're back at square one, like we're doing the things that we think our ideal client avatar wants us to do, but we don't like doing them. And therefore we're showing up with this fake maybe salesy uncomfortable. I don't want to be here kind of energy. Well, that's not attractive. So maybe you're showing up where you think that they want you to be, but they still don't really care what you're saying there because you're not bringing that feel good energy to the table. So the way I recommend, you know, the the best first question is, who are you? Like, let's figure out who you are, and build a strategy off of that. And then once we understand where you know what platforms will feel good for you what your best content strategy is what your best lead magnet strategy is based on who you are, then we can start looking at who your ideal client might be, and not change where you're showing up or how you're showing up. But basically, we're looking at the ideal client to understand. Okay, so once I show up, what do I say? What do I communicate? What do I, you know, what do I offer? So ideal client? Not a bad question? It's just a bad first question. And your example is really great. Like, as an INTJ. Twitter as a social media platform would probably feel really good and natural to you. And you've already said like, oh, that kind of makes sense. Maybe that's why Instagram and I have been kind of butting heads for a little bit. So now, you know, in the mini report, I go into some details in the full report. We go into everything We go into content strategy and lead magnet strategy. Social media works, so many things. But as it just relates to social media, it's not that I'm telling you, okay, everything that you've built, that's not on Twitter, like, just get rid of it and just be on Twitter. That's not what I'm saying at all. It's more about giving you the insight, maybe the little aha moment to say, Yeah, like I do communicate in that way. And so I could decide to show up on Twitter, you know, and do that and focus on that. You can also start asking yourself questions of like, Okay, well, if, if that's how I communicate and Twitter would feel the most comfortable for me. How can I then take the vibe of Twitter and how I communicate there and apply it to Instagram? Maybe I don't do Instagram like everybody's telling me to do it. Maybe I do it in my way in a way that feels good for me and see what happens. Experiment with And it's really just about releasing all the pre programming and the shoulds, around these platforms and approaching them in a way that feels good to us, and allowing that, allowing that to magnetize. Because it does, I get so passionate about this because I watch it happen in my own strategies and in my client strategies. When you really do give this thing a chance, and you show up in a way that genuinely feels good to you, regardless of the numbers and what everybody says about it, the results like they just speak for themselves. There's so much better, everybody feels better about it. And all of a sudden it's like, oh, this is working, who know like all I had to do is feel good and be myself. Yeah, that really that's really all you got to do. It's just, it's just committing yourself to that truly for a little while to be able to see that repercussion and those results come back to you.
Kate Kordsmeier 15:00
Yeah, I love that so much. And I think, how much more ease could we bring to our businesses when we're working from our natural abilities, rather than constantly fighting them and trying to be something that we're not?
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So, let's dive a little bit deeper into this. You know, we mentioned that my report for an INTJ kind of suggested Twitter and the quick to the point how tos. But how would a social media strategy differ based on your type in general, and you know, you could give some examples of different types if you want to, or whatever feels best to you, but just kind of thinking about this overall idea of, you're determining your social media strategy based on your type.
Brit Kolo 16:31
Yeah, well, to get to a place where we can approach social media and a feel good way, we actually have to take a step back and look at what what your global marketing strategy might look like for it to feel good for you. And so, where we start at marketing personalities calm is showing you and that's right within your mini report. We show you what your best marketing strategy includes. So that's it. Bit more global, it's a bit more, let's look at the forest right now. And then one of the trees is going to be social media, right. And so for you as an INTJ, your best marketing strategy is going to include a pretty technical, automated customer journey, setting things up in a customer journey that is not reliant on you, Kate to show up at every turn, but more so serving them in an automated technical way. And that usually involves, at least at the top of the funnel kind of activity, it usually involves technical things like Facebook ads, SEO, because you yourself, you have that intuitive piece to you and also the thinking piece to you where those two things usually create very innovative strategies and innovative ways to get into those technical pieces that some people like Like some types don't like the technical stuff at all. Like they think of like funnels and Facebook ads and you know, multi step email campaigns and they're like, No, no, I don't want anything to do with that. But you are like way to sign a budget, I could figure this out and it kind of lights you up to try to figure that out. Right. And so, that, okay, yes. So, so that for you is really where we would start. And then you know, take that down the line. Okay, if that's true about your overall marketing strategy, then we get to Okay, what would be true about your social media presence, right? And that's how we get to the short Clippy witty things that you share on social and that really aligns with Twitter. Could it be done on Instagram? Absolutely. She's gonna be, it's just gonna look a little different, right? And so for anybody, when we're looking at social media, take a step back. Let's look at the forest for a second, let's look at what your marketing your best marketing strategy includes. And I mean, I could there are 16 different personality types. So I could give you a bunch of different examples, one that comes to mind that I see a lot because I tend to have a lot of the I really infjs an infp is I have a lot of those types in my audience. It's been that way from the beginning. And in the beginning, I used to think like, why do I have so many of these people, they must just be attracted. Like they were part of my audience before I started marketing personalities, maybe so that's why I have so many But no, like, it has just continued, if anything, more and more of the majority have been those types of people. And so I see this, this example come up a lot. So INFJ's and INFP is for them. Their best marketing strategy, especially I'm going to speak specifically to inf J's okay, because there's a lot of them. infj is their best marketing strategy includes long form content. These people are deep thinkers. Excuse me, like Deep feel not just thinkers but like deep intuitive feelers, they go into the depths of things, they can't stay surface level, like it's just impossible for them. And so when they, when they want to market their business, the last thing that they want to do like the thing that feels the most fake, and the most uncomfortable, is taking someone from just learning about them to taking them straight to a sales conversation or straight to a sales page that like very quick, wham bam, thank you, maam. Kinda like sales strategy does not feel good to them. Because for them, they know that there are so many things that this person may need to be indoctrinated around in order for that sales page or a sales conversation to feel good for them. And they don't want to push that like they don't feel rushed to get them there. They want to make sure that that person is indoctrinated. And so when they do hit this sales page or they do hit the sales conversation or the sales call that person is the absolute right person to be getting to that point. And they are educated enough to make that decision. So with all that said, infjs are really great at developing long form content. Usually they're found writing long blog posts. We're not talking like 300 to 500 word blog, we're talking. We're talking 10,000 2000 word, blog posts, and long podcast episodes like the idea of recording a 20 minute like podcast episode to an INFJ. They're like, how like, I could talk for 20 minutes in the intro, like how do you do that? Right. And so these people have lots of words, lots of indoctrination. So with all of that said, what I see infj is really struggling with is another struggle with Instagram because Instagram only allows you so many characters. In your caption, and they're like, I love to write, I want to communicate in this way, but how do I say it in a shortened form, and they really struggle with that. So I find a lot of infjs. And I'll also extend this to infp is like just sitting down to write that Instagram caption and just getting so stuck. And so
so while I do still kind of point them over to Instagram and Facebook, rather than Twitter, because Twitter really wouldn't work right like 280 characters that is not going to work for an INFJ I still send them over to Facebook and Instagram. But in that I tell them like hey, this we've got to find a way to do this in a way that you can share what's on your heart and what you want to share without being too freaked out about the character counts. So we go we go into that I mean we get, can you tell we kind of get detailed and there are 16 different types and I want to get spelled with every single person that comes to me and to my website. And so, for every single type, there is an interesting, intricate way to approach these platforms that avoid you getting stuck and avoid you getting frustrated, avoid you getting disappointed. And most of all, avoid you blaming yourself for not figuring this out by now. Yeah, and and blaming yourself for not not getting the results that at this point, you feel like how have I not figured this out yet? It's not your fault, right? Your fault. We just we just have to align what you're doing with how you naturally show up and it's it's gonna fall into place.
Kate Kordsmeier 23:47
Right. I love that. Yeah, that was great. So I have a couple quick questions about this one is are you an INFJ
Brit Kolo 23:58
so I am an ENFJ in my Yeah, my I and II are very close. So for a long time, I thought I was an INFJ. And then I, and this kind of happens. So listeners if you're kind of like, if you wonder, like do personality types change or like I thought I was this now I'm this then and I don't know what to do like this happens all the time, okay because we're humans like, there are over 7 billion of us on the planet and only 16 personality types. So this is not a perfect science here. It's a tool and we can get close, but we also are humans and we're ever evolving. And so it's okay. It's okay if you kind of like bounce back and forth between a couple types or like you have like a month or two or even a year where you just, you're kind of operating as somebody else. It's okay, so I do definitely identify as an INFJ. I also recognize that my eye which stands for introvert rather than extrovert, it's pretty exciting. Pretty strong. And so I honor that I go through seasons of really wanting to use my voice and speaking, which is really great for an INFJ. And then on the flip side, I go through seasons where I don't really want to use my voice and I would so much rather communicate in a different way, usually through writing. And so that really more speaks to my, my eye. My infj side.
Kate Kordsmeier 25:23
Yeah, that's so interesting. And it's definitely what's happened with me. And I think so when of a few months ago, I was on your show, and I had done the 16 personalities test and it said, infj, and I read the description of the advocate. And it really resonated with me a lot, but not all of it did. And then I talked to another friend and then my aunt who's also a counselor, and she relies a lot on Myers Briggs. And they were both saying, I think you might be an INTJ. So I did the official Myers Briggs assessment, and sure enough, I wasn't INTJ but what's different on the official assessment, as you know, is that it's on a scale of zero to 30 for each one, and so I was a five on the tee. So I think that's why I'm like, I do have a lot of feeling and empathy. And I love going deep into stuff. It's why I started the podcast. That's why most of my blog posts are really, really long. I like I want to give you all the information, but I'm also super logical and sometimes have, you know, I stuff my own emotions down sometimes and I'm more in my head than in my heart a lot. And so I think even this is resonating with me though, being kind of having a tea as my main type for that, but then knowing that I do have more FME than a lot of T's may have. And so when I read the many report about the best marketing Getting strategy overall. First, I was really excited to hear that doing these automated funnels is a really good fit for my personality because we're literally in the midst of working on one to launch in April. And when I read why that was important, it says you intuitively understand people at their core, what motivates them, what gets them to take action, but you back up this intuitive sense with like, basically the logic, the brass tacks, the numbers, the data, the proven Intel, and it was just like, yes, that is exactly why I'm loving this and I'm geeking out over all of the like technical details of getting this set up. But But then my funnels are longer form content, and there is more of an indoctrination than maybe somebody who's really strong on the T side would be providing.
Brit Kolo 27:51
This is such a good example. That's a beautiful example of how we can use this as a tool and also honor all of ourselves, all of it, like, we can take you as an INTJ slash INFJ. And and ask really thoughtful smart questions around. Okay, so then what does that mean? Like how do we blend these two things together? And, and really commit to honoring how I, how you, you know how you love to show up and feel good. And I encourage everyone to do that. Everyone. I mean, I get questions all the time about, like, I kind of feel like I'm to use different letters, I kind of feel like I'm an ENFP and also an E SFP. What do I do? The answer is always, let's look at both of those and blend them together. That that's totally allowed. You're allowed to do that. Yeah, like we can do whatever we want our businesses, and no two strategies are going to look the same. At the end of the day, what matters is Recognizing, believing and then living out the fact that mantra when I feel good, my audience feels good. And if that continues to be your Northstar, you can't lose. You can't lose.
Kate Kordsmeier 29:15
Yeah, I think that's so beautiful and, and just so true and powerful that we get to create our own rules. And like you've said, Myers Briggs can be an incredibly helpful tool. But it is just that it's just a tool to help us better understand ourselves, and it doesn't have to be this end all be all that oh my gosh, well, it said I'm an INTJ. So I couldn't possibly create a post that's long form or, you know, something like that, where it's still listening to your own intuition and what you know, to be be true as well and just using this as a tool for guidance, and yeah, I think that's, that's great. So we've kind of talked about The forest a little bit what some of the other things that the trees that would fit into marketing strategy would be content strategy, which we sort of just talked about with long form versus short form and social media strategy. You also talk about a lead magnet strategy. And I'm curious how you think those could differ based on your type.
Brit Kolo 30:22
Yeah, so and we're getting into what I deliver in the full reports. So if you you know, if you find what your marketing personality type is, you get your mini report, and you're like, Okay, this is super cool. Now, how do I apply this to everything I'm doing in my marketing strategy. That's what the full report is for. So yeah, so we go into content, we go into social and then we hit lead magnet. And so this is really fun. This gets really really fun because again, just like everything, so many shirts, you know, and we always go through trends too with lead magnets. It's like you do a summit or you do a quiz or you Do a template or you do like, you know, there's just so many options and so many trends. So rather than follow all of that, because you'll literally if you do follow it, you'll just be creating a new lead magnet every month or every week, because it's always changing. So what I find just kind of high level, and I break the personality types up into tribes for tribes, because there are 16 types. And then we break we kind of categorize those 16 types into four tribes. So one of the tribes is called analyst, the analyst tribe, which you're in as an INTJ. These people are intuitive thinkers, these people typically have a really great strategy system for what they do. And so if they can showcase that system, that strategy in their lead magnet, that's going to be really powerful because you don't think about things differently than other people. So usually I tell analysts to think about how they might share a spreadsheet, you'll have really good spreadsheets, or like, yes, spreadsheets tools, like how do you use a specific tool because again, you think differently, and you're masters at using technology. So how to use this tool. And then once you know it, this is always difficult for me because it's different for every single type. But just overall in the tribe, that's what we're looking at when we're looking when we're talking to an analyst, tribe member. The next tribe is the diplomat tribe, which I'm in these are intuitive feelers, this tribe, they love depth, they go deep, they love that indoctrination piece. And so typically, this looks like a series of content pieces. So whether that's blog or podcast, or even webinar training series. Some diplomat's like the webinar, lead magnet, some don'ts. I don't want to blanket that over everything, but it's all about that in depth teaching. Mm hmm. The third tribe is the Sentinel tribe. These, these people are order driven. And they typically have really great templates for things. And so I recommend to them to share their templates offer a template as their lead magnet. And then finally, the fourth tribe is the Explorer tribe, this tribe of personality types they are, they're action oriented, like they, if anybody's going to rebel against having a marketing strategy in the first place. It's going to be people in the Explorer type because they just like to, they like just throwing stuff at the wall and seeing what sticks you know, they don't always love the strategy. So for them, I encourage them to offer a try before you buy kind of offer as the lead magnet. So that might look like if they let's say they have a membership site. This is like a $1 trial or, or even a free two day trial or something like that. If they're more of a coach, this might look like a complimentary strategy call. It's very action oriented, let's get them into the actual service or, or using the actual product that we sell. And that's the lead magnet. And then later on, we actually sell them that thing for money. Right. So that kind of overall that's the that's the high level view for the lead magnets. Wow,
Kate Kordsmeier 34:37
that's super helpful. And it was interesting. We mentioned the like the rebellion that's inherent in these explorers because, as you said, my type is an analyst. But when you get into talking about work style, and how that can differ based on your tribe or your type, mine actually was telling me on your site that I tend to be rebellious, but not just for real valiance sake, that it's more that I'm questioning everything around me all the time, which I can when I read that I was like, Oh, yes, that is me to a tee. I'm always questioning why or how things are done the way that they're done. And this helps me strategize a better way to do things. So I'm rebelling against just kind of like doing things the way they've always been done because I'm looking at it and going well, could we could we improve upon this? Could we make it better? So I'd love to talk more about just that work style in general and for some of the other types since I've tried since I just kind of set shared the analysts. If you want to share the other three, that'd be awesome.
Brit Kolo 35:43
Yeah, I love this. Again, this is another tree that we get into in the in the, in the full report. So work style definitely differs. I did a whole podcast episode. I want to say it probably went live maybe January, February. of 2020 about how to set up your work schedule based on your personality type because, again, lots of options, lots of people out there telling you how to you need to batch your work or you need to work this many hours and this is that no, like, okay, that's fine if it works for you, but what's gonna work for me based on me and my personality type, right, so yeah, so analysts tribe, constant questioners, always asking how can I make this better? That's cool for you, but like, how can I How can I improve upon this system? So you as far as work style goes, pretty much anything I say you're gonna go find a better way to do it anyway. So go go go ahead and do that. And I laugh about that with my within. You know, I always bring that levity and that humor to anytime I'm talking with, especially an INTJ, because it's like, okay, you're listening, but you're also So I'm going to find a really great way to do this on your own anyway. So I don't really have to teach you on on how to do this. Now the diplomat tribe, again, they love depth, and they need lots of space and time to feel like they've done their best work. So for a diplomat, tribe member, to just have little tiny, like chunks of their day for anything. That's not enough. They need they feel like they need three hours, or four hours or five hours or an entire day chunked out for one thing, one big project so they can go deep into that. The Sentinel tribe members, again, they're order driven, they're going to stick to a routine so as long as they have that template ID routine mapped out, they're gonna stick to that they're very good. I will, I will say this, the Sentinel tribe. If anybody is going to just work the plan, it's going to be somebody in the Sentinel tribe, like is there just given a plan? They're gonna work the plan, period, like, show up do it. They're super reliable like that.
Kate Kordsmeier 38:09
Yeah, I have a friend that's coming top of mine that I'm like, oh, yep, she is definitely a sentinel because she loves having like strict routine and just following it to a tee every single day. And just as we're going over this, too, I know you mentioned analysts are usually entities intuitive thinkers, diplomats are usually intuitive feelers so and F's, and then the Sentinels that you're speaking of right now that I love the order. They're usually the S J's, the sensors, and judging versus the explorers being the sensors and peas. So just in case anybody was like, What are these tribes, you're talking about which one you fall into, just want to give, give that quick background and let them know to That on that 16 personalities comm site, you can learn more about each of the tribes and figure out where you fit as well.
Brit Kolo 39:08
Yeah, and we and I go deeper into that in your mini report. So, and the mini report is for you guys, that's a that's just a free lead magnet that you can grab. So I go deeper into that so you can self identify for your type but also within your tribe. And I find that to be as we're talking about this on a podcast on my podcast to speak about it in tribal language is often a lot easier and it keeps people actually listening because otherwise we'd be doing 16 different versions of the same thing but but yeah, that's that's all explained so if you're, if you're not a crazy Myers Briggs versed person like I am at this point, that's okay. We make it very simple at marketing personalities calm. We'll explain it And the best part is you don't have to remember anything except what applies to you. And that's the beauty of it.
Kate Kordsmeier 40:09
Yeah, exactly. So, uh, sorry to have interrupted because we were just talking about the different tribes and then they're like work style. And so you said the Sentinel. They're gonna love those template ID routines. And then let's finish up with the explorers. What's their work style generally look like?
Brit Kolo 40:28
Yeah, the explorers like to not have a routine not have a strategy and they they most love their freedom. So if something comes in to, to attack or sacrifice, or even threaten their freedom, they're not going to like that. And so an explorer is living their best life when they can choose what they do at every hour. And it's not necessarily planned out ahead of time. They are in the moment. Taking action doing what they want to do no pre plans, which for a lot of other types were like, wait, what, but that is how people work. I mean, that's just how, how it goes for them. And if they can, and this goes for anybody, regardless of how anybody else operates in the world, whether it relates to their work style, your marketing strategy, your business you it doesn't matter. Regardless of how anybody else operates, at the end of the day, you're going to be your best in business, in life, in work, whatever. You're going to be your best when you show up as you and when you honor how you naturally prefer to live. It might go against your pre programming, it might go against the beliefs that have been ingrained in you and and i'm not To be completely honest, Kate like a lot of my work, yes, it's about marketing. And yes, it's about personality types. But really the majority of my work is reframing the beliefs that people have been taught throughout their life. Because at one point or another, we've been told that how we naturally operate is not how we should operate. And in it, this stuff is ingrained like this stuff comes in. In early childhood even this is not just something that we've learned since college this is this is ingrained in us and it goes so deep, which I love, right, but there's gonna there might be some work that you have to do around under like really honoring, choosing to honor how you naturally want to show up in the world and want to live and want to run your business and want to market regardless of what you may have believed In the past, regardless of how your parents told you to be, regardless of how this marketing group guru tells you to operate, like none of that really matters. You got to tap into you. Yeah, that's it. It's that's
Kate Kordsmeier 43:15
so beautiful and it is harder than it sounds because we it's like almost that you until you start doing the work of reframing and reprogramming you don't realize how much you really have been conditioned to believe. One great book that I've just started reading this past week that's helping me me with this is Glenn and Doyle's untamed. Hmm, I don't know if you've read that. I mean, it has nothing to do with Myers Briggs, but it's a lot about going back into Who are we really and what do we want not What does society tell us? Or what does our family tell us what our friends doing or our peers? What do we want
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I know also in your full report, you give some recommendations for books and podcasts and readings and things like that. You want to share a couple, maybe for each tribe, or even just if there's one that applies to everybody that you think is just a great resource.
Brit Kolo 46:00
Yeah, so I go in in the full report and I, I give you specific business book recommendations based on your personality type. So, you know, I haven't met an entrepreneur yet that doesn't like to read about entrepreneurship like we, even if we don't read it, maybe we listened to it, or we watched the TED talk or what I mean, we're learners, we can't help it. So. So I do give those business book recommendations. I would say I'll give one for each of the tribes. So for the analyst tribe, my best book business book recommendation is predictably irrational by day. I believe it's Dan Ariely for the diplomat tribe, I give. Start with why by Simon Sinek definitely start with why. Sentinel tribe, this is Oh, Sentinel tribe, I would recommend playing big by Tara Moore. game changer. I loved that book. And the Explorer tribe. Hmm, let me think through Oh, definitely chill printer by Denise Duffield Thomas. So see it's like, once we start knowing once we start, like knowing more about ourselves and understanding what these letters actually mean, we can apply it to literally anything. And for me, you know what I've done is I've set up a website that delivers automatically all of this information to you and mini report form, full report form, courses, whatever, like I've got all that and then what I get to do on a daily basis, I get to show up and I get to give you basically I just hand out permission slips. Every day I get I get up, I log on and I hand out permission slips Any and everyone that needs one to say, hey, like, I mean, you could go read all the business books out there. But here are four or five or six that speak literally exactly the way you speak. So it's gonna it's going to be in the language that you already use it it's delivered in the way that you already think and so boom, there you go, let's start there and I just give you permission to not do all the things but do just these couple of things and see how it works. So yeah, well I mean we could I apply it to everything but related to the work style thing. I did a I did a podcast episode and a big guide at the beginning of the year of what planner to use, like annual or planner based on your personality type, like, again, like let's apply it to that. Let's see. Let's see how many things we can apply this to like the list is endless.
Kate Kordsmeier 48:57
Yeah, the planner thing is so interesting because I've tried a billion different planners, as I'm sure most people who are like trying to take control of their time and figure out a system that works for them have as well. And that's really interesting that that you found that the research shows Yeah, different types of planners work for different types of people. And I think that's why knowing this is so much more powerful than just having it be like a fun party conversation starter of like, what's your type? Let's chat, you know, that that really getting to know yourself and I love the permission slip analogy that just giving people permission to like, be you. It's okay. And oh, we need that, especially as women for sure. Mm hmm.
Brit Kolo 49:49
Like you said earlier, it's it's not always easy because there are limiting beliefs very deeply ingrained in us whether we recognize that or not, but that's the beauty of The work that I feel like I get to do now is, you know, the reports, they get you pretty far. I mean, they give you a lot of insight. And then once you get all that insight and you read through and you're like, Oh my gosh, this is amazing, right? Like, this, this is gonna feel good. You know, more often than not right after that thought is like, but can I do that? Should I do this? Like, I don't know, you know, those, those prior beliefs start coming in. And that's when I get to, I feel like live my best life and come in and say, Hey, we're gonna do this together. Like I get, I get that you have reservations here, I get that this is really fun and attractive and catchy. Like, who doesn't want to go to a website and find out what their marketing personality type is like? That sounds super fun. Let's go do that. And and a lot of people do it right. Great way to build my email list. But the thing, the thing is like, I'm not here just to build an email. I'm here to To help you actually put this into play, because that's when we actually change our businesses, and therefore change the industry that we're in and also change our lives. So you're going to get all this insight. And then you're going to implement it. And I'm going to be right there with that encouragement with those permission slips with more guides, resources, blog posts, whatever it is podcast episode, to encourage you along the way to say like, yeah, I'm still committed to this. This is worth me committing to because this is really where the results that I've always wanted, this is where it lies. So I mean, it's not always easy. It's a little harder than it kind of looks on the outset. It's catchy at first and then it's like, Oh, I got to do some work here. But in the end, in the end, it's it's super worth it and I love now at this point, we're at the point where marketing personalities calm has existed for long enough where people who picked up on it right in the beginning, you know, when I first launched it, they're now not only sharing with their business friends yeah go to marketing personalities, but they've listened to me for long enough where they're I'm hearing them and I'm seeing their Instagram captions and I'm, I'm reading their emails and I'm and they're they're reporting back to me how the way in which I've supported them after finding out what their marketing personality type is now they're able to tell their business friend, hey, like, this is really cool. Go find out what your marketing personality type is. And here's how you actually get to implement it like I'm seeing the ripple effect of Yes, this is really cool. And guess what we get to go do this now. The the conversation is changing around it, which is I cannot tell you how excited I am about that because my my goal was never to just create a cool quiz on the internet. Like that was not the point. I mean, it's fine. That's cool. But I can really I'm really seeing the the ripple effect of the impact happening now, which I'm man, I'm so grateful that we're here.
Kate Kordsmeier 53:10
Yeah, it is really that is amazing and I mean it's like anything the insight and the knowledge is is powerful in itself but without implementation and action, it's kind of pointless So I love that you're helping people both get that insight and then figure out how to implement Okay, now what what's the next step? So everyone definitely go check out marketing personalities calm, you've got a great podcast to also called marketing personalities, anywhere else people can find you.
Brit Kolo 53:43
Those are the two places and if obviously the best best way The easiest way to go find out what your marketing personality type is and start this journey of implementation is marketing personalities calm and I'm sure you've linked to it in the show notes right so super easy. Absolutely,
Kate Kordsmeier 54:01
yeah, we did. So before we officially wrap up, I do have five questions that I asked everyone at the end. And it's just a quick lightning round like don't overthink it. First thing that comes to your mind. So, first question is what is your favorite way to make time for self care while running your business? And maybe before you answer, we should just remind people again that you are an nfj. And so if other people listening are NF J's, maybe they'll resonate with your answers to these.
Brit Kolo 54:32
I made this switch in my mind a couple of years ago that has made all the difference. I i understand that my week starts on Sunday. So a lot of times, you know, I had lived most of my life thinking that my week started on Monday. But now I understand. I believe that my week starts on Sunday, and for me, Sunday has always meant a filling up of my own cup. And so by mentoring starting my week on Sunday, and allowing Sunday to not be pour out, pour out, pour out, like serve everybody in my business, answer all the emails, like all that stuff. It's, I fill up first and then I continue through my week. I think when I did that right around the time I started my business, and I think that that's really changed. I think that's just changed me. Overall. It's, yeah, does that mean I never get to like a place where I feel like I'm empty. I definitely have for sure for sure. It gets out of whack, you know, but for the most part, I think that that really helps me on a week to week basis.
Kate Kordsmeier 55:46
Yeah, that's awesome. I love that. What is one tool could be a strategy or it could be just like a software or planner, something that you use to help with time management,
Brit Kolo 55:58
time management, so I'm super rely on Google Calendar. I mean, who doesn't but g cow got my heart. And I used to use Asana a lot, but you know what i have? I've kind of moved away from that. And I've been relying super heavily on air table lately, which, if you're a fan of mine, or you've, you know, I do give recommendations on what task management tools to use based on personality type and air table, I recommend mostly to the analyst tribe, not my tribe. But I still really love air table, and I and I love using it and so that's the one that I use.
Kate Kordsmeier 56:41
Okay, awesome. I looked into air table before and then I think I got distracted with something else and didn't go back to it. But I am an analyst. So I should go back and check it out.
Brit Kolo 56:53
It could be fun.
Kate Kordsmeier 56:54
Yeah. So you already answered four books for each of them. tribe's the question that I usually ask is what's the most powerful business or mindset or entrepreneurial book you've ever read? And if you have a different answer, that's a book that you want to share from your own personal library, that would be great. Or if you'd rather do like a podcast or some other resource or something like that, that's totally fine, too.
Brit Kolo 57:20
Yeah, for me, I would say, in my own experience, one of the most impactful books was a book called The go giver. It's a it's written as a story like an allegory. And it it's a business book, but it's written kind of in a fictional way. And I just, I go back to that story, I go back to that book, like at least once a year, and I've done that since I think the first time I read it was like 2017. So I go back to it, and I just read through it and there are just beautiful lessons mixed into the story that are just timeless. I love that book.
Kate Kordsmeier 57:59
Oh, that's a Awesome. I haven't heard of that. Definitely adding it to my list. Do you have a favorite quote or mantra or affirmation related to business?
Brit Kolo 58:10
Hmm, I do. It's pretty much I'm looking around my office right now it's on, it's on my big whiteboard. And it's anytime I make a list on a piece of paper, I put it at the top. Because it's something that I literally have to remind myself all the time. And it's God is my source. And I say that I need to be reminded that all the time because for a long time, I poured so much into my business. And I would get so frustrated with myself and with my business because I was putting so much pressure on it to be my source of everything, my the source of my joy, the source of my income clients everything. And then I read a book called The four spiritual laws of prosperity. And this book totally changed. It made me realize the pressure that I was putting on my business. And how really God is my source and you can say universe you can, whatever, I don't care about that. But for me, God is my source. I say it all the time. I have it written everywhere. And it just brings me back to like, Oh, yeah, I don't need to put all the pressure on myself or my business or anything. Like the source of all is like much bigger than all of this and we're all gonna be okay.
Kate Kordsmeier 59:30
Come around. I love that so beautiful. So last question. As you know, the name of the podcast is Success with Soul. So what does Success with Soul mean to you? Hmm,
Brit Kolo 59:43
yeah, I love that name. As soon as I saw it, I was like, yep, I could listen to that. That's right up my alley. To me, Success with Soul tells me that it's success. Driven by Your true core of who you are. It's not, it's not success, because someone else has told you that that's what success looks like. You haven't reached that point of success operating out of shoulds. And what people tell you you should be doing and it's it's very aligned with what we've been talking about today, you know, defining what success means to you. And then getting there through a way that continues to align with your, I mean, your soul is like the most core true essence of who you are. Right? And so, it's that question of like, how do I develop goals, success goals out of who I truly am and then how do I wake up every day and I move a little bit closer, a little bit closer to those goals in a way that continues to align with who I am. Uh huh. That's it.
Kate Kordsmeier 1:00:56
Yeah. I love that. Very much agree. Thank you so much for coming on. I learned so much as usual and I'm sure our listeners did too. So everyone Remember to go check out Brit's website, get your mini report, upgrade to the full report and we will see you next time.
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